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My LoTR Party - need help please

Discussion in 'Icewind Dale 2' started by Sylvan, Oct 18, 2002.

  1. Sylvan Gems: 5/31
    Latest gem: Andar

    Sep 9, 2002
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    [​IMG] Hello everyone ;)
    I have almost decided on which characters I will include in my LoTR party.
    Some are still causing a couple of headaches though!

    So far they are:

    Legolas - Ranger/Fighter Elf
    He is definately a Ranger (Archer), I thought of adding maybe 4 levels of fighter to give him weapon specialisation in bows.

    Gandalf - Sorcerer (Aasimar??)
    The easiest, I think he has to be a sorcerer, specialising in evocation (mainly fire based spells)
    He would most likely be my leader/speaker due to his high Charisma - and he seems to be the one the Fellowship look to for direction.

    Aragorn - Cleric/Ranger (unsure of levels)
    1/2 elf or Human?
    I thought he would best suit the mould of a ranger, but I also need a cleric in my party so he's it for now.

    The next three characters are causing me no end of headaches:

    I want to play a Rogue/Wizard, mainly focusing on Wizard. I think that Frodo (longshot?) or Arwen would be best suited to this class.

    I also want to have a Druid in my party, but I am totally unsure who would suit this role.

    Finally I would like a Paladin to head to group, the closest I have come up with is Boromir.

    I would like to get as close as possible to a true LoTR party, but I would also like to have palyability - it would be no fun (in my mind) to play with a party of Fighters, since that is what most of the Fellowship are.

    I haven't really thought too much about stats or feats/skills as yet either, or some of the races.

    Any help is welcome, so that I can finally start IWD2 with this party.

    Thanks :D
  2. Atreides Gems: 7/31
    Latest gem: Tchazar

    Jul 16, 2002
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    Actually, I'd make Frodo a Bard, it won't be as precise as it should be, but he exhibits more bard traits than anything. Then, to have a true rogue in your party I'd include one of the other hobbits in your party (Pippin probably.)
    The only inaccuracy is how you have Aragorn set up, he's not a cleric by any definition of the word, I'd make him a Ranger, and leave him as a human. He does have elven blood in him but it's not enough to constitute making him a half elf (I'm assuming you've read the books perhaps, if not and you've seen the movie only than you have a great deal to learn about each member of the fellowship.) Anyway, hope this helps a bit.
  3. Sylvan Gems: 5/31
    Latest gem: Andar

    Sep 9, 2002
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    I agree that Aragorn is definately a Ranger. The problem I face is that if I make him a true Ranger I no longer have a cleric in the party.
    I really want to take a cleric along for the ride, or do you think I would manage with just a druid as a healer?
  4. Lady Victoria Gems: 1/31
    Latest gem: Turquoise

    Oct 15, 2002
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    [​IMG] If you do make Frodo a bard he'll have access to healing spells also. With a bard, druid and ranger, considering all the healing potions around, you should be alright.
  5. Quint Gems: 8/31
    Latest gem: Skydrop

    Oct 4, 2002
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    Aragorn had no elven blood. His mother took him to live with the elves in Rivendell when his father, Arathorn, died. That's why he can speak elvish and why he knows Arwen since he was young.

    Coming back to the LOTR party, it's a nice idea.
    They were 9, so you've got to skip 3 of them, at least.

    1) Gandalf as an Aasimar Sorcerer with specialisation in fire is definitely on the nail. Although he was also an illusionist. You might want to consider that. It's strange to think of Gandalf, a celestial being, starting off at level 1 with the others. He should already be at level 40 or something :)

    2) Aragorn was called by Gandalf "the greatest traveller and huntsman in this age of the world". That makes him some kind of Ranger/Rogue I guess. Although if you really want a Paladin, I'd make him a human Ranger/Paladin. I can't help but remember the fight he had with the Wraiths (undead) during the night, and how he defeated them alone. So Paladin is not too far out. He's definity fit to be a knight.

    3) Gimli is clear: Dwarven fighter, or even Barbarian if you like.

    4) Sam would probably be a good cleric, seeing how he takes good care of Frodo, and knows about herbs. If you really want a druid, why not make him a cleric/druid ? Should be funny to see such a powerful hobbit :D
    Edit: Sorry, a halfling can't be Cleric/Druid without getting penalized. So perhaps just Cleric is enough. Then Someone like Arwen can be the Druid.

    So now we have 2 more to go...

