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The Economist manipulated the photo of Viktor Orbán

Discussion in 'Alley of Dangerous Angles' started by Baronius, Jan 6, 2011.

  1. Ragusa

    Ragusa Eternal Halfling Paladin Veteran

    Nov 26, 2000
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    Naturally. When you oppose dear leader that means that you must be one of them, and that you do it because of a pathological character flaw on your part. There cannot be any other explanation. Clearly, you are a villain. And of course it is them pulling the strings in all the bad press dear leader gets.
  2. Baronius

    Baronius Mental harmony dispels the darkness ★ SPS Account Holder Veteran

    Aug 13, 2002
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    That is the "original" presented by The Economist. As I told, the advanced methods can apply changes that you don't notice easily with a human eye (so it's easy to lie e.g. by The Economist: this looks the same as the true original!). Certain changes can only be shown by expert methods (think of manipulated videos).

    To sum up: The Economist manipulated the AFP photo in a way that can be defended later ("this is the AFP original") because the graphical changes are too subtle (remember my JPEG example)*. I.e. they prepared for lying. And many of you here, simply and naively eat it, allowing yourself to be misled. Keep living in lies!

    *Just here certain people are too stupid or pretend to be stupid to understand what an advanced image manipulation method means (sorry for the word 'stupid', I tried to avoid it until now, but there is no better alternative for it anymore!). (Instead they choose to say that "Baronius thinks he is right because he says so" and similar nonsense.) Like in kindergarten.

    I already gave the reason why I edited it out that time. And no, I couldn't find it in "no time" (the photos were taken from more sources I quickly googled that time), nor I had the intention. Yes, postings were slightly overlapped, and I don't deny I tend to notice issues with my post even after sending it (regardless of the fact I obviously read the whole post again before sending it). A possible solution can be that you wait a few minutes (compared to the exact date of my new post) after seeing my post, or if not, then you quickly re-check it later and see if your immediate reply is still consistent. Yes, it's my bad in these cases, but as far as I noticed, others also tend to edit and add new things to their brand-new posts, so my case is not an isolated one. All in all, I didn't remove that photo because you mentioned it: I didn't even see your new post that time (didn't refresh the page when started editing). So it's funny you dare to imply such a thing, questioning my credibility here. Don't think that the fact you're the Sorcerer's Place owner gives your posts a distinguished credibility or prestige in everyone's eyes. In the eyes of many (especially the local regulars), yes, but not in everyone's eyes. (I just say this so you don't keep yourself in the illusion that if you question my credibility multiple times, it will have a big impact, and that your credibility is above any suspicion. Of course, you're free to keep believing whatever you wish about it.)

    I found it important to draw the attention to the matter. It has happened. And don't bother (and this applies not just to you) answering cynical comments about this. I was glad and still glad that I draws the attention to the issue.

    There are probably subtle changes. On the left photo, the intensity of the dominant brows is normal, while on the right, it looks unnatural (which confirms the non-linear transformation, on a side note). But yes, this observation is SUBJECTIVE. (And a bit hard to analyze with the human eye, because the left photo is smaller -- I couldn't find a bigger one.) You don't need to see the same as me. Everyone can see differently. What matters, as I already said, is that experts agreed it was manipulated. Everyone can decide whether to accept this argument or not. (Many people -- some of them naively -- seem to have an antipathy against Orbán because believed all the misleading propaganda that Orbán is a dictator; from these people, I don't expect that they will try to think clearly in the matter.)

    I feel a double standard in the posts of many people. A double standard: whatever "confirms" Orbán is dictatoric, bad etc. is a VALID ARGUMENT, but whatever confirms something is suspicious* is "CONSPIRACY THEORY" and such.
    (*crazy "international reaction" to worry about HU democracy, while in 2006 almost nothing; the German government's behavior and the amount of tax German companies need to pay; the left politician Asselborn's continous hysteria talks, etc.)

