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Stuff in DA. Conspiracies, quirks, and whatsnot. *SPOILERS*

Discussion in 'Dragon Age: Origins' started by Rawgrim, Jun 4, 2010.

  1. Rawgrim Gems: 21/31
    Latest gem: Pearl

    Dec 11, 2004
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    Ok so I ran into something on a forum. People listing up wierd, cool, and interesting stuff in DAO. Thought I should share them with the rest of you.
    Hope you like.

    - Bann Teagan can marry Kaitlyn.

    - There are no dwarven children present in the game. We see human children and elf children, but no dwarves.

    - A nursery rhyme spoken in the creepy elven orphanage implies that Loghain killed King Maric.

    - Wade and Herren are a couple (confirmed by David Gaider on the BioWare social forums)

    - No matter how you choose to deal with Connor, the Codex will always state that Isolde sacrificed herself to save him

    - Gorim buys everything at double price if your pc is a dwarven noble.

    - No one character can get all codex entries. For instance, there are 4 entries that the Human noble cannot get.

    - According to the toolset, the characters' ages are as follows:

    Alistair - 32
    Morrigan - 30
    Sten - 30
    Shale - 500
    Leliana - 26
    Dog - 3
    Oghren - 35
    Zevran - 24
    Wynne - 55
    Loghain - 50
    Player default - 20
    (I suspect the list is kind of wrong though. In-game anyway)

    - If the male Warden seduces Gheyna, you get something like like plus 7 with Wynne, but if the female Warden seduces Cammen, you loose points with her.

    - Leliana will kneel to kiss a dwarf, but with Alistair the dwarven PC is magically a foot or two taller when being kissed

    - When you ask Varathorn what he can make with the ironbark, he tells you he excels at making blades or he could make you a breatplate. Then when you bring said ironbark to him, he offers to make you a breatplate or a bow

    - Morrigan says that the ritual is performed "on the eve of battle" and yet it takes over two weeks to get from the Circle to Orzammar so it'll take MUCH longer than that to get from Redcliffe to Denerim even at a "forced march"

    - If you are a City Elf you're told that your mother trained you when you were young. However, later, if you talk to Morrigan the only thing you can tell her about your mother is "My mother died when I was born".

    - If an elf and a human has any offspring, the offspring will be human (Alistair is one)

    - Maric was one of the men Flemeth took into her hut, and possibly...you know. Making it a possebility that Morrigan is Alistair`s half-sister.

    Ok thats it. I just copied and pasted. If anyone has more stuff like this, please post.
  2. CelticDream

    CelticDream I play well with others... others, not you Veteran

    Mar 19, 2010
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    Where'd you find the info that Alistair is actually half-human? It's rumored that it's a possibility, but no where (that I've been) have I found any truth to the rumor.

    I also believe, if memory serves, that the City Elf says that her/his mother died when she/he was young, not when they were born. I've got a city elf right now and haven't gone through that conversation yet with Morrigan so will have to check... been a long while since my last city elf (first PC I made and that was back in January lol).

    Interesting list though :) Curious as to what four codex entries a human can't get...
  3. Rawgrim Gems: 21/31
    Latest gem: Pearl

    Dec 11, 2004
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    The stuff about Maric was in the books. First book is about Maric and Loghain. Loghain is actually a pretty big hero in it. Second one is about Maric allowing the gray wardens to move into Ferelden again. One of the wardens is a city elf, wich he knocks up. To hide the fact that he has been messing about with a city elf, they cock up a story to avoid a scandal. Alistair being the offspring. Duncan is in the second book as well. Guy is a rogue actually. I allways figured he was a warrior.
  4. Caradhras

    Caradhras I may be bad... but I feel gooood! Veteran

    Aug 13, 2004
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    Duncan is clearly a Rogue -remember the opening scene in which he kicks a Darkspawn over a cliff? Definitely a Rogue thing! ;)

    There are some interesting things and some very bad things in this list... Especially regarding the age of NPCs. By the way, if the PC is 20 how old would Bhelen be? 18? That's ridiculous. And Alistair at 32 would be way too old to be a Grey Warden rookie (unless he had been a Templar for 10 to 15 years which seems unlikely since he hasn't been hooked on lyrium yet).

    Wade and Herren being a couple is obvious.

    Regarding Half Elves being like Humans, this is stated somewhere in the wiki. There is also a hint that Slim Couldry is a Half Elf.

    I don't remember Leliana kneeling to kiss my Dwarf.

