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Your favourite sorceror spells pick and their practical uses

Discussion in 'Icewind Dale 2' started by idarhl, Nov 20, 2002.

  1. idarhl Gems: 1/31
    Latest gem: Turquoise

    Nov 19, 2002
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    Sorceror having limited spells to choose from and all, i find that it is important to learn those spells that have its practical uses, and Not what the spellbook gibberish, half the time i dunno what they means.
    The particular spells i like are Magic Missile, and Chromatic orb for level one.
    Chromatic Orb is good; when you are at lvl 13 and above, they stun enemies instantly most of the time.
    Animate dead is a must, Disintegrate seems a little too puffed up, or isit? Most of the time, the enemies just take damage and little at that.
    Cloud area spells are no longer as useful as in BG where they stay to take damage, or when you can actually close a door after you fire a cloud kill into it.
    PLs add if you have any good uses for any spells or crrect me if i am wrong.
  2. Baezlebub Gems: 18/31
    Latest gem: Horn Coral

    Sep 16, 2002
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    Maggic missile and chromatic orb are two of the best lvl. 1 spells. Unfortunately, enemies save against chromatic orb way too often for it to be good without a malison or greater malison.

    lvl 2. spells, web is a must (is that lvl 2?). area effect spells like that have fallen in power from the BG series. Enemies can still cast spells ect. when under the effects of web.
    Also, try and get melfs acid arrow ect. for damage spells.

    lvl 3. Fireball. Its comes in handy, especially with the fire boost feat (shroud of flame?). Becomes useless later on though. Skull trap does a load of damage as well.

    lvl 4 - lvl 9. Get as many summon spells as possible, this is a MUST in HoF. Also, spells like shroud of flame ect. are good to rid yourself of pesky duerger ect. Also, delayed fireball is a good one.

    otthe than that, go for the ones that are your fav spells.

  3. Kekkonen Gems: 1/31
    Latest gem: Turquoise

    Nov 12, 2002
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    I'm only starting Ch. 2 (work has *really* been cutting into my playing time lately), so my sorcerer only has 3rd-level spells. So far, Magic Missile, Chromatic Orb and Shield have been my favorites at level 1, Melf's Acid Arrow and Scilloc's Snowball Swarm at level 2, and of course Fireball at level 3. Fireball is actually enough to kill orcs and the like, if they fail their save; Snowball Swarm softens them up, but doesn't deal serious damage. Dispel Magic (level 3) has also been handy a couple of times; I also recently took Gedlee's Electric Loop (lvl 2), which sounds like it might come in handy in certain situations. I can't comment on its actual value, so far I've been successful in keeping my sorcerer out of harm's way.
  4. Earl Grey

    Earl Grey Mmm... hot tea! Veteran

    Oct 26, 2000
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    I somehow doubt that this is good advice. OK, getting some summoned monsters on your side is good, but you shouldn't need more than a few summoning spells for that.

    Animate Dead and Mordenkainen's Sword should be great for their respective levels.
    Some others like Shades and a few of the Monster Summoning Spells can be a good mix-in. Just don't go wild and pick every summoning spell in sight! :)
  5. schteen Gems: 1/31
    Latest gem: Turquoise

    Oct 15, 2002
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    this question or similarities have been asked a long time...and i must still say the magic missile is the best.. at level 1, it`s just ok.. but when you get five missiles, it`s the best i can think of against magic-resisters, and you can memorize so many it doesn`t really matter if they survive 2 or 3..
  6. Kekkonen Gems: 1/31
    Latest gem: Turquoise

    Nov 12, 2002
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    Yeah, sorcerers should in general stay away from low-level spells that don't go up in power as you go up in levels. This was was my rule in BG2 as well, but it somehow seems harder to remember in IWD2 where everyone starts off fighting goblins as a level 1 weenie.
  7. joacqin

    joacqin Confused Jerk Adored Veteran Pillars of Eternity SP Immortalizer (for helping immortalize Sorcerer's Place in the game!)

