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You might be addicted to Diablo: LoD if...

Discussion in 'Diablo 1 & 2' started by Elfen Lied, Sep 19, 2006.

  1. Elfen Lied

    Elfen Lied The Bird of Hermes is my name, eating my wings to

    Jan 18, 2006
    Likes Received:
    anybody seen this before

    1. Everything in your life is a quest.
    2. If you've ever thought about sacrificing something to try make an iron golem (or even a polyester one)
    3. If you've ever sacrificed a major electrical appliance to try to make a 'Lightning Golem'
    4. If you have helped run a Diablo 2 website of any kind, (bonus marks for more than 1 site)
    5. If you've considered redecorating your room in a sewer motif
    6. If you ever bought a magazine JUST for a D2 article.
    7. If you wonder why there aren't more Necromancers, Barbarians and Paladins swinging swords on TV.
    8. If you think women on TV would look better wearing capes or carrying towering bows.
    9. If you've seriously analyzed the physical accuracy of the character artwork
    10. You call leaving the house 'Caravan to Act II'
    11. If you've ever used frame advance on a D2 trailer
    12. If your computer desktop has a Diablo 2 background even though none have been officially released
    13. If you made your own background
    14. You can name more than 1 each, producer, PR rep, support for D2
    15. If you bought and painted a full set of foam D2 weaponry and use it on a regular basis
    16. Have you ever considered dressing up as a necromancer and going out to 'Confuse' and 'Control' the masses?
    17. If you've divided your home town into 'Acts'
    18. You scoff at release dates.
    19. You've wished for an 'Aura of Whiner Reflection'
    20. You bought a 3DFX card because it's the only confirmed acceleration for D2 (HEY ADDICT! YOU CAN'T USE THAT YET!).
    21. You consider staves and spears legitimate ways to move up in a line.
    22. Barbarian no got good speak. Why me got to?
    23. You run everywhere. Often changing directions suddenly, and never moving your arms while running.
    24. You consider wool sweaters a kind of aura.
    25. If you've considered going to a zoo to pretend everything is Fallen, Claw Vipers, and Razor Backs.
    26. If you've wondered if your boss or teacher might be corrupted.
    27. There are more monsters in your dreams than any time since you were five years old.
    28. When you start screaming "Where's the ALT key!" when you can't find your wallet and shoes
    29. When you can't start the day without visiting a D2 news site first.
    30. If you wear "throw" and "kick" arm bands when playing sports. (no really! )
    31. You switch from power ties to 'mastery' ties.
    32. You wear mismatched socks to show off your component artwork system.
    33. If you know the names and addresses of more than one Diablo 2 site by memory
    34. If you have more than 4 Diablo 2 bookmarks... or don't need them because you memorized more than that.
    35. If you've spent more than an hour trying to find a 9 minute video
    36. If you don't care about gun control legislation so long as they don't limit your axe collection.
    37. If you've redecorated your room in a palace motif (harem optional)
    38. If you ever wondered about the strength or dexterity requirements for a piece of clothing (that's real life clothing for you addicts that misunderstood)
    39. Have you ever tried to click on a button or scroll a D2 screenshot?
    40. Given serious thought to why every day belts don't let you carry more items
    41. If you've ever wished you could naturally glow in the dark.
    42. You now wear chain mail on your morning jogs to increase your stamina.
    43. You've bought a tanning bed for your Necromancer so he looks good after sacrificing everything he owns to make golems.
    44. If you've ever claimed a quill rat ate your assignment
    45. If you're a guy and can't leave the house without rings and amulets, you might be addicted
    46. If you're a gal and need a good sturdy pair of boots and gloves to complete any outfit, you might be addicted
    47. If you're afraid to stand near trees for very long.
    48. You claim your delivery person is slower than a frosted zombie
    49. If you've asked someone "Have you seen my friend Gheed?"
    50. You think the beach is too dangerous due to the risk of Sand Maggots
    51. If your friends are less excited about a new D2 preview than you are and won't even bother to read it.
    52. If you avoid closed spaces because it's harder to see 'them' coming.
    53. If you think anything might start generating monsters.
    54. If you've read enough previews that you consider 'drooling' a mastery skill
    55. Do you insist forks and knives be kept in the freezer so you can do cold damage to food?

    1. You watch the Superbowl, and you see Blunderbores instead of human football players (they still play football though.)

    2. You become a Shaman in the Fallen religion

    3. You think your grandma is Malah

    4: you start wearing weird armor and make a sword and walk around screaming: DIE! TIME TO DIE! DIE! TIME TO DIE!

    5: you dress up like diablo on halloween

    6: you think your sister is an assassin

    7: whenever you see a wolf or bear or raven u look around real good, looking for a druid

    8: whenever you get beaten up u say: NAKED KILLER!

    9. whenever you win at something you say I PWNED YOUR AZZ

    10. when you talk about the game you say all the words in abbreviations like you type them

    11. you call a fight a duel

    12. Whenever u eat a shrimp, u fear duriel is there.
    13. When u see Russian female swimmers u think of Charsi
    14. You think the fetish should have a boss, "foot fetish"
    15. You think little kids look like Fallen.
    16. You think your teacher is diablo
    17. You think Fara, Natalya and you would be a nice threesome.

    18: You sit in your room trying to make fire come out of your hands.

    19. you start calling people noob's all the time

    20. you get angry when other people want the computer

    21. you think one more meph run is enough yet you have said that for the past 80.

    22. when your on acid you believe it a good idea to go and save the barb's from the state prison

    23. U know every item u have for trade and wat u own on all your characters

    24. Try to do warcrys to increase ppl life/mana/def.

    25. Think your a sorc, n try to teleport to the gurls bathroom.

    26. you dream about your zon naked

    27: You say STFU NOOB when you debate with someone in English.

    28. You yell " ITH MOTHER****ER, ITH!!!" on new years (my friend did it)
    29. You make a thread about the 600 signs you play too much Diablo 2 LOD

    30. You go outside in the snow, and wonder why your cyclone armor isn't working
    31. You think that skills like bone spear, and fists of fire are dirty (I do )

    32. U make snowmans and think their your undead minons
    33. U kill ur self and think u respawing in your town
    34. U think the T.V is horadric cube
    35. U think there is a angle gurding your life orb and a daemon guards your mana orb
    36. U spin around think u can cut through anything
    37. When u fart u do it slowly, because u think u might cast inferno or poison nova?

    38: You put your fingers into the powernet because u want to lightning someone!

    39: You go sit in the snow when its freezing because u want a higher "cold mastery"

    40: u kill someone and try to summon a skeleton from it.

    41: whenever you are in court because u were digging bodys out on a graveyard you say you are a necromancer and u were trying to revive an army to kill baal-laden!!!

    42. Your name is SweatyOgre.
    43. You see something funny and think to yourself "lol" instead of actually laughing
    44. You see a price you think is too high in a store and say "LOL NEWBZOR"
    45. After you kick someones ass you stand over there body, ready to nk the ****er.