    It's funny how some of you here talks about oppression. Many of you guys here do not even know what oppression is, not even from your parents or grandparents. Just because you support each other's theoretical viewpoint does not make you more credible.

    In this thread and in the Hungary media law thread, I see much self-importance, amateurism, and big naiveness. (Note: again, noone should bother to misrepresent this: I don't say everyone who disagrees is the above; just that many posts are such.) Ragusa is a self-important, conceited amateur, but I pity him, because he suffers so much because of the "oppression" that he sees in Hungary. (Hint: there is no true oppression, but feel free to keep worrying.)
    Many others are terribly naive. They believe they are so clever, yet they totally believe everything what they hear in the press and media.
    Before someone would twist my words (some of you are masters of misrepresentation) that anyone who disagrees me is amateur or naive: I've seen pretty civilized, reasonable and non-arrogant viewpoints that disagreed me (in both Hungary threads). So, don't bother misrepresenting my conclusion; I only say very many (but obviously not all) people are naive (even on these boards), hell, such is the world.

    This is lovely. I've experienced it so much online. You fail to understand (or pretend not to understand) my arguments, so you try to imply that they do not exist; that I only say I'm right and others are wrong. This is so terribly cheap. If you fail to understand that many of statements are also backed by my expertise in Hungary (-> read my post about implicit knowledge and competence), at least try to be humble and don't try to imply nonsense (that I think I'm right because I say so).

    And who are you to tell that the new government is oppressing? Because there are some loud "protesters" in Hungary and in Europe (some of them are paid)? Because you think so yourself? Sure, you're free to tell whatever you want. But let the people of Hungary decide whether they are oppressed or not. Someone who feels "oppressed" can always be found; everywhere... Just they are not actually oppressed, they just make a hysteria for various reasons (yes, sometimes the hysteria -- just like in the media law case -- serves the interests of certain lobby groups). But in every democratic country, sooner or later these "oppressed" people become silent or just others start to ignore them, because noone is really interested in their hysteria.
    So, dmc, you make fun of yourself in my eyes (and in the eyes of all those who truly know Hungary and its complex matters) that you tell the text what gives right to what to Orbán's party, and that you mention "oppressing"... you, from your comfortable seat in USA, think that you can tell who is oppressed here and who is not. Yes, as I told it before to Aldeth too, you CAN tell your opinion. Opinion, but not conclusions. The fact you think you can draw conclusions or tell self-confidently who may oppress who in Hungary: this just makes you look a total amateur who thinks himself to be "clever". Again, NOT BECAUSE you share your view to me and disagree with me; but because you seem to precisely "know" (or totally naively believe whatever manipulation you hear) that the new government is "oppressing" minorities etc. Others who sympathize with dmc: don't bother defending him and telling how wrong I am here. I already noticed that a significant part of the company who posted in my topic shares the same "clever" view: so any effort to convince you (or your effort to tell how wrong I'm) is pointless.

    The problem is, people who share the same or similar mentality (or even similar misinformation!) do not consider 'reasonable' certain types of arguments that come from the opposite side. This is what you call "unreasonable insistence", while for the other party, your attitude might be forcing, arrogant and violent. For example: since you brought up Improved Anvil, certain people were simply STUPID to understand the technical solutions applied by Sikret, and instead of staying silent, they simply ignored the fact that they don't even understand deeply what they criticize.

    Will you say that a maths professor who explains you something is "unreasonably insistent" when you're just too uneducated in the particular topic to understand his words? The same happened with Improved Anvil: those who do not even know programming or basic modding said that Sikret's arguments are "unreasonable" and that "Improved Anvil has a bad technical design". They made a fool of themselves. And something similar happens with certain people here: they do not have any implicit knowledge and experience with Hungary, but they make SELF-CONFIDENT statements about what happens here. Purely based on their common sense and what they receive from media/press.

