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ALFA adventures

Discussion in 'Neverwinter Nights (Classic)' started by Gothmog, Jun 19, 2003.

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  1. Gothmog

    Gothmog Man, a curious beast indeed! ★ SPS Account Holder Veteran

    Jun 30, 2002
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    You know all those things that litter other topics and where they shouldnt even be are most welcomed here.

    Kind of ALFA babbling post.... But at least it help non-ALFAns to feel a bit of what is happening there.

    Temporary: Its a stupid title... Anyone thinks of a better one?
  2. Mathetais Gems: 28/31
    Latest gem: Star Sapphire

    Apr 5, 2001
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    I like the title. When ALFA has a Saturday Morning Cartoon spin off, that is what they'll call it. Either that or Sir Belisarius
    and His Amazing Friends

    Aramis Zenga along with Hallen Oats (I mean Rhyn) are members of the Circle of Seven Daggers. A company of druids and rangers, we have a long-term mission to placate the spirits of the forest and prevent further intrusions upon it.

    Last night we had to hunt down a pack of wolves. Taking the pack leader back to a shire of Sylvanus, we then fought each other barehanded to see who is the most "viril". The winner sacrificed the wolf, was possessed by the spirit of the stag, and then furthered the plot in a more "carnal" way.

    The DM controlling it was excellent. He apologized afterwards for being "ill-prepared" but to me, it was a flawless campaign. I got a good chunk of xp, the other players were great role-players ... the whole night was a blast.
  3. Blackthorne TA

    Blackthorne TA Master in his Own Mind Staff Member ★ SPS Account Holder Adored Veteran Pillars of Eternity SP Immortalizer (for helping immortalize Sorcerer's Place in the game!) New Server Contributor [2012] (for helping Sorcerer's Place lease a new, more powerful server!) Torment: Tides of Numenera SP Immortalizer (for helping immortalize Sorcerer's Place in the game!)

    Oct 19, 2000
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    [​IMG] Ha! You forgot the part where I cleaned your clock! Fisticuff Battle Royale for the chance to "put it" to a comely Druid wench!

    Unfortunately, I got my own clock cleaned as well, so I was left as a bystander to the "carnal" ritual too. :)
  4. Mathetais Gems: 28/31
    Latest gem: Star Sapphire

    Apr 5, 2001
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    Now why would I tell them about you cleaning my clock? The story-teller is always right! ;)

    You know, if Varc and Arien had role-played their relationship a bit more leading up to the sacrifice, we all could have tackled Kameras first off. I had thought about getting us to team up on him since he was obviously the strongest ... but I only had ooc knowledge of their relationship. Aramis had not met Varc until last night and the few hints he gave weren't enough (in my opinion).

    Gonna be interesting to see how this pans out.
  5. Blackthorne TA

    Blackthorne TA Master in his Own Mind Staff Member ★ SPS Account Holder Adored Veteran Pillars of Eternity SP Immortalizer (for helping immortalize Sorcerer's Place in the game!) New Server Contributor [2012] (for helping Sorcerer's Place lease a new, more powerful server!) Torment: Tides of Numenera SP Immortalizer (for helping immortalize Sorcerer's Place in the game!)

    Oct 19, 2000
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    Yeah, I agree with you, but I'm not sure what I would have done had I known.

    This was for the greater end remember, and we needed the strongest to perform the ritual to placate the spirit, so I don't know that I would have risked the failure of the ritual for them.
  6. Gnolyn Lochbreaker Gems: 13/31
    Latest gem: Ziose

    Jul 3, 2001
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    From the collected notes of Gnessen, The Vast Swamp:

    “A dark mood is settling over the folks of Thunderstone. Between bugbears, lizardfolk and bandits, not to mention the constant influx of bugs coming up from the swamp, the roads leading out of Thunderstone have ne’er been safe. While we always thought these to be chance encounters in a wild region, it appears there might be a mind behind some of them after all….

    The day started out like so many others: several folks had gathered near the fire outside of Corkies to talk of new and recent events, and of plans for the day. Amy and Perry came running over, with news of another fallen stranger at the monastery: seems they’d escorted this bloke to the ruin, only to watch him get cornered by some bugs. After some quick patch work, they’d run back to Thunderstone to fetch a healer or a curative, and they were needing a key to get back inside. Arakiel and I quickly offered our assistance – there are many spare keys kicking around town now – and we sped off to bring the feller back. We got inside the ruin easily enough, and had to fight off several onslaughts of those darn beetles that spit fire. The stranger was in bad shape, but we did manage to bring him back from the brink – almost lost him again when he started running around chasing bugs! Darned fool. Anyways, we brought him back to town and sent him off with a few words of advice about life in the wilds, and we returned to the others around the fire.