    46. You kill someone then you cut off there ear

    47. You want to fight someone, but then realize you must return to town to hostile them
    48. You go around killing animals hoping gold and items will fall out of their dead bodies

    49. U try and dupe your diablo disc by killing urself 15 times outside your town
    50. You can have a maximum of 8 friends in one life
    51. When you c someone die....u tell them to press esc to continue...and then take there gold :p
    52. When you c a large person...u find 8 friends to beat him up and then try to steal any stuff he drops for urself

    53. You always keep little glass containers filled with hawaiian punch just in case u get low on health

    54. U carry a flashlight around for better light radius
    55. U ask random old people if they can tell u wut an item is
    56. U go into a store and ask them where they keep there armor
    57. When u go into a skool and start repeating urself over and over saying-"For the latest dupes and hacks go to www.spamman.com! "

    58. U stay away from the cemetary, just incase someone might cast corpse explosion
    59. You go into the cemetary, hoping to find an awesome item by casting Find item on all the corpses

    60. U return ur new shoes with the complaint "These didnt give me lightning resistance!"

    60.) you give your wife a bul kathos wedding ring
    61.) you deal with gheed
    62.) you actually went to lut gholein
    63.) you gave tips on how to do a whirlwind to your kids
    64.) you go to a guy and ask sumone for 50,000 gold to revive your merc
    65.) you mf through your town

    66. U argue with someone else that 2 colour tvs, is a good deal for there car, and call them a newb when they refuse

    67. you put chipped gems and a weapon inside of a cardbord box and shake it, hopeing it will come out to be cruel

    68. When someone beats u up, u tell them they bought there stuff on ebay

    69. You run in place, saying wtf lag! blackwall! ahh!

    70. When ur boss calls and asks why u werent at work today and u tell him "i got a realm down"

    71. You drill holes in your weapons and shove gems in them

    72. U ask a teacher if they can rush u through skool

    73. You whine about someone not making a auto it bot for homework.
    74. You put on various old sweatshirts, hoping one of them will be enigma.
    75. You write vex, ist, ber on paper, and stick them in your beanie.

    76. You wish your girlfriend was either a zon, sorc, or assn.
    77. Your afraid that Diablo is hiding under your bed.
    78. You say "OMFG YOU POT USER!" when you loose a fight.
    79. You throw a party just too play D2 on tcp/ip
    80. You make a dreamcatcher modled after Tyreal and claim "it keeps the demons away at night"

    81. Thinking up 81 signs that ur addicted to diablo :p ^_^

    82. when your mom tells you to clean your room you put it all in your stash

    83. when your on a timed exam on the computer, and when times up and you have nothing answered and the teacher ask "why did you do poorly" Response: i was afk

    84. you think you a necro going around cursing everyone

    85. you fill bottles with pepsi blue for when you run outta mana

    86. when ever its snowing hard you think your casting blizzard

    87. you attempt to scam someone when trading items

    88. you think you can shoot magic arrows like a zon

    89. think your vice principle is diablo and principle is baal

    90. you think you have telekinisis and can pickup/move/talk with your mind

    91. you goto your mom for full healing when you low on health/mana (food n drinks lol)

    92. if some is richer, smarter or just better than you at something you accuse them of using "hax"

    93. When you pay 200 bux for a bottle of koolaid

    94. You steal your best friends item when he is transfering.

    95. You would rather do Baal runs then go to a movie with your friends.

    96. You dont study for exams, but rather study a Necromancer's Skill Tree.

    97. You make golems in your Clay & Sculpture class and proudly present them to the class.

    98. You enter the Blizzard Contests to win a golden statue of Diablo.

    99. You were shirt with Diablo on it to Thanksgiving Dinner.

    100. You have Diablo action figures ( yes, they exist and one of my friends has a Barbarian and Diablo)

    101. On the top of your X-mas list is an Ethreal Botd.

    102. Someone Drops some money and you friend gets it b4 u and u scream "PICKIT !!111!"

    103. You start a fight and when you get tired you yell "Out of mana, NOt enough MANA"

    104. You insist Their Are Bovine from hell that carry around meat cleavers

    105. You go from town to town looking for a dead person named wirt the peg legged kid saying "i need to go cowing".

    106. You post on forums about diablo X|

    107. You actually talk about in the future getting a sword and ingraving ith on it. (sigh, i said this,lol)

    108. You always type /f m before everything
    /f m 109. You only have a maximum of 25 friends

    110. When ever your in ur living room you always look for a little box labeled "stash."

    111. You go up to someone expecting the trade window to pop up for privacy and u say too much.

    112. Whenever you go to the Desert you look for vipers :p .

    113. Whenever someone says "This is perplexing." You say "VEX, WHERE I WANT I WANT GIMMI GIMMI." Then you get shot.

    114. You stand around, randomly yelling "free?"
    115. If you can actually think of 600 reasons you play to much diablo

    116: when you buy items from ebay

    117. When you see your friend have 2x something (pc or other), you shout: Have you a private dupe?

    118. You play Diablo2 in your dreams

    119. If you are sitting in jail, you will think: I need another CD-Key

    120. U have a rousing conversation with decard cain and charsi in act 1

    121. When you wear your bling bling, you think it is a Cat's Eye

    122. You make a soj from a metal circle and your sister's earring

    123. You raise bullies you have beaten to a crap from the dead and they become all black

    124. You bring Skeletons and Mages to school

    125. You build a BBQ from a Fetish Shaman

    126. You hit the space bar, thinking your computer will start up faster.

    127: you pick up your grandfather(you know ur grandpa) and challenge the best boxer in the world and say "ha! ive got a grandfather!" and start hitting him !!

    128: u get beaten up u say "d00d y00 H@X0RZZZZZZZ!"

    129: you mix red looking drinks with blue looking drinks hoping u get a purple rejuvenation potion that makes you fit when u drink it in 1 time

    130: when u walk of start u stand still a sec and suddenly u are down and u say "WTF **** LAGGGGG!! BNET SUXXX"

    131: whenever your girlfriend (if you of course somehow got one) totally shows u she wants to have sex with you u say "not now i have to do nm baalruns to lvl and go hell and own everyone!!"

    132. you actually own a sword and a dagger

    131: you dress up as a character when you play d2

    133.You get to lvl 99 in 1 day(I hear its possible:rollie )

    134. You say "I'm not addicted."

    135. You say u got a GF (Sword) all the time.

    136. U walk into a room filled with people and u put up a big cardboard box with the words "gay box" on it

    137. u can say u r addicted and not have a problem with it

    138. You start comparing real life instances to what happned to you in Diablo 2.

    139. You cry because you became poor after .09, then come back to pwnzor all your friends in 1.10

    140. You constantly say pwnzor to people who have no clue what it means, simply on instinct, since it is synonymous with "beat up," "kill," "make fun of," and 500 other words and phrases to you.

    141. when you run across a parking lot humming the act 1 theme song and pretending that the burning archers are shooting at you.