    You know, if there is a normal person among the group of fools, and the fools tell him he is a fool and they're the normal, this won't make the normal person a fool in practice. Some similar things happened in case of Improved Anvil (i.e. in the same topic, 10 people started supporting each other against Sikret, arguing that "since everyone says you the same Sikret, we are right"). And, BEFORE SOMEONE would misrepresent my statement, I don't say there are fools here or anything like that, but the analogy applies in the following way: as far as I experienced (and not just in SP), some forum posters think that it gives so much importance to their viewpoint that others share their viewpoint. Yes, it matters. No, it is not an exclusive thing. It can happen that almost everyone is wrong. It is cheap and disgusting when the international lobby tries to brainwash people by supporting anti-Orbán articles everywhere (The Economist's article was one example), and even many of you here, simply allow yourselves to be brainwashed. Instead of staying neutral and waiting a bit first before forming a viewpoint. Because, yes, clever noobs, WAITING (let me repeat: WAITING) is also an option: 1. you WAIT and follow the international situation if you're interested (and in the meantime, you can learn more about Hungary), 2. you form your OPINION. This is how educated people do, you know. Nothing forces you to form a self-confident viewpoint immediately. Yet, non-Hungarian people such as dmc or Ragusa IMMEDIATELY seem to know EVERYTHING about what happens now in Hungary and how dictatoric Orbán is. You make a fool of yourselves, guys. Perhaps not here, where you have big support of those who share your immediately formed opinion. But generally, believe me, you would be considered fools. In Hungary, we're taught from our childhood: "don't form a self-confident, loud opinion about something you don't know well enough". In the light of this:

    Perhaps because I indeed tend to avoid loud self-confident comments when I don't know much about something (often rather passively reading a topic)? Hence when you see me posting, I post self-confidently because I talk about things where I have some basic level of understanding, at least.

    Back to the main topic, I wish all those who judged Hungary without knowing it a nice worrying for the Hungarian democracy ;) I'm already worried about poor Ragusa, he got so stressed due to the Hungarian situation...

    As we say in Hungarian:
    "Let them cook in their own soup". So I let some of you now to cook here in your own soup. Moreover, many thanks to those who provided reasonable and constructive comments to me (obviously, even to those who disagreed with me -- the world can only move forward via constructive conflicts; if everyone agreed, there would be little progress). Thanks to them, both in this thread and in the parent topic, Hungary media law.

    Good cooking! :D

    Last edited: Jan 8, 2011
  3. Chandos the Red

    Chandos the Red This Wheel's on Fire

    Jan 18, 2003
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    Regardless of all your attacks on us, and your insults, you have never been able to prove that the photo in question was manipulated. As you have been reminded, because the photos don't appear different, you have the burden of proof, which despite all your bleating, you have been unable to accomplish.

    The interesting point is that many were sympathetic to your point of view when the thread opened. So, people were willing to be open-minded, despite the fact that some of us saw this as no big deal. Until they were presented with more facts.

    What I'm "thinking" is that you sound much like some salesmen I used to work with; not very good ones either.

    Happy selling. :grin:
  4. Taluntain

    Taluntain Resident Alpha and Omega Staff Member ★ SPS Account Holder Resourceful Adored Veteran Pillars of Eternity SP Immortalizer (for helping immortalize Sorcerer's Place in the game!) New Server Contributor [2012] (for helping Sorcerer's Place lease a new, more powerful server!) Torment: Tides of Numenera SP Immortalizer (for helping immortalize Sorcerer's Place in the game!) BoM XenForo Migration Contributor [2015] (for helping support the migration to new forum software!)

    Jun 11, 2000
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    Sorry if we don't take your word for it that you somehow have inside knowledge that both APF and The Economist are lying. You don't actually have any proof for anything that you're saying, but we're the ones who are stupid for not taking your word for it. Hmm.

    Oh, I don't have any such illusions. I think you're doing a great job shooting yourself in your feet repeatedly without my help.

    Well, so far I think you're the only one in this thread still convinced that anything beyond regular photo retouching that every newspaper in the world does has actually happened. They intentionally picked a picture that makes Orban look unsympathetic, sure. But that's it. And this kind of selective picture use happens on a regular basis in pretty much every newspaper. How many pictures of Bush have you seen in European newspapers over the years that made him look stupid?