    Frodo should certainly be one of them. I'd make him a Rogue, with 1 level of Bard so he can also use bard instruments. Doesn't fit perfectly, but Frodo was the ring-bearer, no such class in D&D. Or perhaps make him a Rogue/Wizard, given that he has a magic ring, wears Mithril chain and wields a shortsword :D

    For the last one, you can choose Legolas since you like him (I do too!), as an Elf Bard/Ranger (if you don't have bards). Or Boromir, as a human fighter wielding a 2-handed sword. Or Arwen as a Druid. Or hey, why not take Galadriel as a druid! And Elrond as a Cleric! Although that would somehow misrepresent their true powers, the 3 ring-bearers! (I'm talking about the 3 rings that the elves had: Gandalf, Elrond and Galadriel had them, which made them super powerful compared to the other schmuks).

    If you're going to take in Gandalf, Elrond and Galadriel, I'd definitely cheat and start them off at least at level 10. After all you're picking 3 of the 5 most powerful characters in the story (with Saruman and Sauron). :D

    Whew... that should be a fun party!

    [ October 18, 2002, 03:57: Message edited by: Quint ]
  6. Atreides Gems: 7/31
    Latest gem: Tchazar

    Jul 16, 2002
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    Um... Quint, hate to do this to you, but you are in error about Aragorn. He is descended from an elf. True, the elf in question was alive several millennia ago, but he does have a trace of Elven blood in him however faint (that's one reason he lives for so long, in the books, he is like eighty years old or something when Frodo and the rest meet him, and he lives to be well over two hundred according to the books.)
    I don't see Sam as a Cleric or even Druid, his knowledge was of garden herbs and what went well in a stew, not what would be good to heal someone, at least that is what is implied in the books.
  7. Quint Gems: 8/31
    Latest gem: Skydrop

    Oct 4, 2002
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    Atreides, where did you get that info from?

    Here's a place that has extensive info:


    And Druids are pretty good at making stew too! :D (do you know Panoramix? from Asterix?) :D
    But I'd see Sam capable of being a Cleric, the way he cares for Frodo.

    [ October 18, 2002, 02:14: Message edited by: Quint ]
  8. Atreides Gems: 7/31
    Latest gem: Tchazar

    Jul 16, 2002
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    Quint, are you basing your knowledge of LoTR off the books or the movie? I figured I should ask before we begin a debate over this just to be on the safe side.
  9. Quint Gems: 8/31
    Latest gem: Skydrop

    Oct 4, 2002
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    Off the Books, of course. But there's nothing in the movie either that implies that he has elven blood. He is descended from Isildur, who was a Man. You can look at the web page I posted. Very interesting site if you don't know it. I once spent 4 or 5 hours browsing it. Quite accurate too.

    I'm currently reading The Book of Lost Tales, part 2. Can't stop reading JRRT, the man was truly gifted.

    However, I don't consider myself as an expert on the subject. I just don't remember that about Aragorn, and nothing on that reference site mentions his elven heritage.
    It's a minor point, see we agree he should be portrayed as a man in the game. But that site is a gold mine.

    [ October 18, 2002, 02:29: Message edited by: Quint ]
  10. Atreides Gems: 7/31
    Latest gem: Tchazar

    Jul 16, 2002
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    Sorry about that Quint, I'm becoming too technical in my old age. I'm refering to something in the Elder Days of Middle-Earth, and it's an extreme technicality. Also, at least you are basing knowledge off the books and not the movie, I'm relieved to read that!
    I'll go check out that web site, and see what there is to see there, nothing like more LoTR reference material to increase one's knowledge.
  11. Quint Gems: 8/31
    Latest gem: Skydrop

    Oct 4, 2002
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    > at least you are basing knowledge off the books
    > and not the movie, I'm relieved to read that!

    I know what you mean :) I was a bit disappointed with the movie being so brief too, although it is truly beautiful.

    They have some comments on the movie on that site here, read them:


    Atreides, You're right!

    A distant ancestor of Aragorn, called Elros (the brother of Elrond, lord of Rivendel and father of Arwin), was an Elf (3/4 Elf), who "chose to be counted amongst the kin of Men, and became the first King of Númenor and longest-lived of all Men."


    What a memory!! You must descend from that guy too! :D

    So that's explains why Aragorn's mother took him to live with Elrond, he's a distant uncle of his, and Arwin is a distant cousin!