    142. when you pick up things like a broom in your house and say to the people in the room that this broom has 1 to 20 damage. (then you start hitting people with it)

    142 1/2. when your locked out or approach a locked door you say out loud I NEED A KEY. (BARBARIAN VOICE)

    143. In class u read the word delerium and u immediatly think of your helm your character is wearing.(It happens to me)

    144. When you sit in front of the computer trying to think of clever signs to show that you are addicted to Diablo 2.

    that one has already been said like 3 times :/
    145. You walk around with a heavy cloak on, always walking towards "the east"
    146. You actually thought the patch was good

    147. You imbue your butterknife so you socket a skull

    148, You make a dummy of Diablo in your home to beat up

    149. You think your girlfriend is Blood Raven

    150. You make a bow from household materials

    151). You go to your local department store and call the clerk Gheed.

    152). You only get turned on by digital characters (woot Zons and Charsi lol)

    153). When you get sick you scream out "PSN NOOB!"

    154. You make a two-hand sword and name it "Shadow Fang"
    155. You believe there is a Archangel name Tyrael

    156. You make diablo pictures (drawings, etc) in your free time.

    157). You get a hard on while the game loads.

    158). You wonder if the synergies you gained while masturbating (lol) will help you become a stronger individual.

    159). You light yourself on fire to gain your fire mastery towards max.

    160). You own Diablo 2 boxers.

    161. You write songs about diablo. i did this. i wrote it to the tune of wierd al's parody the saga begins. i also did another one. yea

    162. You try to get your friends to start playing the game to show off your 1337 skillz.

    163. u use words like 1337 lol just kiddin kao

    164. You carry around gold pieces instead of cash

    165. You dress up as a Diablo 2 character for Halloween or a Costume party.

    166. You wear psn charms to make your fists more damaging

    167. You throw ice cubes and pretend they are Ice Bolts

    168. You gamble $10,000 at a casino, and you get Ancient Armor

    169. You become your own blacksmith in present times

    170. When you get burned in a fire, you say "DAMN YOU INFECTOR OF SOULS"

    170. U think that your friend ( Andy ) are andariels, and u thing she him kill u
    171. When u see a little bug u kill it because it might turn into duriel
    173. you keep asking blizzard when d3 will come out
    174. U start to imagine if diablo was real...
    175: when you dream about diablo2 u see a sorceress teleporting and suddenly she is in your room... you can guess what you do next ^^

    176 - you use a fire extenguisher as ice blast

    177- you use your dogs as minions and attack your brother with them (whose pretending to be baal

    178.You put a bomb into somebody and think he is the new necromancer's corpse explosion

    179. You write stories about Diablo 2 Adventures.
    180. You have a Diablo 2 Related Inernet name (D2A anyone?)

    181. when your friends go somewhere, you call and say "tp plz".

    182. umm i cant think of anything hmm let me think crap i should stop thinking out loud... k u um um um um um um have ammassed more hours playing d2 than u have been on these forums. ya that didnt make since for most ppl but when u have a lot of post like me thats an accomplishment

    183. You Scream when a godly item drops and you get it.
    184. You don't make any note of finding an unidentified windforce, because you've found so many.

    185. U have cried before from the result of something bad happening to you on diablo. I once cried when the 160/60 max armor that i just bought on ebay got deleted. *sigh*

    186- you take clothes hangers and makt claws outta them and pretend your an assassin

    187- you make paper chinesse stars and pretend your doing blade fury (i do it all the time its fun really)

    186- you take clothes hangers and pretend its a short bow :p

    187: you have a diablo diary

    188.You get little paper stars and pretend ur a asn attacking a pally that has a suitcase as a tower shield

    189. you crap urself when u find wf or gf

    190.You get a glass of water and spit it out like diablos lighting balst thingy

    191. you make an axe/sword/sheild/ and anything else u cn think of out of lego bricks
    (I did that before and they were pretty durable )

    192. You make the forgotten tower/Chaos sentuary/or any other place in the world of Diablo outta lego bricks
    (I made the acutuall tower you see before you go into the cellar, took me a few weeks )

    193.You have 9 accounts: 1 full of Druids, another for barbs, another for necs, ans so on, and the 9th is your 1337 mules.

    194.You get wet dreams from thinkin of the assn/sorc/zon in your dreams

    195.Youve spent so much time on D2 that when your mom finnaly forces you to "Take out the Trash" that once your at the trash cans you dunno how to find your way back.

    196.Your life dream is to become a fully qualified Necromancer

    197.You want your wife to be a Hybird Sorceress

    198.You finally agree to get a job, only to waste your money on stuff off of ebay

    199.Whenever your 1337 character dies you act like its a death in the family

    200. You can recite every area in every act in order with your eyes closed

    201. You develop mana so that when you use a blowtorch, it burns with your energy power.

    202. You keep a pet Grizzly Bear in your house

    203. You think bullies are Extra Strong unique monsters and their friends are minions

    204 - you use a air compress spray can and a lighter and pretend you can do inferno

    205 - You use a dictionary to look up good character names

    206- You buy more than 3 copies of the game!

    207. You run out of pockets to carry your stuff so when you touch it, you throw your item in the air and say "I can't carry anymore"

    208. You become a rogue trainer and train hot chicks in the ways of the bow for cash

    209. You go out into a corn field with armor and a knife and try to kill animals and rotten plants

    210. When something bad happens, you simply say "ng" and walk away.

    211. you make a ball of red liquid and when you fall and hurt yourself you pour out the red water to symbolize your life

    212. When you pass a grave yard u look for blood raven

    213. On halloween u dress up as barb and yell all up and down the street.

    214. You jump off the grand canyon just to see if ull reapeir in town.

    215. You start trying to master Leap so much, that you jump OVER the grand canyon

    216. You walk in the desert and you blame your troubles on Spear Cats.

    217. You go into the jungle and you think baboons will mutate into large beasts and beat your skull senseless

    218. You think every NHL hockey player is a Fetish w/ human suits on

    219. Every time you go outside in the dark, you wish you had Maphack for night vision.

    220. If you open the blender with it still going, it looks like corpse explosion to you (yes tried and tested )

    221: you run around in your city like a mad man saying diablo is gonna kill us all like he did in tristram!!

    222: you make a scroll and try to open it so u get a town portal

    223: You invade a cow farm and kill all the cows thinking there Hell Bovine, then when a bull comes, you make a town portal because you fear that killing the bull will make the farm disappear

    224: whenever you see a dead cow u walk around it with a very big distance cus u are afraid someone will click on it and it will go boom!!

    225. You use items from glass because they look ethereal.
    226. You are 10 metres away from someone and you try to dragon flight him.
    227. You never touch hammers because you think they are blessed hammers.
    228. You can't sleep at night if you don't think about your favourite character.
    229. You wear charms all over your body.
    230. When a person dies you repeatedly say "Your deeds of valor will be remembered".

    231: You have friends at school who play the game and every time you are together you ONLY talk about what you did last night.