    You're still promoting your experts and we still don't know what these experts have actually said. But anyway, you made your point that you see something more in all this than most of us and that nothing's going to change your mind.

    No, the problem here is that you don't actually present anything concrete that would support your claims beyond "our experts have said so" and "I know that they're lying". Even if we actually knew what your experts have said and in what context and based on what methodology, there'd still be a chance that they were wrong. You're parading a whole lot of nothing as the universal truth.

    Good to know that everybody except you is naive.

    By the way, I read in the newspaper today that the EU has struck down Orban's law and that he's already conceded to change all the problematic parts of it.

    I guess Orban was STUPID to think that he could get away with it too. :rolleyes:
  5. Baronius

    Baronius Mental harmony dispels the darkness ★ SPS Account Holder Veteran

    Aug 13, 2002
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    This "on us" talk is funny. Taluntain also used it in some previous post. Is there some elite group here who tends to know things better than others? On a side note, I didn't even "attack" you, Chandos. And I already offered even arguments to confirm that the photo was manipulated. For example, about one of the descriptions that helps understanding the manipulation: the fact some people pretend to be stupid (or really are too stupid) to understand what I illustrated with the JPEG example is their problem, not mine.

    More facts... More misleading information and lies! Come live in Hungary, and then decide. About your "no big deal" comment: yes, it's no big deal for you (now "you" is directed to all those non-Hungarians who immediately started worrying about HU democracy). Just like the media law is no big deal for you, even if you say the opposite. Just many of you pretend to be the protector of democracy (where was your loud voice in 2006 when police attacked protesters in Budapest?), but just from the safe distance and warm seats. It will be really no big deal for you what happens with Hungary. You worry about "oppression", but whatever happens in Hungary, you will not feel it on your own skin. The most important for you is that "freedom of speech" should keep its current meaning "freedom to present cr** and children-damaging material during the day on the TV channels". Whether Hungarian children will end up junkies and criminals is not important for you; just to force your "international and universal" view of "freedom of speech" on Hungary. The time has come: finally the Hungarian nation decides what will happen in this country; it is miserable and laughable if certain people try to attack this by lying that "the new majority oppresses the rights of minorty in Hungary". It is bull****. You don't live here, neither in majority nor in minority, so you can't know because you can't feel the reality on your skin; what you hear and think is mostly from news, which is often filled with bull****. (See Tal's sentence: "I read in the newspaper today...") But this would need its own thread.

    It seems I used the wording that would be correct in Hungarian, but in English had the opposite meaning:
    Obviously, I wanted to express this:
    So the rest of that paragraph was supposed to tell: I see constructive comments (with no regard whether they basically agree or disagree with me), but also many (= not all) people here seem to be very very naive (e.g. those who think that the big international attack has nothing to do with money -- profit of the international media owners, for example). Now that I've corrected the language flaw in my English sentence, I think my point is clear.

    Two points:
    1.) Orban exactly knows what he is doing. It is the world of diplomacy, and he is great in it. Moreover, it is not true that the "EU has struck down" any law; Orbán agreed that if there are reasonable -- legal or political -- arguments against it based on the EXACT text of the law, from EU, then it will be changed. When he told in the past that Hungary doesn't intend to apply any changes, he always told it for the present moment (when he was asked). This was always obvious from his Hungarian statements. And since that time (or now) there was/is no EU suggestions for concrete changes, obviously no modifications will be made yet. Orbán knows what he is doing, you will see in the future. :)

    2.) Your own words:
    Typical. You read it in the newspaper, so you eat it exactly in the form you saw it written. This is also how Ragusa got the (disproved-by-me) false information on Ice-T's song, I suppose. "I read in the newspaper today that...". Wonderful.
  6. Chandos the Red

    Chandos the Red This Wheel's on Fire

    Jan 18, 2003
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    I took that as an insult because I could not actually SEE any difference in the two photos. You can accuse me of poor eyesight, and that's fine, but I'm not "stupid" because I don't see any difference in the photos that were, according to you, given "advanced image manipulation." To me they still look pretty much the same regardless of how they were "manipulated."

