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Death to Free Speech in the Netherlands

Discussion in 'Alley of Dangerous Angles' started by The Great Snook, Jan 26, 2009.

  1. The Great Snook Gems: 31/31
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    Adored Veteran

    May 15, 2003
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    How is this possible? I know there are more than a few Dutch here so I was hoping to get the rest of the story as this seems unbelievable to me. I make no claim as to the accuracy or bias of the reporter and/or the website linked.

    dmc likes this.
  2. Saber

    Saber A revolution without dancing is not worth having! Veteran

    Dec 2, 2004
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    What the deuce?! I... am speechless.

    o.0 I can go screaming in the streets "I hate God!!!!!!11," but the only thing people can legally do (at least here in the U.S.) is give me angry glares... blasphemy as LEGAL crime (as opposed to a religious crime) is... well, outrageous, at least from a U.S. view. Have the Netherlands been traditionally religious in the sense that they do not separate church from state?

    Is there an article from an impartial news source besides this? (Not saying that this is wrong, only that it is mostly opinion).
  3. martaug Gems: 23/31
    Latest gem: Black Opal

    Sep 3, 2002
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  4. Morgoroth

    Morgoroth Just because I happen to have tentacles, it doesn'

    Mar 4, 2003
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    Yeah, this would be illegal in Finland too most likely. When you start making comparisons to Mein Kampf around here you are bound to end up in trouble. The main reason for these laws is the preventation of violence between ethnic groups and preventing the picturing of one religion or ethnicity as inherently lesser than the other. I'd also like to point out that these laws are old, and have been in place since WWII and are mainly legacies from there. Therefore they have not been placed to appease islamism or terrorist or anything of the kind. That thinktank article is really not painting a correct picture of the event and one should rather read the BBC-article to see what it's all about since the thinktank is obviously lacking in its understanding of Dutch laws.

    It's not really as Saber called it blasphemy though. That's a different law and I'm not quite sure if it exists anywhere in Europe anymore. In Finland laws about blasphemy were removed in the early 80'ies. Oh and the legal separation of church and state is not all that usual in Europe, most states have state sponsored religions which is usually the Roman Catholic Church or some local protestant church.
  5. The Magister Gems: 26/31
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    Oct 17, 2006
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    Bloody hell. This guy may end up executed for making a 10 minute video...seriously what the hell is going on. :nolike:
  6. Morgoroth

    Morgoroth Just because I happen to have tentacles, it doesn'

    Mar 4, 2003
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    No he won't, the EU does not extradict people to countries where they might face the death penalty, even less so with their own citizen. Neither do we send people to be tried for crimes that aren't actually illegal here. The claim in the article that the Netherlands are seriously considering extradition is quite simply false and shows the overall ignorance of whoever wrote that piece of tripe. Him getting killed by a radical muslim is another matter though and while I find that somewhat unlikely it has happened before.
    Last edited: Jan 27, 2009
  7. Taluntain

    Taluntain Resident Alpha and Omega Staff Member ★ SPS Account Holder Resourceful Adored Veteran Pillars of Eternity SP Immortalizer (for helping immortalize Sorcerer's Place in the game!) New Server Contributor [2012] (for helping Sorcerer's Place lease a new, more powerful server!) Torment: Tides of Numenera SP Immortalizer (for helping immortalize Sorcerer's Place in the game!) BoM XenForo Migration Contributor [2015] (for helping support the migration to new forum software!)

    Jun 11, 2000
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    You know how political correctness in the U.S. has been brought to the heights of absurdity, where a mere glance taken the wrong way by a woman is grounds for a sexual harassment lawsuit? Well, certain European countries with a large population of Muslim immigrants have the same climate aimed at protecting the sensibilities of the Muslims, for well known reasons - the slightest provocation is enough to get masses of them rioting on the streets, and the countries that have been the most friendly to them are now literally being held hostage in this way through years of not enforcing or requiring immigrant assimilation.

    It's a huge problem recognized by pretty much everyone (quite a few prominent sociologists among them), but few dare to speak up about it out of collective fear of the repercussions - much like in the U.S., where it's far safer to shut up and pretend you don't see the absurdity of various sexual harassment lawsuits than to speak up and say that one instance or another of it is ridiculous. Though America is still far better off because you're just likely to lose your job over something like that, whereas provoking the Muslim world is quite likely to get you killed.

    The premise is similar in both cases, it just involves different groups of the population that were at some point perceived to be weaker and in need of additional protection. It's a situation that can only result in abuse when left unchecked, and that will quite inevitably result in abuse when allowed to go over the line up to which it still made sense to enforce it.