    232. Your over 30, single, working at Mc.Donalds, and live with your parents.
    233. You create a shrine all about Diablo in your closet or attic or whereever.
    234. You name your child (assuming of course you get that far ) after an NPC from D2(i.e. Warriv, Halbu, Atma, you get the idea)

    235. You play from 8:00am when u woke up to 12:00 am when u go to sleep (i did ... no school for me) that makes me wanna cry... wta a waste of time DAMN U DIABLO

    236. When you get a good item and try to sell it on ebay and thinking you can make big money off of it.

    237. You start thinking what a waste of time Diablo 2 is. (But it's so fun!)

    238. You place remote mines into corpses and you press the detenator when someone walks by, creating a nasty corpse explosion

    239: You make folders of diablo and go in the city to spread them around so more people play diablo2!
    240: You think Battle.net never lags or crashes and is bugfree

    241. in aim u type "/f msg hey" in stead of just "hey"

    242. You strap bombs to yourself thinking you want to be a Fanatic Enslaved when you grow up.

    243. You invent a lightning gun that allows you to use lightning inferno just like Diablo

    244. You say "**** you" or "*******" and think your friends and enemies are going to be cursed by Amplify Damage

    54. You see evil everywhere.

    245. You say no to your friends to go home and play D2.

    246. You will pay money for DIABLO2 item...
    I personally think that is the most lamest thing... wasting money on a game...Glad I'll never take it that far.

    247:you constintly collect the wirts leg in WC3

    248. You think that by attacking a beetle, he will send out lightning bolts and shock you

    249. You fear spiders because when you squash one, you may accidently set off Giant Spiders to kill you

    250. You get banned from the forums for going into the DiabloForums and spam "Diablo 2 roxxors my boxxors"

    251). You start to use your penis as a sword and tell your mom that you found your Grandfather. . .

    252). You drink a lil bit and start trading your gear for another beer!

    253). You prefer to play D2 instead of gettin laid.

    254. You start drawing diablo 2 stuff on your homework + school papers + books.

    255.you convince your friends to play diablo2.

    256. You make cardboard cut outs of monsters from D2 and throw darts(blade sentrys)at them and hold stake knives(Claws)and start slicing at them.

    257. you are scared to walk out a city bcuz u think someone will pk you
    258. you hear the "hostility" sound in your head every now and then (happened to me after i played D2 for 6 hours straight one weekend lol)

    259. u walk into a car dealership and say "free?"

    260. you think your sister is a assassin
    261: every place you go where you see the diablo Box you pick it up and look at the fold out cover and or back.

    262. if u have to share time with a sibling and u blackmail them for more computer time (my friends bro blackmails him for D2 time, sad isnt it?)
    263. you are hungry or thirsty but u r too busy doing baal runs or mfing to get up and get food or a drink

    264: You start comparing games to Diablo 2 (For instance Rogue Spear vs D2)

    265. you give your friend a t-shirt that says arkanine's valor on it for his birthday

    266. while walking with your friends in the hall at school one day you here kids say " i found sigons full set yesterday!" and you look at your friends and say " NOOB" and walk away laughing

    267. You go to the mountains and you help someone who is getting attacked by porcipines and vultures (first guest monsters i faced on the bloody foothills.)

    268. You tape and glue sharp glass to your body so that you can have a thorns effect on your attackers or bullies.

    269. You play Killswitch and when you hide behind a box to take cover, you ask yourself "is there unique armor in that box?"

    270. You kill yourself hoping your corpse will rise up from the dead and kill humans

    271. you find stones and place them in your cloths thinking that you will be faster and even indestructable

    272: You go to Michael's Jordan's front lawn and pick up the stones and put them on your finger, thinking it will give you "25% extra mana and 1+ all skill levels"

    273: You kill yourself in the hopes seeing Tyreal.

    274.: You live to 99 years old and start calling dead people noobs

    275: When you refuse to have intimate sessions with your g/f becuase you rather play d2.(done it before)

    276. When you compare every girl to a amazon ,sassy, or sorc exp. Wow she looks lie kasorc..and thatsa hot zon over there)

    277. You live in the jungle hoping you become one with the fetish

    278. You step away from cows and use guns because you think the cow is the king and will send out electrical bolts

    279. You build a rubber sword and quit school to go on a quest to hunt Diablo who you think is the pizzaboy.

    280. You wership Diablo as your god

    281. in arguments you win you slap the person in the face and say pwned as you do it

    282. you can tell what kind of character a friend is making by the look in his eyes.
    283. You go in PK games with your CC and start talking ****.

    284: You go into Korean hell games (back in the .08 days) and type this:

    asdklfaskldjf;klasdjfl;kasjdfl;kasjdfkljasdflkjasl ;dkfj;askldfj;klsdfjksjfaskldfjalskdjfl;askdfj;lak sdjfl;kasdjf;lksdjf;klsdjf;klsjdfkljs;dlfkja;skldf j;aklsdjfl;kasjdf;laksdjf;lkasjdf;klajsdf;klajsd;f lkj;asldkfj;lskdfj;lksdjfl;aksdjf;lkasdjfkl;sdjf;k lsdjf;kjasdfas;kldfj;askdjf;klasjd;flka;alskdjf;la ksjdf;klasjdf;laskjdfl;aksjdf;klasdjfklasjdfl;kasj df;laksjdfkasjdfkasjdf;klajsd;flkja;sldkfjal;skdfj l;aksdjf;laksdjf;laksdjf;klasdjf;laskd

    It looks funny in act 4 cuz the pandamonium fortess is small and after you type that all you can see is a sea of tp's. Then you start talking **** and everyone goes hostile.

    285: You get your workplace doing a diablo theme monthly sales contest and every Friday's contest is called a duel.

    286. You make sites about Diablo (like what you found, your characters, etc)

    287. You make a sheet of paper with everyone's names from your class, then you consider this as your alliance sheet. So when you go hostile, you write dueling swords and you use your tape recorder to play the noise.

    288. You go into Game Design so you can make a 3D version of Diablo 2

    289. You decide to paint all your bullies different colours (palette swapping.) so you can make them different species of monster

    290. You yell at your friend because he wants you to play Diablo 2 when you should be reading the Driver's Handbook or doing your hobby.

    I find it hard to leave Diablo 2 when I play, i started at 8:00 and i ended at 12:30 AM on a school day. I need to make myself less distracted with my surrondsings , this relates to 290 so i am not bumping

    291. You know that Diablo is spainsh for Devil
    292. You name your pet "Baal"
    293. You think that Flavie the amazon is Hot
    294. You realize that the assassin's ass is nice
    295. You always want to be Gheed when u grow up

    296. you r supposed to be doin an importnant assignment in class... but insted u look at diablo items seein wat would be good for u to use

    297. U tell everyone in your family u just fought the dcloen and tehy are like wtf r u talkin about

    298. u trade away good stuff just to try out a bug in diablo (flamebellow and being an indestruble barb)

    299. you get so bored u decide to make a bomber barb...( 4 sokcetd armor, 2x6 socketd sword, 3 socketd helm full of psn facets and other die facets)

    300. all u can think about while ur away from ur computer is wat your meph bot found ...

    301: you suddenly stand up in class and say : "omg there's 2 times ASS in ASSASSin , thats why she has a great but!" and you laugh maniacal! MUHAHAHHAAAH

    302. You buy a mini fridge put it in ur computer room and stock it full of food/drinks cuz u dont wanna leave and miss somethin exciting on diablo ( i have mini fridge full of food and pepsi in my computer room... i am hardcore)

    303. you light something on fire, and wish you had a fire facet to make the flames even bigger.