    Apr 4, 2001
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    I have to chime in and say that disentegrate and other instant kill spells have been greatly empowered since BG2 and IWD1, now you can affect yourself what the save will be and thus making some really tough saves. The save for disentegrate is a fort save, my wizard has it at 10+6(spell level)+7(int)+2(spell focus)= DC 25! I use it alot against enemy spellcasters as their fort saves arent always the best and they fail more or less all the time, finger of death is even better as the save is one higher and you get their stuff.
  8. teekc Gems: 23/31
    Latest gem: Black Opal

    Nov 6, 2002
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    let's see,

    magic missle
    pure and multiple magic damage. fast to cast. counter mirror image really well.

    melf acid arrow
    major use is to kill trolls. due to the fact that it does acid damage from time to time after casted, so you can be sure that it kills trolls (in case you cast is to early or the troll did not die when being hit by acid arrow)

    flame arrows
    ice lance
    not that useful but hey you have to choose something.

    invisible shpere, mass invisibility, improved invisibility.
    the first two can save your whole band. buy you some time to get out of the way and regroup. improved invisibled character cannot be target by spells.

    lower resistance

    improved haste

    chain lightning
    area effective, allies friendly. very few spells has this luxury.

    disintegrate, finger of death.
    the two works best on mages because they are not that good at fortitude saving throws. remember this name 'izbelah', you'll need finger of death to kill her.

    mordenkainen's sword
    when your mages are out of spells, cast this and slash enemies afar. unlike what you seen in BG series, this sword is not a minions for you to control. it is a sword which you hold in your hand and do range attack.

    animate undead, horrid wilting, suffocate
    this three spells works together. animate undead summons undead to fight. horrid wilting and suffocate deals area effective damage and penalties to enemies but undeads are immune to both.

    executioner's Eyes
    polish your tankers nice and shiny.

    wail of banshee
    treat this as 'mass finger of death' with will saving throw (i think).

    magic circle aganist evil
    apart from protecting you from outsider summon spells (gate, elemental), it gives you some bonus when fighting with evil enemies. one of these is it gives immunity to all control based spells by evil creatures.

    dispel magic
    It removes every magical effects (good or bad) on everyone (enemy or ally) in an area. This spell is the counter of all spells

    dismissal, banishment
    use to kill summons. banishment is area effective, allies not friendly.

    take note that i have my playing habit and you have your playing style and other have other. eventually you'll develop your own and you'll know what spell you need.
  9. Dreamagi Gems: 2/31
    Latest gem: Fire Agate

    Nov 17, 2002
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    Whether I'm using a Socerer or Wizard, They all must have a feat on Spirit of the Flame when it becomes available. I'm all for fire magic (except Aganazzar's Scorcher because ... err... it sucks?). *grin*

    Lvl 1
    - Burning Hands (I use this one just like how them Aurillite priests use them Frost Fingers. Especially using this spell on a bunch of piled up almost-dead trolls)

    - Magic Missile (Too bad this one does disrupt spells as easily as in IWD1 and BG)

    Lvl 2
    - Mirror Image (I normally cast this before I send my sorcerer out solo int he middle of the battle field to use Sun Fire)

    Lvl 3
    - Fireball (Needless to say)

    Lvl 4
    - Mordenkainen's Force Missiles (It's just like Normal Magic missiles, just take a little longer to cast)

    Lvl 5
    - Sun Fire (It could have been more convenient like a fire ball, so that I can evoke it from a distance)

    Lvl 6
    - Mass Haste

    I've only been able to use until Lvl 6. School's started and haven't have the time to play it as much as I would like. ANyway, I use a lot of evocation spells, and that's why for the other thread on specialist wizards, I voted for Evokers. I mean come on... what's the point of calling him a "Diviner" when he hardly uses Divination spells?
  10. reepnorp

    reepnorp Lim'n Lime Veteran Pillars of Eternity SP Immortalizer (for helping immortalize Sorcerer's Place in the game!) New Server Contributor [2012] (for helping Sorcerer's Place lease a new, more powerful server!)

    Sep 21, 2002
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    Lets see, Magic Missile, for a killing purpose, identify for identifying purposes, oh wait, do you mean not obvious ones?
  11. Khazraj Gems: 20/31
    Latest gem: Garnet

    Jul 14, 2002
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    Magic missile is good against Mirror Image so long as they don't have Shield on too....

    Who needs identify. When you get the Bag of Holding from Xuki at the Shaengarne Bridge, any unidentified items can be identified with an exploit. Right click on the bag to "Open Container", select the blue unidentified items and send them "into the containter". Enjoy newly identified items... ;)
  12. Earl Grey

    Earl Grey Mmm... hot tea! Veteran

    Oct 26, 2000
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    [​IMG] But you wouldn't take advantage of such a bug, would you? :shame:
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