    Though Wilders' case is extreme, there have been dozens of similar incidents over the years over far lesser provocations where people got killed for publishing or saying anything negative about Islam, true or not. The fact that there's little condemnation of this type of thing from the Muslim population afterwards can only make people conclude that the majority of the Muslims either silently support the killings, or are at best indifferent to them, which is hardly any better.
    Last edited: Jan 27, 2009
  8. LKD Gems: 31/31
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    Aug 13, 2002
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    I just finished reading Tarek Fateh's book Chasing a Mirage. He is a Muslim who is firmly opposed to radical Islam and free-speech stifling organizations like OIC. I highly recommend it to everyone. If the Netherlands does convict this poor fellow or even worse extradite him to a theocratic hellhole like Jordan they will lose major respect in the international community.
  9. The Shaman Gems: 28/31
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    Oct 18, 2004
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    The Netherlands extraditing a Dutch MP to Jordan is absurd. I don't think any EU country would extradite anyone, probably even illegal immigrants, to a country where he can be put to the death. That Wilders would be tried in any Arabic country is about as likely as Queen Beatrice (did I spell her name right) setting up a lemonade stand in Istanbul.

    However, as far as I know hate speech is a crime and if the court decides that he was guilty they should face the consequences. Personally, I found the concept of such a movie tasteless and/or offensive - not to mention it probably won't help the problem with minorities. What can be more dangerous in this case are the MPs previous comments, which as far as I can see were much more inflammatory than the movie itself. I believe any reference to the Nazi regime is taken very seriously in the Netherlands, probably more than in most other countries, due to the country's past, and the topic of "hate speech" is a sensitive one. To put it bluntly, the guy was playing with fire, . Of course, I would also hold minorities responsible to the full extent of the law for any agitation - whether from a soapbox or a pulpit - against other ethnic or religious groups. If some radicals in the Netherlands were guilty of inciting hate crimes, I hope they are called in court too. The law should be the same for everyone.

    Personally, I don't think that he is in any serious danger from the court. Not everyone who is charged is sentenced, and I doubt he would get more than a minor fine.
    Last edited: Jan 27, 2009
  10. Fabius Maximus Gems: 19/31
    Latest gem: Aquamarine

    Feb 18, 2003
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    "Masses"? "Rioting" :lol:

    Tell me one example of this happening in a european country, please. 'Til then, I say your claim is false. You have either no idea, or you lie deliberatly.

    Also, state one example besides Theo van Gogh where this has happened.

    To the matter at hand:
    The court overreacted. Fitna is such a trite and amateurish movie that everyone except Wilders and his extreme right followers already had forgotten. This whole affair is a major PR victory for Wilders.

    Does he have the right to publish it? Yes, I think so. Does the people who feel insulted have a right to sue him? They have. Is the movie grossly stupid? Without doubt. But that is not a matter for a court to decide. Everyone with a functioning brain can see that.
  11. The Shaman Gems: 28/31
    Latest gem: Star Sapphire

    Oct 18, 2004
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    Well, there were some protests in support of the Palestinians in Gaza during the last clash between Israel and Hamas. Doubt that counts though. Ironically, far right groups are just as, if not more, likely to take to the streets and riot.
  12. NOG (No Other Gods)

    NOG (No Other Gods) Going to church doesn't make you a Christian

    Jul 25, 2005
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    Ok, here's where I'm really confused. If the movie really does consist only of quotes from the Koran and videos of radiccal Imams (presumably at least some in the Neatherlands), and it is deemed hate speach, how are the things it quotes not?
  13. hannibal555 Gems: 9/31
    Latest gem: Iol

    Jan 5, 2006
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    Tal is right.
    In most cases these events won't find its way to the big media.
    Just one example of my hometown Cologne:
    Last year a German killed a Turk in self-defense.The Turk was a previously convicted adolescent who tried to rob the German with his gang.
    As a result lots of angry people (muslim migrants) walked the streets after the process had made to the victim of the robbery, who wanted a harder punishment.
    With a bit of internet recherche one can find more of these issues, I am sure.

    This alone is bad enough.
    But he isn't the only European victim of a religious motivated murderer.
    I don't know of any other publicly known victim but there are a lot of lesser known victims.
    Alone the big number of 'honor murder' cases are sad.
    Not to speak of many people who have to be officially protected for fear of murder like Wilders or Ayaan Hirsi which are only two Dutch examples.
    I am sure, if it weren't for the solid protection, there would be much more cases of murder, like it happened to van Gogh.
    Last edited: Jan 27, 2009
  14. Montresor

    Montresor Mostly Harmless Staff Member ★ SPS Account Holder

    Aug 11, 2005
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    A couple of examples:

    1) France, a couple of years ago. Two youths hid from the police in a transformer station, got themselves electrocuted, and Paris and other French cities were subjected to massive riots.

    2) Copenhagen, Denmark last year. After Danish police was granted extensive rights to search people for weapons in certain areas in Copenhagen (after several knifing incidents), youths of mainly Arabic origin rioted for several nights, claiming police racism.

    One is one too many. And one, plus the implicated threat that there just might be more, is enough to shut up a large number of critics.

    Many prominent people living under permanent police protection and/or in permanent hiding: Ayaan Hirsi-Ali, Geert Wilders, Salman Rushdie. Naser Khadar, founder of the Danish organisation "Moderate Muslims", is considered a fallen Muslim and lives with death threats. Same goes for Nyamko Sabuni, the Congo-born Swedish minister for Integration and Gender Equality.