    304. you act like a retard in class pretending your ruler is a doombriger.

    305. You fear to go outside in the woods, or anywhere wild for that matter, for you fear there are monsters lurking about.Originally posted by WildfireFX
    You act like a dumbass in class pretending your ruler is a doombringer
    me and my freind had a ruler/sword fight in class once.

    306: When you date some stranger on there to be nice and flirt for items......if ya don't believe me, ask Summit and White Angel and.......

    307: You are so good, when you log on D2, blizzard sends a message to everyone saying you are on.

    308: Blizzard prays at your doorstep on how you became so godly

    309: When you are getting beaten up at school, you wish you had a DIE FACET.

    310: You try to make a shadow warrior of yourself to go to school for you with added health so he can withstand bulliess.

    311: You can name every single unique item in diablo whilst in your sleep.

    312: You can't sleep, so you go to the cow level and stand in the middle, and started counting them.

    313. You come up with stupid reasons to get this thing to 600.

    314. you state in your will that your windforce, ss, and valor be given to your sister, and your BOTD zerker, enigma, and vamp gaze go to your brother at the time of your death.

    315. Y0(_) \/\/|2I''|''3 Y0(_)|2 ''|''3|2?/\/\ P4P0rz |/\/ 1337....

    316. you build a custom made wooden box to buy groceries, and call it your "trade window"

    317. your vocabulary only consists of: "follow me", "this is yours", "Time to die", "Forgive me", "RUN!", and "thank you"

    318: Al Coe Holick gets a life before you quit playing...
    319: You realize that you may starve to death if you dont stop playing diablo
    320: You love d2 so much you become a blizz worker to play more but hate yourself because you have to ban you own account

    321: You hit a deer while driving and get out to see if it dropped anything good.

    322. You rob a jewelry store because you saw an soj there

    323. Your playlist for winamp is all Diablo 2 songs and wavs.

    324. You go to your friend who is black and say "Hey Paladin"
    (not being racist)

    325. You build a pike out of a fencepost and you run around town doing 11-63 damage to people

    326. You paint a red bar on a slab of wood and when you punch someone , you paint black on it to represent a health bar.

    327. You take 1 day to think up a new excuse because people are lazy

    329. U break ur pencil and go ask ur teacher if she can repair it.

    330. when u see a latinos girl u tell her ur location so she can teleport tonight.

    331. U throw ur new p4 3.2 ghz away when u die yelling STUPID LAG!

    332. When u talk about d2 to ur g/f all day long. (wont last long)

    333. U have red this far and are still reading...
    334. And Are still continuing to read past this one

    335:When you use your rack for items or offer "oral pleasure" for items.........twice.

    336. You start to become a lumber jack, anf you custom build your axe to be a Hellslayer.

    337. You spin in circles with a knife or a baseball bat, thinking you can whirlwind into enemies

    338. You punch a bully. but you throw a match at him because he is immune to physical

    339. You paint robotic people black, saying "Behold my revival power"

    340 You post on this post on how YOU play too much LOD, i know my respose doesn't deserve to be here

    341. A guy knocks on your door and says "You want to buy a Stormshield for $5" and he gives you a disk with a cron virus in it.

    342: You travel to india to learn the art of zakarum and become a devoted holy followerer

    343: You memorised all the stats of every single UBER item in D2

    344: You do genetic engineering on your cat to make it into a Spear Cat

    345: You wonder if you die you'll become a Prime Evil

    346: If you do become a prime evil you wonder if you will be trapped with a soulstone

    367: You travel to egypt to look for the TRUE tomb of Tal Rasha

    368: You go to Egypt to see if you can find a mystic portal to the Arcane Sanctuary

    369: You wonder if you will find harems surrounding the mystic portal to the Arcane Sanctuary

    370: You think it would've been cheaper to employ Sorceresses for Iraq.

    371: Your only fear of employing Sorceresses to Iraq is that they have Resistance Hurricane Druids waiting.

    372). You even dare to use the word UBER
    373). You ask your g/f to put on an Amazon outfit
    374). You try to trade your paper made "rune" for Cloud's Buster Sword.
    375). You can't except a loss in dueling and just get so frustrated all you can mutter out is: "noob"

    376. You think that Venom Lord vs. Blunderbore vs. Invader would make a good triple threat match for the Diablo 2 Championship.

    377: u somehow get a child and send it to china (or japan) and let her be trained like a true sorceress
    378: u don’t have much money so u make a wooden plank a fire skiller so u save on gas

    379. U search d2 hentai porn on google (happen to a friend of mine )
    380. U ask ur parents for an P anihilus charm for cristmas
    381. U get to school and when u see ur best buddy on bnet you yell I GOT AN HOTO!
    382. U get to school and a bully is looking at you and all u got to say is : Im a protector of the light and throw an hammer in is face.
    383. At the cafeteria you hear a guy telling that his wind druid rules and u yell NOOB! WIND DRUID SUCKS! HAMMERDIN RULES!

    384: You turn up the d2 music to help you sleep.

    385. You think that CTs are Rogues and Ts are Skeletons, and Diablo is the ref that says "Counter Terrorist win".

    386. You say something to ur friend and he says "what, I didn't hear u" And you say PRESS M NOOB.

    386. When you have an earth quake you shout: "I CALL THE ANNI."

    387. When ever you hear something funny in real life in instead of laughing you shout LOL or think it.

    388. You say T-H-X instead of thanks or S-r-r-y instead of sorry

    389. You fear the weapon of mass destruction is actually an Oblivion Knight that casts Iron Maiden on soldiers.

    390. You become president and you give all military swords and shields and make them go to Mt Everest thinking its Harrogath

    391. You see a lighter and you say, its a "Fallen Shaman" tool

    392. You are afraid of going outside because you are making cookies and Baal and his minions are outside wanting some

    393. You make a soulstone from a rock and you pretend its magic

    394. you think that your tobogan is a Dung Beetle shell

    395. when you get killed, you strip all your clothing and you hope someone or you will respawn and pick it up.

    396. You suggest a Playboy Mansion secret level with Corrupted Rogues (not the bald ones with horns.) are the enemies

    397. You growl or yell very loud "WHAT" at people who disturb you while you play
    398. You get angry when the phone rings while your playing
    399. you get very angry when bnet is lagging, failed to join or Your connection has been interrupted.

    400. You go to anger management classes.

    401. After to beat someone up, you take their keys and you jam it into your head and you think you will become the wanderer (daiblo 1 excript )

    402. You keep wasting your time to think of more reasons to actually get to 600 assuming you can think when u sit on yur ass and play d2 all day.