    While we were gone, another stranger showed up – this one asking directions to the hin town, Besert. Knowing the dangers on the road south, a bunch of us offered to escort this new fella south. Plus, Joshua was getting antsy, and wanted to pay the spiders in the caves a visit. So, myself, Joshua, Archel, Amy, Lauren and this newcomer set off for Besert.

    The journey south was mostly quiet, which was a bit unusual in itself. We cleared some spiders out of the caves before returning to the road. As we neared Besert, Josh was complaining about the lack of bear-owls (I think he meant owlbears though), when Archel spied a group of bandits on the road ahead. We quickly spread out and prepared for a fight; Archel and Josh snuck up on them, and the battle was engaged. Now, bandits aren’t too tough when you’ve got a decent sized group – provided everyone knows what they’re doing. But that damn fool, Malichai or something like that, was running around so much he nearly got himself killed a couple of times. Lucky for him that the elf girl Lauren is a fair healer. When it was all over and done with, we managed to collect a fair bit of loot from the bandits including two breastplates; Archel was quite keen on selling these.

    It seemed strange that bandits would be so bold as to attack almost in sight of the Besert guards, and several of us commented on this at the time. We entered the outskirts of Besert, and sent Malichai-something and Lauren off to town, while the rest of us settled against the trees and enjoyed the pleasant sun. We waited for sometime, and eventually Archel and Amy had to go take care of some other business. Lauren returned soon enough, but the newcomer must have got lost in Besert somehow (Archel was worried that he’d take off with one of the breastplates – and she might have been right after all). As the sun started to set, Josh, Lauren and I decided it was time to return to Thunderstone.

    Duskfall is always a signal to take more care, and even as we three noted this, we clearly understated the dangers that lie ahead on our way back. For Josh, who on the way south had complained endlessly about the lack of excitement, his wish was about to be granted….

    We walked carefully down the road, Josh scouting ahead of us, and things seemed calm enough even as we passed the halfway point between Besert and Thunderstone. Suddenly, with Josh just ahead of us, he called out a warning: a large group of bandits burst out from the woods on all sides, shouting about not paying for protection, and then they were on us. Josh was quickly set-upon by three or four of them, while I ducked beneath the legs of two chasing me so that I could get my crossbow free. There were several about Lauren, although her great wolf Frost was keeping them at bay. I killed the two after me, and turned to clear the others from Lauren – Josh, as he often does, was cutting those around him into ribbons – when she let out a great cry, filled with pain and anguish! One of the bastards had gotten passed the wolf, and in one barbarous blow sent her to the grave. Josh and I quickly cleared out the rest of those bastards and ran to Lauren where she lay…but it was too late. The bastards had given her a horrible, great gash...and her life’s blood had flown from her.

    We swallowed our tears and our anguish, and carefully gathered her lifeless body to take back to Thunderstone. We spoke little as we moved north, and what words did come were of vengeance for our fallen comrade. But our troubles were not yet through. Just south of Thunderstone we were again beset by bandits! Still raging from the last, we let loose hell’s furry on them. Josh cut them down from up close while I filled them cursed full of bolts. When we were done, we were a cursed mess…I couldn’t tell what blood was theirs, what my own. I went to tend Josh’s wounds, when a bolt caught me full in the chest! Stunned, I turned to see a band of kobolds coming at us from the near woods…I was able to loose a few more bolts as Josh closed on them before I was felled to the ground. I lost consciousness briefly, but I remember Josh standing over me, a horrible mess himself, with an empty flask in his hands. Still weak from my own wounds, I lifted Lauren to my shoulders and, in silent furry, we last two continued the rest of the way to Thunderstone.

    We took Lauren to Corkies, and, after selling most of our possessions, spoke to the priests. Josh is a kinder soul than he likes to let on at times, and fronted the bulk of the coin to have Lauren brought back. I have no words to describe the scene as the priests called her soul back into her beaten shell of a body – I have seen such a rite three times now, and it will ne’er cease to amaze me. She was startled, confused and dazed…but alive and whole again.

    We met Evyn at Corkies as well, and we spoke of our recent trials. She could see the anger burning within us...and the need for vengeance. Between we had settled it: these bandits had claimed enough lives, and it was far passed time to have them all and done for. Still, we lamented that, no matter how many bandits we sent to the grave, there were always more and still more to take their place. Then Evyn up’d the anty: she had a name. She had recently overheard some of the bandits talking about a leader named ‘Syd’, shortly before she sent them to their deaths.

