When you leave the Temple of Lolth after receiving the Fetch the Blood of a Neighboring Race quest, you will meet Taso Kala outside the Female Fighters' Society at 9 on the Ust Natha map. She orders you to eradicate the remains of a Ghaunadaur cult. There's not much point arguing, so...
Just go to the platform at 16. Before descending, prepare for battle.
On the platform awaits a couple of Ghaunadaur Priests, a Mage, a couple of Otyughs, and a selection of Jellys and Slimes. Kill everything. The Priests drop Drow Elven Chain +3 and Drow Flail +3.
Report back to Taso Kala, who offers neither thanks nor reward. Typical Drow.
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"Hmph. Being around this group too long is sort of like having the Calimshite itch, isn't it? Except for the uncomfortable burning sensation. And the rash. But still." -Jan Jansen, Baldur's Gate II