    The City Elf thing is not necessarily a mistake since it's what your character can tell Morrigan when she asks about his/her mother. Who said the PC couldn't lie? :)

    By the way, I've read about Morrigan supposedly being Alistair's half sister, my bet is that it is wishful thinking and that it probably results from people seeing too much in the reference to Morgan le Fay...
  5. Munchkin Blender Gems: 22/31
    Latest gem: Sphene

    Apr 18, 2007
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    You can add that the parts of the Chant of light are directly from the Catholic Bible hyms with GOD being replaced with the maker.

    As for the ages of the NPCs; I believe Alister and Morrigan are 22 and 20 and not 32 and 30. It would fit the game better since all of the NPCs seem to be close in age to the PC.
  6. Rawgrim Gems: 21/31
    Latest gem: Pearl

    Dec 11, 2004
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    I think Morrigan is older than 20 though. she looks alot older, and also kind of behaves older. i allways thought she was 28 or something. and Alistair being around 25.
  7. Munchkin Blender Gems: 22/31
    Latest gem: Sphene

    Apr 18, 2007
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    In my mind the PC, Alister, Morrigan, Leliana, and Zverran are all about the same age. Sten is about 5-10 years older. Shale; a few hundred years old. Orgren a bit older than Sten. Wynne the oldest other than Shale.
  8. Caradhras

    Caradhras I may be bad... but I feel gooood! Veteran

    Aug 13, 2004
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    I don't think Morrigan is younger than Alistair. Leliana is probably older than both Morrigan and Alistair as her past makes it impossible for her to be younger (life in Orlais, training as a bard and working for Marjolaine then a few years in Lothering, she can't be younger IMO).
  9. CelticDream

    CelticDream I play well with others... others, not you Veteran

    Mar 19, 2010
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    I'd honestly believe that Morrigan's age is probably correct, taking into effect the life she's had and her experiences, as well as already being quite jaded with how people are.

    Alistair I'd put at maybe somewhere between 25-27, but not 32.

    Leliana - I agree with Cara that she'd have to be older than the other two with what she's done, etc.

    Zevran I'd also have older than 24 - if he's been with the Crows and done what he's done, and considered one of the best (supposedly), I'd say he's at least 28-30.

    Wynne - she keeps saying how she's so old and probably won't live to see the circle rebuilt, etc., so while usually people didn't live to be as old during that era, I'd put her at older than 55.

    Loghain - 50 seems like it could be about right.

    Sten - I'd put him at around 35, Oghren at 40.

    PC? I've always thought of mine of being in the mid 20's because any younger and you wonder what kind of knowledge they'd truly have with any weapon skill, especially a city elf since they were trained young, and in secret, by mom.
  10. Rawgrim Gems: 21/31
    Latest gem: Pearl

    Dec 11, 2004
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    Loghain`s age is abit odd i think. His looks at least. in the books he is a few years older than Maric, and Maric`s gf Rowena tells them that her brothers, Aemon, and the other fellows, are hidden away because they are still just children. So that makes Loghain at least 10 years older than Arl Aemon. If i remember correctly; Loghain is close to 30 when Cailan is born. So won`t that mean that Loghain is at least 60ish in the game?
    I suspect there is some inconcistancies in the books though.
  11. Munchkin Blender Gems: 22/31
    Latest gem: Sphene

    Apr 18, 2007
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    He is my assumptions for each character….

    PC – regardless of you origin you are around 25 years of age, maybe younger or older and here are the reasons.

    Mage – You have been at the tower for 10+ years I imagine and are now taking your training. I imagine most magical talents do not show until the child reaches early adolescents. This would make the mage PC 20-25 years old depending on when he/she discovered their magical talent.

    City Elf – You are getting married and your father has paid for your spouse – my guess is it is time to grow up. This might put the City Elf at a younger age than some other origins. I’m guessing between the ages of 18-25 more on the younger side.

    Dalish Elf – This is the hardest origin to really determine as you could be as young as 15 and as old as 35; it all depends on how long it took the PC to mature and become a skilled hunter.

    Dwarf Noble – This origin the PC is about 25-30 because your younger bother is in his early 20’s and your older brother is probably around 30ish.

    Dwarf Commoner – In this origin you are taking care of your younger sister who I believe is between the ages of 15 and 21. If that is the case the PC is between the ages of 16 and 30. I’m going with the age of 21 for your sister and 22-26 for the PC.

    Human Noble – In this origin I believe the brother is late twenties or early 30’s. If that is the case the PC is about 5-6 younger making the PC around the ages of 22 and 26 years old.