    And you offer as "proof," two different photos in which your fearless leader has two completely different facial expressions, and shout, "See the difference!" Great "proof." :rolleyes:
  7. Taluntain

    Taluntain Resident Alpha and Omega Staff Member ★ SPS Account Holder Resourceful Adored Veteran Pillars of Eternity SP Immortalizer (for helping immortalize Sorcerer's Place in the game!) New Server Contributor [2012] (for helping Sorcerer's Place lease a new, more powerful server!) Torment: Tides of Numenera SP Immortalizer (for helping immortalize Sorcerer's Place in the game!) BoM XenForo Migration Contributor [2015] (for helping support the migration to new forum software!)

    Jun 11, 2000
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    Ah, sorry. Next time I'll call Orban and ask him if he has any objections to any word in any sentence that I read or heard in the news. After all, everything that we read about Hungary has to be approved by a "patriotic" Hungarian first. :rolleyes:

    Anyway, good to see that you're at least acknowledging that Orban will need to make changes to his new law, even if you find a dozen excuses why. I'm sure we'll discuss them as soon as the EU prepares all the objections. As I'm sure you well know, Orban's govt. has not delivered the full text of the law to the EU until recently (if it even has yet). Funnily enough, all the parts that they left out were the problematic ones, because they decided that they weren't relevant for the understanding of the new law. Shockingly, the EU response was along the lines of "nice try, but we'll be the judge of that, send over the full text".
  8. Baronius

    Baronius Mental harmony dispels the darkness ★ SPS Account Holder Veteran

    Aug 13, 2002
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    Yes, the manipulation can hardly by distinguished explicitly from "recolouring" by most people (while it makes a different, stronger impression in your brain as if "recolouring" was used only), that's the point, man! You can't point to a part of the image and say: this was added! Just the OVERALL emotional effect of the photo is different. (In fact, even a complex transformation can be "called" as recolouring, just not a uniform one: so even the nonlinear tone manipulation they used according to expert Petromán can be called "recolouring" by journalists, to simple non-scientific audience...). OK, look at in this way: what you see in the manipulated second photo is not "pure" recolouring: it has subtle changes that your eye won't easily distinguish from "recolouring" (and this is what those noticed initially in this topic when they said something is wrong -- and don't tell me "new facts were provided to them"; do new facts change on their sight maybe?); simply because "recolouring" is not a well-defined term for the general audience, that is why The Economist can freely lie that it used simple linear recoloring.

    If you had NEVER HEARD about anything in the current topic and would see these photos, which one would make the worse impression on you:


    It is not linear recolouring. As the expert László Petromán said, it is a nonlinear transformation that manipulates with the relative balance (ratio) of tones, etc.

    Go try to recolour the original photo and we'll see if you can come up with anything as "devilish" as the manipulated photo!

    No, because you can't know if that Hungarian will be biased or not. Just like you can't know that about your newspaper. My point was that you unconditionally believe everything in the form you read, especially in one place. That's naive. Nonetheless, in this concrete case, the wording is totally inaccurate and strongly implies untrue things ("EU has struck down Orban's law and that he's already conceded to change all the problematic parts of it.").
  9. Taluntain

    Taluntain Resident Alpha and Omega Staff Member ★ SPS Account Holder Resourceful Adored Veteran Pillars of Eternity SP Immortalizer (for helping immortalize Sorcerer's Place in the game!) New Server Contributor [2012] (for helping Sorcerer's Place lease a new, more powerful server!) Torment: Tides of Numenera SP Immortalizer (for helping immortalize Sorcerer's Place in the game!) BoM XenForo Migration Contributor [2015] (for helping support the migration to new forum software!)