    EDIT: For the record, I should probably add that I consider Geert Wilders a demagogue of the worst kind. But he still has a right to speak his mind, just like childish and immature newspaper editors in Denmark have a right to publish cartoons of the prophet Mohammed. And I have a right to denounce such stupid behaviour.
    Last edited: Jan 27, 2009
  15. Ragusa

    Ragusa Eternal Halfling Paladin Veteran

    Nov 26, 2000
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    I agree that Geert Wilders will never be extradited.

    That said, he is a demagogue and provocateur who lives off 'the Muslim threat'. Interesting article on him in Haaretz: "Far-right Dutch politician brings his anti-Islam rhetoric back to Jerusalem"
    Clearly, a man of moderation. It is unsurprising that he draws violent reaction, from people no less stark in their own views as he himself. The worse part of it is that, as long as his harangues can provoke enough fundamentalists into threatening him, he can point to their predictable reaction as proof for this claims.

    He's just another 'rainmaker'.
  16. LKD Gems: 31/31
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    Aug 13, 2002
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    Ragusa, the guy may be an idiot and a rainmaker, but dammit he has the right to speak his mind. People say all sorts of ignorant stuff about Jesus Christ but nobody threatens to kill them in a liberal democracy. Yet when Muslim extremists make death threats, tons of otherwise rational people rally behind them and start making excuses for them. I say enough is enough -- we need to make it crystal clear to the Muslim community that they are totally welcome to practice their religion but they are also expected to respect the rights of others to speak their minds.

    I am opposed to hate speech, as in "Let's all go out and kill all the Exxians in our country", but it is not hate speech to say "I really don't like the Exxians and what they do -- let's go out and oppose them through legal channels" The whole hate speech concept is being twisted and distorted by people seeking to stifle free speech and rational debate. We need to denounce this sort of crap.
  17. Taluntain

    Taluntain Resident Alpha and Omega Staff Member ★ SPS Account Holder Resourceful Adored Veteran Pillars of Eternity SP Immortalizer (for helping immortalize Sorcerer's Place in the game!) New Server Contributor [2012] (for helping Sorcerer's Place lease a new, more powerful server!) Torment: Tides of Numenera SP Immortalizer (for helping immortalize Sorcerer's Place in the game!) BoM XenForo Migration Contributor [2015] (for helping support the migration to new forum software!)

    Jun 11, 2000
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    [Edit: I started this response a couple of hours back but only completed it now as I've been away. I see a few people during this time have made the same points I'm making in my own post, so excuse any duplication.]

    I'll just list a few, there are plenty more if you care to look:


    I appreciate the fact that your own ignorance (maybe reading a newspaper every once in a while would help) makes you oblivious to what's been going on across Europe in the last few years, but your accusations of me lying are getting a bit old. I suggest you read up on our rules before making any unfounded accusations like that again. Looking up some rules of civilized debate would also help your obviously lacking skills in this area.

    I know of a few other murder cases but I don't recall the names of those who have been murdered by heart. The numbers of actual revenge murders have gone down since van Gogh's because everyone receiving death threats or fatwas from Muslims is now under armed police protection day and night. Why do you think Wilders is still alive? Or Ayaan Hirsi Ali, who scripted van Gogh's film? Maybe it's news to you that their lives are constantly being threatened and that they won't be able to go anywhere without an armed escort for the rest of their lives?

    Of course, you may not consider constant death threats and rape sprees as something worth mentioning in this debate...
    LKD likes this.
  18. joacqin

    joacqin Confused Jerk Adored Veteran Pillars of Eternity SP Immortalizer (for helping immortalize Sorcerer's Place in the game!)

    Apr 4, 2001
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    At least the French riots had very little to do with religion and freedom of speech. They were social upheavals in poor immigrant dominated neighbourhoods. More akin to what happened recently in Greece or even the riots that took place after the police beat up that man in LA.
  19. LKD Gems: 31/31
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    Aug 13, 2002
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    I know Mark Steyn can be a bit of a jerk, but take a look here -- why are we giving these people a free pass for stunninlgy unacceptable behaviour? Why is criticizing their hate speech something that we cringe at doing, and something that gets the honest criticism labelled itself as hate speech.
  20. Ragusa

    Ragusa Eternal Halfling Paladin Veteran

    Nov 26, 2000
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    All nice and well. Never mind the Islamists, Wilders himself is a bag of trouble.

    Point is, we do have laws against hate speech in my country, and what Wilders says is probably as covered by it, as the reaction of Islamists raving against him. In Germany Wilders would probably violate §§ 130 II, 166 StGB, committing the crime of Volksverhetzung (and of insulting religions confessions). That the Islamists threatening to kill this loon are committing their own crimes is another matter.

    There's a limit to what is acceptable in speech, and the sort of liberal and neutral tolerance Germany had in the Weimar Republic was abused by the Republic's illiberal enemies to subvert it from within. When talk becomes inflammatory to the extent that it threatens the public peace and violates the rights of others or for instance denigrates a faith and it's faithful or ethnic groups it is no longer acceptable. I certainly know that Islamists are intolerant, but so is Wilders. They are two sides of the same coin.
    Last edited: Jan 28, 2009
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