    Alister – He was raised by his uncle until he was about 10-12 years old, maybe a little bit older. From there he was sent to the Chantry and was there for about 10 years, maybe a little more or less. He is around the same age as the PC, maybe a bit older or younger.

    Morrigan – She states that she did things when she was younger and as a teenager and that she was foolish and learned that power is the only thing that mattered early on in life. 10 years can seem like a lot of time passing for someone who is 25 or 26 years old. My guess is that Morrigan is about 26-28 given that time is relative to the individual talking about it.

    Liliana – She was a bard and did train under Lady M. However she was raised by her from a young age and may have completed her last task between the ages of 18-21. Given her time in jail and time at the Chantry I believe she is around the ages of 21-25.

    Zvarran – In his story he talks about being bought by the crows at a very young age; I’m guessing he was under the age of ten. He was trained by them and than started being their assassin and eventually became their top assassin. Depending on how quickly he learned and if you didn’t learn quickly with the crows you died, so I’m guessing by the age of 15 he was already out and about as a low level assassin for the crows and by the ripe age of 21-25 he is their top assassin especially since the crows killed any assassin who fails to kill their target.

    Orgren – I really don’t know his back story or too much about his past other than he married a smith who became the most recent paragon and he was one of the best warrior prior to her departure to find the anvil of the void which occurred about 2 years ago. His age could be between 35 and 40.

    Wynne - Depending how old is old for humans I would guess her age is between 55 and 65; given the time.

    Sten – I can’t say for certain as he does not have a back story about his youth like some of the other characters. Given the rest of the group and his limited back story I believe the age of 35 is pretty close to his age. He maybe a little bit younger or older.

    The thing with determining the age of each character is relative to the gamer and the characters within the game. Each character will view time different as will each person playing DAO.
  12. Caradhras

    Caradhras I may be bad... but I feel gooood! Veteran

    Aug 13, 2004
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    Two things:

    1- Leliana wasn't raised by Marjolaine (who by the way was her lover).

    2- Zevran is definitely not the best assassin the Crows have. If you take him in your party you'll find out why he was sent to attack the Grey Warden.
  13. CelticDream

    CelticDream I play well with others... others, not you Veteran

    Mar 19, 2010
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    Dwarf Commoner - your PC is the younger sibling, Rica is the older of the two. In fact, with the way things are sometimes stated, it's almost implied that Rica was the one who raised you since 'mommy dearest' is nothing but a drunken sot.

    Leliana - she was raised by Cecile as a child, after her mother died. When she was older she ended up under the tutelage of Marjolaine and later became her lover.

    Zevran - he was never considered the best assassin. He thought himself to be, though (one of his comments was, "when I was younger and more cocky I thought I was the best assassin and lover in Antiva" or something close to that). Remember, he was given the job to assassinate the Grey Warden only because he was the only one to really bid against the job and I think he bid high too - mainly because he had hoped to die in the process. He even was told later, by the Crow you can work with for side jobs (can't remember his name off-hand), that no one else was stupid enough to bid for a job knowing that to go against a Grey Warden was foolish.

    Another interesting fact - when talking to Feryn (or whoever that merchant is just outside of Orzammar that you're trying to get the qunari blade from), and you have Sten in the group, the conversations of "Break his legs, Sten" or "Tear off his arms, Sten" are a reference to the Princess Bride movie when Fezzik is told to tear off someone's legs/arms by, I think, Westley aka The Dread Pirate Roberts (been a while since I last saw the movie so some parts are a bit fuzzy lol).
  14. Caradhras

    Caradhras I may be bad... but I feel gooood! Veteran

    Aug 13, 2004
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    Celtic is right about the Dwarf Commoner thing I missed it when I went over Munckin's list. The PC is definitely younger than Rica.

    @CD: I think it is Faryn.
  15. CelticDream

    CelticDream I play well with others... others, not you Veteran

    Mar 19, 2010
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    Woot! At least I was close :D
  16. Caradhras

    Caradhras I may be bad... but I feel gooood! Veteran

    Aug 13, 2004
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    This has always bothered me. The difference between Cailan and Loghain doesn't seem that big in game (more like 20 years).

    In a medieval setting a 60 years old man would probably find it difficult to strut around in a full plate armour even if he was a great warrior.

    Although that may explain his stats (high willpower rather than uber strength).

    I think you may be right about Oghren, he shouldn't be too young but if dwarves age like humans (and there is no reason why they shouldn't or at least no reason that I know of or can remember) 40 might be a bit old. He could be 10 to 15 years older than the PC and Alistair.
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