    403. You buy a whip and football armor and you dress up as a Lasher at a Diablo 2 convention and you whip people that are dressed up as Baal's Minion Type and you turn them into suiciders

    404. You wear football armor hoping it is ik armor

    405. You throw ice cubes thinking they are Ice Blasts

    406. get mad when teacher / boss doesnt replenish life / mana.
    407. throw arms in air n in front of u to tele.
    408. when your shopping, and say "my merc would put this to good use".
    409. u ask everyone u see if they play d2x on bnet.
    410. pockets are full, and you say "/f m xfer plz?" outloud.
    411. u leave homework at home n tell teacher its on your mule.
    412. got your wife / gf addicted cuz the ''shopping'' is fun.
    413. call a mean midget Rakanishu or old skinny man Pindle.
    414. u drink B-52, Blue Kamikazes, Red Death's n think your gaining life/mana (they are alcoholic drinks) :nooob
    415. someone says "lets take this outside" and your reply is "im not at the hostility level yet" just so u dont get your azz pwned
    416. your boss tells you to stop doing this shat and u say "not enough mana".
    417. you throw a (blessed) hammer thinkin it will frisbee around you. ~hammer= universal machine repair kit :loopy
    418. u considering "sleeping in" as "laggy respawn".
    419. u only care about d2x, homework, gf, and family r n00b 5h1t.
    420. hide in forest n blaze with the shaman.
    421. You think a fat woman walking to the opera in a fur coat is Treehead Woodfist (Brute)

    422. You make a windforce out of old wood and electrical batteries around your house, but it backfires and kills you.

    423. You are so paranoid about resistances that when you go outside and its a blizzard, you think a holy freeze monster is around.

    424. You see Oprah Winfrey on T.V. (when she was fat) and immediately you think...She looks like Treehead Woodfist (Brute)

    425. When in chemisty class you are making a green liquid and when the glass midget comes in the room you throw it at him/her hoping the liquid will explode and kill the damn fallen.

    426. If you steal your mom's jewelry hoping to find a white ring.

    427. If you use more then 1 computer to play diablo 2

    428. You freak out when the phone rings b/c you think its the hostile sound.

    429: everytime u hear someone talking about ANY other game u say. h@h@ Y0|_| /\/3\/\/|37@r. D2X 0\/\/N2 |_| R @R5E

    430: Whenever you do better at something (like a test) than someone else you tell them owned, gg, thanx.

    431: When a friend of yours is going to get into a fight, you tell ur friend " Dude, you'll own that noob."

    432: When u drink 12 cans of coke so u dont fall asleep at 4am and can keep playing.
    433:when u have dreams about your pindlebot and what u r gonna find!
    434: When u get diablo on your golie mask for ice hockey.(yes i did it and it looks great!!)
    435: When you sit down on your computer start diablo without looking.
    436: When you think skin heads are zombies.
    437:When you wont pickup the phone because u are too into the game.
    438:When you spend valentines day on diablo.
    439:when you skip school to play diablo.
    440:When u can get a charecter to lvl 90 in 3 days on the ladder.
    441: When the only way someone can get you off your computer is to pay you.
    442: When you run pindle bot on more then 1 computer over night.
    443: When you day dream about your items at school.
    444: When you are read this forums beacuse u cant have the diablo at school.

    445: when you buy and read all 3 of the diablo series books

    446: You Wake Up, and your door is shut, so u grab ur bow and start shooting arrows at it @@.

    447. You become Larzuk and you make armor out of household materials

    448. You want to become a paladin so you can ward off evil and eat donuts like a holy man

    449. You think Nali from Unreal and Unreal Tournament are Sand Raiders

    450. While riding the subway you mimic the monster sounds (Rakanishu, Brutes, Zombies etc...) and the people around you look at you like wtf is your problem.

    True story: I did that and this girl was laughing at me. But I got her phone number and alot more from her

    451:wile shopping u get impatient in line and start repeating... comon, follow me, comon, follow me, comon, follow me, comon, follow me.

    452: you get scared at about 4 am hearing noises insted of thinging of the boogy man, u think shenk is comeing after you.

    453 A friend lends you money you never pay him back and shout HAHAHAAHAH NOOB I SCAMMED j00 A$$

    454. Whenever you are bored in a class, so you start to classify everyone in class into a Diablo 2 character class.(barb, pally...)

    455. When you get your own or u fathers hunting bow and walk around pretending that you are a zon that is dueling.

    456 (i guess :p decide for me in the next post): you strongly BELIEVE that life is Diablo II Hardcore

    457. When you walk on to a busy interstate and say "What do I care, this life is softcore!"
    458. When a dog comes near you and you raise your hand hoping Armegeddon comes down on him and misses you totally... yet follows you around!

    459). When fighting your friends you say "Time To Die" instead of something childish that you would normally say.

    460). You love Hawiian Punch thinkin it is an HP pot.

    461. u know the xp needed for each level
    462. you can picture meph doing any of his moves in any direction anywhere in durance 3.
    463. you have muled sets (not particularly the green ones) for certain level ranges. ie. sigons for all of norm, etc.
    464. you know how to track diablo clone any time of day.
    465. you know the trade game too well and can work your way to wf from a simple rune (or whatever, u get it.)
    462. you can picture meph doing any of his moves in any direction anywhere in durance 3.
    466. You buy a teddy bear and you call it "Crusher" (A2 Wendigo)
    467. You fear that the Beatles band was an army of Bone Scarabs learning to rock and roll
    468. You go to church and when you sneeze or swear, you think everyone will take out axes and bills and try to kill you (Zakarum People and Preists.)

    469: When you Scream like a idiot before fighting thinking it a war cry

    470. when u want to kill your sister because she just HAS to get on AIM when ur getting a free hell rush (happens all the time-_-)

    471. You think sperm and egg fertilization is like Harrogath, the sperm are the demons and the eggs are the barbarians that want to get killed

    472. You make a credit card and you call it "Diablo Express", where if you go to ebay and buy a soj, you save 20% off its regular price

    473. Your mercenary has enigma, an eth BotD weapon, and delerium.

    474. You drop classes from your schedule JUST so you can get home early to play Diablo.

    475. You get two jobs. One for normal things to buy, and another just so you can buy D2 items.

    476. When you see fire, you think of either River of Flame, Camp fire in Rogue camp, or fires that appears from trap chest.

    477. You are Ebayer, buying items and Mh at like $100.

    478. You kill your brother because you thought he was Fallen One when he held up his knife (true story, was on CNN few years ago)

    479. You learned word 'seal' from Diablo.

    480. Whenever you see colour red, you think of Diablo.

    481. You missed several parties and all from cowing from Diablo, and mfing, and rushing.

    482. When you see blond girl with big boobs, you run away jus incase they yell at you for being close to them (hence the javazons and wf zons in 1.09 in cow rooms)

    483. When you try to whisper som1 in War3, you always go like this: /w *acc

    484. You have lvl 99 chars for all class.

    485. You can now play games where you only do samething to lvl up.

    486. You think amulet is necklace.

    487. When you see Jordan with ring, you try to steal it from him.

    488. You offer Cafeteria lady/man 3 SOJs for the food.

    476. When you see fire, you think of either River of Flame, Camp fire in Rogue camp, or fires that appears from trap chest.