    So, now we know the name behind these murderous bastards…and I swear under the eyes of Bearvan, this Syd will pay in full for every drop of blood that has been spilled at his word….”
  7. Sir Belisarius

    Sir Belisarius Viconia's Boy Toy Distinguished Member ★ SPS Account Holder

    Jul 7, 2000
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    [​IMG] Here's one from this weekend:

    The Siege of White Chalk Hollow

    Rem slowly turns the key to his room in the Councillor's office, the twinge in his wrist screamed as he pushed the door open. With a heavy sigh, he he propped his crossbow against the wall, slumped on the couch. Noticing his dirty and blood-soaked armor, gingerly removed it, giving out small yelps and curses as his wriggling upset the many cuts and bruises he earned this night.


    A short time later, Rem sat at his desk in his gray and red councillor's uniform, staring at a blank parchment. Finally, like a wave, the memories of the evening's event came rushing back to him, and he began to write:

    My Lord Morn,

    The orcs of the Tesh Valley have grown brazen. Hallen Rwn and I were patrolling the Tesh Valley southwest of White Chalk Hallow, when we came up a large group of adventurers stalking the orcs that infest those rolling rolls. We came upon Glory Mooncalled, so called paladin and knight, Methos, a headstrong barbarian, Mikaylic, an elf lass named Alana, and the dwarves: Hignar, Segnar, Dralin, and Olga. We joined with the group and continued west into the valley insearch of the orc band.

    As we searched along the river, we came across a great host of orcs. As many as fifty swarmed ahead of us! Archers, heavily armored warriors, and a deadly shaman barred our path to the west. As I slinked towards them, a larger warrior shouted a throaty cry, and the battle was on!

    Arrows flew, magick pierced the late day sky, and the clash of blade and axe rang throughout the Dale. Methos the barbarian charged into the fray, cleaving his way through the ranks of archers, as the dwarves with their axes moved up as well. Covered by our own archers, we turned the battle to our favor with each passing moment. I snuck behind the evil orc priest and fired a bolt squarely into his back. After he fell, we quickly won the day!

    “I am invincible! Bring more orcs for my blade!” Methos shouted his challenge, and it echoed throughout the vale. We were all in high spirits, as he continued to shout challenges and curses at the unseen orcs in the hills. Glory, the PALADIN, shifted uneasily in her armor. “Perhaps we should go back to town” she whimpered. As night was quickly approaching, the group agreed to seek the shelter of White Chalk Hollow.

    As the companions walked north towards the town, a guttural cry froze them in their tracks. A huge lone orc, carrying a heavy axe, and the banner of his tribe came up behind us. A few of the skittish band fired hastily as the orc offered a challenge in broken common. “I have come to challenge yoo humin! I wuz cent by duh chief.” He barked as he gestured to Methos. “Yes, I herd yer challenge in the valley, I’z kum to fight yoo one on one.” The orc grinned savagely as he began licking his axe. Sensing Methos’ hesitance, he continued, “Or if yoo iz afraid, I’ll fight any one of yooz!”

    The huge orc pointed his axe at the paladin, Glory, next. “What about yoo? Girl in shiny armer?” Will yoo face me in battle? he taunted. Glory, to my amazement, not only declined, she began to RUN from the orc further north toward the safetly of the town! Never in my life have I seen such a shameful display, from a holy warrior. Perhaps her god, is the god of self-preservation. I do not know.

    As the orc continued to hurl taunts at us, the day faded slowly into night. The orc laughed haughtily, as he revealed his plan. “I only needed to stall yoo silly little folk, owr army is coming to krush yooz and yer puny town! He laughed again as he retreated into the shadows, as our missiles chased after him. We hurried to catch up to Glory as she fled to the town of White Chalk Hollow to prepare for the coming fight.

    *** White Chalk Hollow – Dusk ***

    The group huddled together in the center of town as they heard the cries of battle at the south gate of White Chalk Hollow. I ran to the gate to see what was happening. I heard the guard outside the gate cry for help, as the rest of the group moved up. I shouted to the guard inside to open up the gate, so we could join the battle. As he did so, the stout dwarves, Methos and I rushed out the gate to clash with our foes. I moved in and out of the shadows taking point blank shots at the nearest foe, to deadly effect, as Alana’s spells glowed through the night. After a hard fought skirmish, the orcs withdrew. As we re-entered the gate, I noticed the fallen body of the guard, lying next to a huge battering ram.