    Jun 11, 2000
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    I wasn't quoting it, I reiterated the gist of it. Which, unless I'm missing something, is correct. You just, again, don't like what it means for Orban.

    Why the heck would a Slovenian newspaper be biased against Orban? As for your accusations of me "unconditionally believing everything in the form I read, especially in one place", I guess you're psychic now, since I never said anything remotely similar to that. But I certainly don't need to read from 10 different sources that the EU has problems with your law and that Orban has conceded to address the problems.
  10. Baronius

    Baronius Mental harmony dispels the darkness ★ SPS Account Holder Veteran

    Aug 13, 2002
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    "a Slovenian newspaper"? I suppose there are more there, so I suppose it depends which. Some may be less biased, others may be more biased (e.g. left ones, if any).
    You didn't say remotely anything like that, but from your interpretation, it looks like the newspaper implied some sort of retreat of Orban ("conceded") regarding the media law, and that EU already has official problems with it ("struck down"). Neither is true. Orbán didn't say anything that would contradict his earlier statements (in the past, he said they won't change it for the being -- he never said that they would never touch it, including the near future). And EU did not strike down anything, they are examining it (and did not state any concrete problems about it officially).

    Strike down (please extend the list I found if there are less strict meanings as well, I'm open to learning new things):
    From where you take such nonsense? It doesn't mean anything to Orbán, really. He knows what he is doing, you will see. Even if the law needs to be changed severely, he will do according to the interests of the Hungarian nation. I even don't need to know what the various operative events mean to Orbán: I trust his ability to make great decisions and reactions (while many people nowadays are cynical and say "all politicians are just for their own pocket", I do believe Orbán has a vision, and yes, he has great achivements in the Hungarian economy between 1998-2002).

    Most of the countries are simply envious to the democratic 2/3 of the Hungarian government :D They try to misrepresent Orbán's legal government as some sort of dictature, because their parliaments cannot accept anything serious because some votes are always missing :lol:
  11. Chandos the Red

    Chandos the Red This Wheel's on Fire

    Jan 18, 2003
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    Well, he actually looks better in the one that you claim has been manipulated, so the technique can't be all that "advanced," or it could be that you don't know the real motives of the Economist. Maybe they were afraid the orginal would scare readers away. :)
  12. Taluntain

    Taluntain Resident Alpha and Omega Staff Member ★ SPS Account Holder Resourceful Adored Veteran Pillars of Eternity SP Immortalizer (for helping immortalize Sorcerer's Place in the game!) New Server Contributor [2012] (for helping Sorcerer's Place lease a new, more powerful server!) Torment: Tides of Numenera SP Immortalizer (for helping immortalize Sorcerer's Place in the game!) BoM XenForo Migration Contributor [2015] (for helping support the migration to new forum software!)

    Jun 11, 2000
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    I must be blind and deluded (not to forget stupid) because I think the right one looks much better. But I guess the graphics guys are the stupid ones, fixing that marvellous yellow skin.

    OK, we'll wait a few days so that this progresses to the point where I can give you a few links once the foreign media picks it up.

    Yes, well, believe it or not, freedom of the press IS in the interest of the Hungarian nation. Luckily, the EU does pay at least a bit of attention to that fact.

    That must be it. We're all so jealous of the glorious nation of Hungary and its elite cadre of politicians. Not sure about the zombies though.
    Last edited: Jan 5, 2018
  13. Taluntain

    Taluntain Resident Alpha and Omega Staff Member ★ SPS Account Holder Resourceful Adored Veteran Pillars of Eternity SP Immortalizer (for helping immortalize Sorcerer's Place in the game!) New Server Contributor [2012] (for helping Sorcerer's Place lease a new, more powerful server!) Torment: Tides of Numenera SP Immortalizer (for helping immortalize Sorcerer's Place in the game!) BoM XenForo Migration Contributor [2015] (for helping support the migration to new forum software!)