    477. You are Ebayer, buying items and Mh at like $100.

    478. You kill your brother because you thought he was Fallen One when he held up his knife (true story, was on CNN few years ago)

    479. You learned word 'seal' from Diablo.

    480. Whenever you see colour red, you think of Diablo.

    481. You missed several parties and all from cowing from Diablo, and mfing, and rushing.

    482. When you see blond girl with big boobs, you run away jus incase they yell at you for being close to them (hence the javazons and wf zons in 1.09 in cow rooms)

    483. You now memorized the maps and how they look like. (5 years of D2 experience, I became familar with them, not memorize,)

    484. You have 3 jobs, one for ur living, another for ebay, another for D2 shop.com

    485. You have D2 installed in your company computer.

    486. You play D2 in Library computer (seen one)

    487. You carry D2 CD with you everyday, jus in case.

    488. You have painted your water bottle with red, and other one with blu, and another one with purple (fat bottle).

    489. When your character hits monster and you dont see purple/red/blue wavy thingy, you go nuts.

    490. You read what quest logs have to say.

    491. You dont sleep, you mf.

    492. You know most of the bugs.

    489. You think that buy owning 10 diamonds on your amulet, you are wearing the Marim Oak Curio (a unique amulet that offers 10 to different stats)

    490. You call airports waypoints and you wish you went on them for free instead of paying $500

    491. You develop an oblivion knight robot and a time machine, so that you can send it back to medieval times and cause melee knights to die at the hands of one of the most cheapest bastards in diablo 2

    493.When you sit in the classroom and realize that you are NOT fighting d2 creatures, you are stuck in the middle of a lecture about some historic event in the 15th century.

    494. Whenever your in a fight and the bully/Fighter gets a drink you say " POT MORE NOOB."

    495. When ur not playing d2, and ur fighting someone and u say no NK!

    496. You go to school and you bring an army of fallen as a show and tell project.

    497. In science class, you create a Willowisp (Burning Soul, Gloam etc.) by using Magnesium and lighting it with magic fire (if you lite MAgnesium, it glows bright and blinds you.)

    498. You punch out a bully and you say "Yay, I got 36 Experience points"

    499. You create a battery belt. that if you get attacked, it sends out electricity and kills things

    500. When your Diablo 2 disk gets scratched so bad, then you cry and you bring it to an Emergency Room at a hospital, and you want the doctors to perform surgery. (A little too paranoid.)

    501. You find old Diablo 1 disk, install and play, and smacks the computer because Characters dont run.

    502. You had dreams about Diablo.

    503. You work for Blizzard now... jus to create Diablo 3.

    504. You think that Demon Imps are little babies that run around and throw bottles at you, or was it the other way around?

    505. You will always debate on how to pronounce Diablo (Di-ablo or D-i-ablo)

    506. You feel weriod that paladin is black (if so, ur also racist :angry)

    507. You have poor grades in school so yur parents take away yur computer so you start crying. (I never did this btw)

    508. whenever u see a computer, u want to play diablo.
    509. whenever u see something weird, you call it a 'bug', and it should be fixed in the next 'patch'.

    510. You PMS at a girl and call her "Coldcrow" (hate that bitch btw
    511. You think by smoking drugz you can increase your strength by 100
    512. When you want to stand still, you say "PRESS SHIFT AND RIGHT CLICK" at a huge event

    513: you take a brown cape and put it on and u pretend ur the wanderer and u walk from city to city.

    514: your driving in your car and you hit a dog and you say to your friend to go look for uniques

    515. To keep your sister out of your closet, you place a trap in it that will shoot out a fire bolt or cause a nova.

    516. When you get poisoned, you paint your whole body green

    517. You attack Jean Cretien or George Bush thinking they are super unique monsters that will drop armor

    518. You want to be a SWAT soldier because you think that when they become riot troops, they have sigons

    519. when you go to las vegas you bring "mf charms" to increase your chaces of hitting the jackpock at the slots.

    520. When your at a magic show and when someone dissapears and reappears in a different spot you shout OMG SHE TELEPORTED

    521. You punch a guy in the face because when he says a word, it is actually your password to your BAttle.net Accont.

    522). You think a Barbarian could be a porn star.

    523). You think your Barb raped ur Zon.

    524). You want to rape ur zon.

    525). You rape an acutal amazon.

    526) You replace all the army helmets with Vampire Gazes (the unique helm that everyone wants) so you can make a soldier have the ability to take on a tank and win with a rifle.

    527) Death comes by your door and you bribe him $450 to respawn at your house

    528). You have no social life, as the only friends you have you can talk to by hittin /f m

    529 (with the mistakes)) You make flash movies about Diablo 2

    530) You make little toy Stygian Dolls so they can run into military outposts and blow up in soldier's faces

    531) You put your character as an avatar on the forums

    532: you wonder if the choice came and you had to fight one character class for the sake of your life, who you would choose to battle.

    533- You choose amazon cause you might grab a tittie.

    534. To make the engima armor, you take a T-shirt and you paint the word Enigma on the back and the runes required on the front, so you can teleport and hope it can improve your sex life (skills can be sex skills for humans)

    535. Jus like Hellwolf, u make avatar about d2
    536. You make a d2 store
    537. You do botting for 1 month straight, ur comp is not turned off.
    538. You play d2 in school and library.

    535. Jus like Hellwolf, u make avatar about d2
    538. You play d2 in school and library.

    You bet your ass I do both ,not the at school thing, but my friend is trying to

    539. We believe that God should be the one going to hell to destroy Diablo, but he must stay up in heaven to protect it

    540. You hold out a cross and pretend you have Sanctuary

    541. You bring a flamethrower to school to Inferno your bullies

    542. You are posting stuff in this thread..

    543. when the sky darkens you blame claw vipers
    544. you have the Diablo 1 and 2 soundtrack
    545. You create the Cairn Stones with chairs inside your classroom

    546. You mistaken the red portals with the Eye of Sauron and vice versa, remember the eye of Suaron sees all

    547. You ask your friends which Gateway they think is the best

    548. You ask random people on the street for free uniques

    550. You get mad at you parents and you try and cast a spell to blind them

    551. You repair your tools by making counterfiet zod runes and putting them into sockets.

    552. You take up blacksmithry even though it doesn't exist anymore

    553. You think you can do better in School because you added skill points to the Homework tab

    554. You develop a sex tab and you get a porn magazine to increase all skills in this tree (a little mature no?)

    555. You think you already casted Iron Maiden on a bully so you think he will get hurt more than you!....(BIG Mistake)

    556. You do serious research on what mana is and how you can uncover the UNIVERSAL QUESTION....WHAT IS THE BEST CHARACTER BUILD? (It has plagued newbs forever....I guess that is why you call them newbs... )

    557. You think you are out of mana, so you smoke drugz and take caffiene pills

    558. You try day and night asking people on BNET if they got +1/2 to Friends Skills charms

    559. You punch a guy named Gheed out in the streets so you can take his fortune (if you are not a ladder character or understand unique charms, you do not get this.)

    560. You try trade-hacking a shop keeper by saying accept quickly after you take your money from him....

    561. You also spam in this thread like crazy ^^
    562. You think sorceress is white.... =/
    563. You dont like the fact taht sorceress is black..
    564. You'd wish your girlfriend had boobs like zon's ^^;

    565. You start hoping J-Lo is a sorc...so that she will have a lot to talk about with you when you two meet up on BNET( Hehehe...)