    Elros was the son of Eärendil.
    "Eärendil's father was a Man, and his mother an Elf, so he and his wife Elwing and their sons were given the choice of race to which they wished to belong. Elwing chose Elvenkind, and Eärendil did so too for her sake"
    and Elros chose to be counted as a Man, because his grandfather was one.

    So that explains things...

    Now that I read it, I remember having read it before. But there's too much history to remember. How could one man invent all that lore??

    Anyway, thanks for the interesting discussion!

    [ October 18, 2002, 03:27: Message edited by: Quint ]
  12. Sylvan Gems: 5/31
    Latest gem: Andar

    Sep 9, 2002
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    [​IMG] Thanks guys for the advice so far. ;)

    I think I will change Aragorn from a Cleric/Ranger to a pure Ranger with a touch of Paladin just for minor healing abilities as well as his prowess when fighting the Nazgul.

    I am still not sure about Frodo - he fit well both as a bard and as a Rogue/Wizard. He is a special character type I guess.

    I will be taking Gandalf along for the ride, but I don't want to cheat and bump up his levels since it will make the game far too easy. :D
  13. Kenshiro Gems: 5/31
    Latest gem: Andar

    Apr 30, 2002
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    Well, lets hit the butt-kickers that we had in the movie-

    Aragorn-straight off Fighter/Ranger, using 2-handed sword and long bow.

    Legolas-Fighter with one level of Ranger for dual-wield unless you wanna waste the fighter feats, using longbow, and dual wielding either daggers or short swords, or longswords as the trailer for TTT has shown. Maybe a bit of Rogue for more lethal attacks?((Would kill for the damn BG2 Archer kit))

    Boromir- Fighter/Paladin or Paladin/Cleric, so as to get some healing power, using bastard sword or longsword with shield either way.

    Gimil-Fighter or Cleric of Tempus with Fighter, get a bonus to axe skill at the beginning, dual-wielding axes, or 2-handed, and throwing axes. Hell, toss in halberd skill if you like.

    Frodo-Thief with a bit of Fighter or Bard. We're playing with things a bit, so no sense hurting your capablities. Short sword of course, and darts, slings, or a short bow/xbow.

    Gandalf-Aasamair or human Sorcerer with Paladin, or Wizard/Paladin of Mystra, so he can use a sword.
  14. Baezlebub Gems: 18/31
    Latest gem: Horn Coral

    Sep 16, 2002
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    If you really want a LoTR party, dont just go off the fellowship, use all the books!!!

    Unless you want to kill off poor old boromir by the time that you have done chapter one, start with faramir. He lasts longer and he is pretty important. I was thinking something along the lines of a human fighter, maybe a couple levels of barbarian.

    You will not need a paladin. They are not essensial and unless you have played the game through, do not get one. Grab a cleric instead. Since we are going for al lthe books, why not use Eowyn. That is the best person to play the role, in my view.

    Frodo. There is no party without frodo. I would suggest a rogue/bard or a rogue/barbarian. He can fight back and is still got teh theiving skills. Halfling of course.

    Gimli speaks for himself. What kind of self respecting party does no have a dwarf???

    Gandalf. Well, that is a hard one. Since he is a... maier is that the spelling? make him the closest thing. Aisaiamer. he also manages to fend off the balrog, so maybe a specialst mage conjurer. Give him a level of sorcerer to allow for all spells.

    Legolas or Aragorn???
    Well, this is hard. Both are pretty important and both are good. Aragorn as a ranger/druid and legolas as a fighter/bard. (you need a bard)
    As you havge already got the cleric for spells, go legolas, but if you dont want that, ditch the cleric and use both. Make Aragorn a fighter/cleric though. turn undead is very nice.

    Otherwise, all previous information would be helpful.
  15. Sylvan Gems: 5/31
    Latest gem: Andar

    Sep 9, 2002
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    At the moment, I am still thinking Rogue/Wizard for Frodo. I just can't see him as the Bard type.
    I think Frodo is definately a Rogue. But he does need a bit of a magical presence to set him apart from Merry and Pippen as the Ring Bearer - I'm not so sure that this would come from being a bard?
  16. Sir Belisarius

    Sir Belisarius Viconia's Boy Toy Distinguished Member ★ SPS Account Holder

    Jul 7, 2000
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    [​IMG] I'd use Faramir for a paladin, although Boromir is a good choice too! Another good, but obscure choice for a paladin would be Imrahil, Kinght of Dol Amroth...My favorite mini-character in LOTR!