    Jun 11, 2000
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    Source: Hungary seeks to defuse tension over media law
  14. dmc

    dmc Speak softly and carry a big briefcase Staff Member Distinguished Member ★ SPS Account Holder Resourceful Adored Veteran New Server Contributor [2012] (for helping Sorcerer's Place lease a new, more powerful server!)

    Dec 13, 2001
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    At first I thought you were being deliberately dense, now I'm not so sure. Your expertise in Hungary is meaningless to me. Yes, you live there. No, I don't live there. Congratulations. The problem isn't that. The problem is that you make pronouncements about what is or is not going to happen and what are or are not facts as if you are the sole authority. You don't live at Delphi, as far as I can tell, so we're all just making guesses at what will happen. The point, which you not-so-admirably keep avoiding, relating to the images is that the one that went to the Economist makes your guy look worse than the one they actually published (although they are mainly similar, the color is much better on the one that was published). So, all of your protestations about how the Economist changed the image is, quite frankly, bunk, and your desperate clinging to various poorly explained "expert opinions" detracts from your argument and your credibility. You keep going "LA LA LA" though, because now it's just plain funny.

    My Quote:

    Your response:

    Your new law is ridiculously overbroad. As I said, it sets them up "with the power to oppress." I did not say they were oppressing anyone YET. You chose to cling to the idea that I said your bloody government was already oppressing someone. While it may be, I don't know that. I was merely opining that it was sure setting up the foundation for it. I was also adding that it is ultimately going to be your problem, not mine, because I am not going to Hungary any time soon to be oppressed, but you live there. Hopefully, the law will be tempered and its actual enforcement will not be oppressive. However, none of us really know that yet. You rabidly proclaim what my arguments are without really understanding them. Another strong point against your credibility (as if it needs any more hits).

    I love this bit from you. Whenever you don't like what people are saying, you declare them to be "clever" and then feel free to twist what they say and ignore them. Again, no where did I say anyone was being oppressed. However, if you take your blinders off for a second, you will see that the media law can be used as a tool of oppression without even straining to enforce it outside of its terms. Dude, I'm a lawyer. I have been practicing the legal profession for about 18 years. I see laws, good ones and bad. I see how they can be twisted and how even good laws can be enforced badly. I also recognize bad laws that are set up so that their enforcement is, necessarily, going to be just a bad idea. You can tell me I'm clever (here, that's a compliment), but I don't care that you are in Hungary and I am in the USA, people are people, politicians are another breed of people completely (but mostly the same all over), and a bad law is still a heaping, steaming pile of dung. Sorry you don't like it, but, again, it's going to be your problem (or not), but certainly not mine.

    (As an aside, and only because I find you mainly amusing, you should know that you have single-handedly decreased the opinion of many people with regard to Hungary. Doubt that was your intent, and I am sure I am being clever, but, oh well, perception is reality.)
  15. Baronius

    Baronius Mental harmony dispels the darkness ★ SPS Account Holder Veteran

    Aug 13, 2002
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    His facebook page to the new SP fans of Viktor!

    So what matters is that the foreign media publishes it, and not that the published material is accurate and unbiased (unlike The Economist's anti-Orbán article). Funny that you prove yourself by saying that the "media will probably say the same". If it's a lie or inaccurate information, oh, that doesn't matter, right? Just the "media picks it up", which makes the information accurate, eh?

    Then subtitute my words accordingly; the meaning is the same: who are you to tell that it will end up in oppression?
    Some of you lawyers are so funny and hopeless; if the law needs some changes (and these can be pointed by EU, not some hired journalists and money-worrying left ministers), it will be changed. As the EPP President said regarding the Hungarian media law:
    Yes, practice. You and Ragusa should repeat this 100 times.