    566. You find a Zerg Zergling in the game and you go inform Battle.net that someone had merged your games together.

    567. You get bored of closed and move to open. You realize open sucks and go back to close. Repeat cycle.

    568. You actually play a TCP/IP baed game via LAN PARTY

    569. You stand still and wonder why bullies have 5% chance of hitting you when you are wearing football uniform.

    570. You memorize all the runewords.

    571. When ever you see a fat man you think of Duriel and get a traquielizer gun.

    572.You'd value your own life then your Diablo disk.

    573. Your girl friend wants to give you a blowjob when your playing Diablo and you say "ARE YOU NUTS? DIABLO CAME. GET LOST!"

    574. When your sitting in school and day dreaming about Diablo and your teacher calls on you to answer Question 2 you say: "DIE DIABLO HAHAHA."

    575. Thinking your girl friend is an asn.

    576- you stay up till 4am playing the game
    577: ur new nick becomes UB@H-D1@|370

    578. You'd wish Andy was real alive person...
    579. whenever you see volcanoe eruption, u say "aww another druid's armaggddon... its not that strong with max fire resist + dwarf ring."
    580. You shave your head jus like barb cuz you think u can get that much stronger..

    581. You blow up the mall because they refused to trade an engima chaos armor for your tal rasha's set

    582. You kill your parents because they could be corrupted

    583, You take a blue diamond and turn it into a necklace thinking you have a Annhilius charm

    584: a homless guy asks for change and you say "OMFG N00B STFU NO FREES"

    585 you dress up as Diablo for Halloween

    586: you give up "family time" for d2.

    587: whenever you have free time, you think aobut what items your char would look good on

    588: you take your time to make your acct clean, deleteing any chars that arent not 'with it'

    589: you wonder about the underlying theme of diablo, and write an essay on it

    590: you try to convince your compsci teacher to let u decompile d2 as a project

    591 when u see a old guy u ask "can u identy my stuff now?"

    592 when little kids bother u start going " DIE CARVENERS!"

    593 u start yelling "follow me, DIE, this is for u" since your bored

    594. You are reading all of these over to make sure there are no repeats
    595. You change family night into Diablo 2 night

    596. You start calling strangers asking if they got an extra cd key...

    597. You start trying to convince people Diablo 2 isn't an "evil" game...but a nice nuturing one...( even though Diablo means DEVIL...evil??? NAH)

    598. You stay in a diablo clone game for 13 hours! ( seen it too many times...once diablo clone had already come...hehe I killed)

    599. You start reffering to diablo 2 players in resumes and such

    599 1/2. You start cataloguing all your diablo 2 items and begin to make investments in items....like buying 1000 sander's boots and think it will make the price go up

    600. You make an ice cave in your back yard, then crawl through it trying to find anya.

    [ September 19, 2006, 21:07: Message edited by: Taluntain ]
  2. Elfen Lied

    Elfen Lied The Bird of Hermes is my name, eating my wings to

    Jan 18, 2006
    Likes Received:
    no one has any thing to say about any of that list?
  3. Iku-Turso Gems: 26/31
    Latest gem: Diamond

    Oct 15, 2005
    Likes Received:
    Too long, gah! It's - too - long...
  4. Clixby Gems: 13/31
    Latest gem: Ziose

    Mar 25, 2005
    Likes Received:
    601. you make frighteningly inane lists about it.

    Seriously, none of that was funny. these threads aren't funny. Stop. Please.

    [ September 22, 2006, 14:44: Message edited by: Clixby ]
  5. The Great Snook Gems: 31/31
    Latest gem: Rogue Stone

    Adored Veteran

    May 15, 2003
    Likes Received:
    I would have to quit my job in order to find the time to read it, and I love the game.
  6. Bahir the Red Gems: 18/31
    Latest gem: Horn Coral

    Jul 13, 2004
    Likes Received:
    I hate the game. Been addicted twice, and it has given me nothing. Duped items and runes, the hours and hours of mfing, the baal runs... It all sucks, big time. No intellectual challenges either.
  7. Gnarfflinger

    Gnarfflinger Wiseguy in Training

    Nov 15, 2004
    Likes Received:
    But it's da Bomb when you don't want to tax my intellect...
  8. Wordplay Gems: 29/31
    Latest gem: Glittering Beljuril

    Oct 14, 2002
    Likes Received:
    @ Bahir the Red

    Sounds like you haven't played it as it should be played: only a few times a week with a regular party and without twinking (runs, public trading). Just do the quests and by the time your char is 'Guardian', delete it and begin anew -after a few months, if need. ;)

    That list needs a squeeze -it's too bloated.
  9. Barmy Army

    Barmy Army Simple mind, simple pleasures... Adored Veteran

    May 26, 2003
    Likes Received:
    What the hell.
  10. Bahir the Red Gems: 18/31
    Latest gem: Horn Coral

    Jul 13, 2004
    Likes Received:
    Nah, that's boring too since playing the game is just endless repetition. The only thing that is fun to do is collect items, but in the end, that sucks as well.
  11. Lord FOX Gems: 6/31
    Latest gem: Jasper

    May 9, 2006
    Likes Received:
    I have to recognize that I used to be addict, but on Diablo 1!!!
    I think that may be ended up with my first fioncee just because I did´nt get out of my house even if an atomic bomb were dropped in my backyard(most of the time wasted playing some strategy game)
    But by the time I put my fingers around Diablo...the Hell itself emerge under my room!
    There were some days I don´t even recall eating...or sleeping...or even seen the sun.
    By the time the awesome sequel hit the streets, I take it a little easier(I was older,and unfortunately,single); so no social life were hurt.
    But appart from that, I´ve never experinced any of the conducts in this (may be crazy) list.
  12. Dengo Gems: 8/31
    Latest gem: Skydrop


    Jun 10, 2006
    Likes Received:
    Me and my friend was addict. But I don't play it anymore because it's boring. Kill x, bring item y to NPC z etc... Also I heard game is too hard in Hell difficulty in latest patches. But that list is meaningless and loooooong.
  13. Cúchulainn Gems: 28/31
    Latest gem: Star Sapphire

    Oct 20, 2004
    Likes Received:
    What the hell?
  14. Sparhawk the Pandion Gems: 14/31
    Latest gem: Chrysoberyl

    Aug 30, 2003
    Likes Received:
    'Stone of Jordan' is a Diablo II ring.
  15. Aldeth the Foppish Idiot

    Aldeth the Foppish Idiot Armed with My Mallet O' Thinking Veteran

    May 15, 2003
    Likes Received:
    I think that list was a contest to see how far you would read it before giving up. I made it to about 100, noticed that my progress side bar was still nearly at the top, and said, "How long *is* this?" Then, I just scrolled down and saw there was something like 600 on the list, and there's no way in hell I'm reading all of them.

    I am a game addict, but not a D2 addict. I get the urge a couple of times a year to pull the game out, play for a few weeks with a character, and then that's it for another six months. It's good after a stressful day when you want to do something mindless, where if it moves, kill it.
  16. MagickCaster Gems: 1/31
    Latest gem: Turquoise

    Jun 25, 2008
    Likes Received:
    "not now i have to do nm baalruns to lvl and go hell and own everyone!!"


    293. You think that Flavie the archer is Hot
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