    Galadriel as a druid or druid/sorceress mix...I mean, she LIVES in the woods!! ;)

    Aragorn as a ranger/cleric is a good choice. But make him a cleric of Lathander for the additional healing.

    Frodo has to be your Rogue, either him or Bilbo. Being a Halfling...He's the logical choice.

    As for Gandalf...I agree he has to be otherworldly, but I would choose tiefling. Mostly because the stats would be more beneficial to a sorcerer/wizard. I also think whatever mage class you take, you need to take a few levels of fighter, so he can wield a long/greatsword!!!

    With all the singing and storytelling in LOTR, yoiu might be able to have anyone take a few levels of bard too!

    Just my two cents...
  17. nuther Gems: 1/31
    Latest gem: Turquoise

    Oct 21, 2002
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    Here is my LoTR party. I just started Chapter one.

    First I started with 4 characters Aragorn, Gandalf, Gimli, Legolas. Then I added two Hobbits in the Pallisades, Merry and Pippin.

    Aragorn - Human - 1 Ranger / X Cleric of Lathander. 15str 15con 16wis. Hates Undead, Bastard Sword, currently wearing light armor, gets hurt alot. He would be helpful to me if he had a bow, but I didnt give him one yet. I know he used one in the movie. His Ranger days are over and one day he will be King, so he is working on his healing abilities. Healer, scout, secondary diplomat.

    Gandalf - Aasimar - X Evoker / 1 Paladin of Mystra. 12str 12con 16int 14wis 20cha (iirc). He doesnt wear armor, but uses a sword to fight with, he has low hp in my group. I wanted to beef up his Pally levels (8 pally, X wizard), but I need more spell casting from him now so I will take more caster levels next. He will be my mage killer as Gandalf confronted all the really tough beasts in LoTR. Diplomat, Lore Master.

    Gimli - Dwarf X Fighter. High str and con. Axes and Hammers, heavy armor. He takes all the high damage fighter feats. Main tank.

    Legolas - Wild Elf X Fighter. 13str 13int 20 dex. Long bows, rapid shot, weapon finesse, small blades, hiding, sneaking. Light armor for now. He doesn't mellee much, just shoots things. I accidently bought 120 arrows so all his inventory slots are full of arrows! Sniper.

    Merry - Halfling X Thief dex some int. Small blades, throw daggers and hide and sneak. This is the one that stabbed the Nazghul so he is all thief to maximise his backstabbing abiliites. Scout.

    Pippin - Halfling F/T X/X. str, dex, con. Small blades, throws daggers. Started a thief, rode to Gondor with Gandalf, joined the Royal guard, kills a troll chief in the final battle. He could have even become a paladin (maybe I should have), except I made him NG - didnt like the T/P combo. Melee, scout.

    I am just getting the hang of working with this group, but the two haffers come in real handy. I use them to scout way more that I should, I should really use Aragorn. Anyway, I like the mix and I have all the classes I need for balance. It makes good sense and its just a bit melee heavy.
  18. reepnorp

    reepnorp Lim'n Lime Veteran Pillars of Eternity SP Immortalizer (for helping immortalize Sorcerer's Place in the game!) New Server Contributor [2012] (for helping Sorcerer's Place lease a new, more powerful server!)

    Sep 21, 2002
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    Nuther, why would Gandalf be a paladin? I never read the books, but still how is he a paladin?
  19. Atreides Gems: 7/31
    Latest gem: Tchazar

    Jul 16, 2002
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    Interesting party combination. When I finish IWD2 I'll try my own LoTR party on the second run.
  20. nuther Gems: 1/31
    Latest gem: Turquoise

    Oct 21, 2002
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    First, you should read the books and not rely on the films to get the whole LoTR story. I dont want to spoil too much, but Gandalf can be seen as a Paladin because he is sent to Middle Earth for the purpose of helping the people that live there defeat evil. That is his sole purpose and he is the only one of a group of 5 that is able to remain true to this initial goal. Also look at what he actually does in the story and how the people feel safe around him, and lose courage when he is gone. A 3e second level paladin gives a bonus to saves for people around him.

    True, he does not wear armor, but he does use a sword and he does not really use that many powerful spells. Thats why I am thinking of him as a even split mage/paladin. But if you think in terms of his mission, and who sent him, and who he fights it makes sense to give him a few paladin levels.
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