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2DA modding help

Discussion in 'Neverwinter Nights 2' started by SlickRCBD, Oct 11, 2021.

  1. SlickRCBD Gems: 29/31
    Latest gem: Glittering Beljuril

    Resourceful Adored Veteran

    May 7, 2005
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    I haven't played NWN2 in many years, but thought I'd give a Warlock another run as it was the first character I played.
    However, as I said, I haven't played in years.
    I recall a decade ago I was able to modify the game to let me get a new spell pick every level, but I can't recall how.
    I'm almost certain I used a 2DA file in the override folder.
    However, over the last decade, I went from using the DVD version with MotB to purchasing the GoG version when it was on sale in order to get the Storm of Zehir expansion and the premium modules.
    I think I might have the old version installed on my Vista/7 computer, but the GoG version is installed on my Win10 computer, and I don't see any 2DA files in the override folder, only a bunch of .NCS files. Apparently when GoG removed the copy protection they also recombined the expansion packs instead of relying on the override folder.

    NearInfinity doesn't appear to support NWN2 and neither does InfinityExplorer. I don't see anything about viewing 2DAs in the Toolset. I only checked on this site for the editors, so if there are newer versions that work, I didn't know that.
    What tool would I have used to browse NWN2, identify and modify the .2DA file for Warlock spell progression? This would be simple with either of the two mentioned editors in the Infinity Engine games, and I know I didn't have this much trouble a decade ago.

    I am embarrassed to ask, but I couldn't find the info in 5 minutes of Googling and just want to relax right now so I thought I'd ask here where somebody can probably answer off the top of their head.
    About the closest I could find to an answer was this:
  2. rjshae Gems: 2/31
    Latest gem: Fire Agate

    Jun 10, 2022
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    Hello SlickRCBD. Based on the 'classes.2da' entry for Warlock, the spells known table is in 'cls_spkn_wlck.2da'. You could try modifying that and then placing it in your local NWN2 override folder.
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