    Something similar happened regarding the Improved Anvil BG2 mod as well, namely this "now I have a bad opinion about you" phenomenon. It is some sort of epidemy, I guess. What makes you think your precious opinion is so damn important? ("yours" refers to all those -- including dmc -- who seem to know "EVERYTHING" even in topics where they have missing expertise; in this case, this is missing knowledge about Hungary). I give you a hint: noone is interested much in your precious opinion. Why don't you go and analyze your Patriot Act instead? (which I admittedly do not know in details indeed, neither its exact embedment in the USA)

    As far as I know, intelligent, educated people do not form their viewpoint regarding a country purely on laws. Maybe certain lawyers (you, Ragusa) do. It's sad. Forming (especially decreasing) an opinion on an entire country based on laws... it reflects some problems about the given person, actually. You can have an opinion on the legislation of the country, of the current leaders of the country, but generally... I think no further comment is needed. This is why you (as dmc, Ragusa and possibly others) will never understand what the value of human and culture (and cultural diversity) means. You only see paragraphs written on the forehead of people... Get a life guys, really... look, Viktor plays football (soccer!), he is not bad, wanna join him maybe?

    Last edited: Jan 8, 2011
  16. Taluntain

    Taluntain Resident Alpha and Omega Staff Member ★ SPS Account Holder Resourceful Adored Veteran Pillars of Eternity SP Immortalizer (for helping immortalize Sorcerer's Place in the game!) New Server Contributor [2012] (for helping Sorcerer's Place lease a new, more powerful server!) Torment: Tides of Numenera SP Immortalizer (for helping immortalize Sorcerer's Place in the game!) BoM XenForo Migration Contributor [2015] (for helping support the migration to new forum software!)

    Jun 11, 2000
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    Er, no. What matters is that I need to be able to link to an English text because neither you nor anybody else would understand a Slovenian one. Doh. I went ahead and posted one already, as I'm sure you've noticed. Please let us know how it's full of lies and misinformation.
  17. Chandos the Red

    Chandos the Red This Wheel's on Fire

    Jan 18, 2003
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    ...And Sarah Palin goes hunting and fishing. I guess that makes her one of "The People" too. Maybe they should both find caerers in keeping with their true talents.
  18. Baronius

    Baronius Mental harmony dispels the darkness ★ SPS Account Holder Veteran

    Aug 13, 2002
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    Chandos: actually, Orbán's wife has a hunter license too, but it is not known how often he hunts in the practice.

    On a side note, "get a life" was not addressed to you (I say this because you reacted to it, and of course you're free to do so, I just wanted you to know it). You weren't conceited and arrogant in the Hungary topics, and I appreciate that. (Joke: you are not a lawyer, right?)

    Unless the foreign media translates the Slovenian text or you will find a Slovenian site/publication of English language with it, you won't be able to accomplish this. If you meant that it picks up news with the same information content, that is not anymore the same (because wording can matter a lot). I'm sleepy a bit at the moment, could you kindly tell me where is the link you've added? I'm just interested to read it in Slovenian (living many years in Czechoslovakia, I understand Slovak in a very good level, though I guess they are not very much similar).
  19. Taluntain

    Taluntain Resident Alpha and Omega Staff Member ★ SPS Account Holder Resourceful Adored Veteran Pillars of Eternity SP Immortalizer (for helping immortalize Sorcerer's Place in the game!) New Server Contributor [2012] (for helping Sorcerer's Place lease a new, more powerful server!) Torment: Tides of Numenera SP Immortalizer (for helping immortalize Sorcerer's Place in the game!) BoM XenForo Migration Contributor [2015] (for helping support the migration to new forum software!)

    Jun 11, 2000
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    It's pretty much the same thing as post #113 in this thread. The articles my newspaper has up online aren't the same as those in the print version anyway. And no, Slovenian and Slovakian aren't similar at all - I can't understand more than a few words that happen to be the same or similar in both languages.
  20. Baronius

    Baronius Mental harmony dispels the darkness ★ SPS Account Holder Veteran

    Aug 13, 2002
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    I remembered that we talked a few words about it some years ago on IRC, and when you said "good day" (corresponding to "good afternoon") in Slovene, it looked or sounded very similar to its Slovak version to me.
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