    “They mean to take the town, we must not let this happen!” I don’t know if it was the situation, or just the months of following Falin into battle, but I began to lay the plans for the town’s defense. I ordered two each of our number to stand guard at the gates, with the doorguard, and had others patrol the walls’ perimeter, as I laid defensive traps near the center of town. Just as we were making these preparations, we were joined by Radra the druid, and a plucky ranger named Aramis. Even as they entered the walls, the orcs began an assault on the North gate.

    Once again bows’ sung, and steel clashed! We defended White Chalk with a great fury that drove the enemy away quicker this time; even the outside guard was spared. But one of our number was not so lucky, Mikaylic lay dead. I had only met her earlier in the day, but the loss of even one of our number may mean the end of this quaint little village.

    Suddenly, things grew quiet. So Hallen, Hignar and I began to patrol the east part of town. To my horror, I found orcs pouring over the side of the wall! Over 20 had gained the gained as we approached. Hallen sent word to the others, and the fight was on again! Having been blooded by the first two assaults, our group responded even quicker, pounding away at the gruesome orcs in a desperate fight. We left none of the invaders standing. I propped myself up with my crossbow, and wiped blood from my forehead, as I tried to regain my breath. “Surely this cannot go on” I thought.

    As if sensing my very thoughts, the sounds of battle raged again on the west side of town. Big hairy bugbears had also breached the wall. But it seemed our stout dwarven allies were up to the task, as the melee ended just as I arrived. The corpses of the dead bugbears lay strewn in the street near the Bladebright smithy. In the distance, I could hear the heavy pounding of heavy feet. A giant was lurking near by. And the sounds of rams battering the south gate stirred us once more to action.

    The gate could no longer hold our attackers; their huge rams cracked the gate into splinters as they poured into the city. Again, all of the valiant defenders rushed to stem the tide of orcs as they had done so before. I stalked to the rear of the foes to get a good shot at their shaman, as the dwarves and Methos charged through their numbers, while the rest, along with Glory fired volleys of arrows into the frenzied orcs. Again, they could not stand against us, and began to flee to the south. As we began to chase, a giant fell upon us!

    As we tried to pierce its’ hide with arrows and bolts, Methos charged to close with the huge creature, his blade even found its mark. But the barbarian could not withstand the flurry of battering blows the giant laid on him. With one great swipe of his club, Methos fell. Again, he paid for his rashness. After that, it seemed the giant lost his stomach for battle, and fled toward the south bridge. We were able to cut him down before he reached it.

    A quiet peace began to us, as the first rays of morning began to pierce the night. Although sad at the loss of our comrades, we cheered the coming of day, and our victory. We dismantled their rams, and siege engines, and laid our honored dead at the altar of Chauntea with a short, silent prayer. As the villagers slowly began to emerge from their homes, I knew we had won the day.

    I gathered the group of companions, shouting my praise to them and their combined heroics, but I felt the task was not yet done. Dralin voice my concerns, when he asked if we should not pursue these pesky orcs into the hills. The companions also felt encouraged by our victory, and heartily agreed. So we set off to finish the job by taking the fight to our enemies.

    We found the last company of them along the banks of the Tesh river. They held orderly ranks, cowed into position by a hulking warrior and yet another shaman. The huge orcs cried “Vengeance!” and charged. Although the orcs fought savagely, they again began to break upon our vicious attack. I crept close to the shaman again firing a deadly shot. But another bowman in our company claimed the evil priest. After that, the few remaining orcs, began to run in all directions, as we slew them in short order.

    The battle won, the weary veterans of the previous nights’ events finally decided to head back to Dagger Falls. Everyone walked proudly, realizing the that they had done a great deed this day. I frowned slightly as I realized that this engagement would certainly be a source of paperwork for me to do when I returned to the city.


    The following valiant warriors took part in the Battle of White Chalk Hollow:

    Methos (KIA)
    Mikaylic (KIA)

    A very special thanks to Mikayla for putting together a fantastic and tense siege! And also for exposing the utter cowardice of a “heroic” paladin of the Dale. ((Sorry Glory…”Lawful Good doesn’t mean Lawful Stupid”…Doesn’t hold you very high in my esteem. I was shocked an honorable figure like a paladin would run from a challenge of single combat from a lowly orc!))

    I hope my story did the adventure justice!

    "If I show up at your door, chances are you did something to bring me there."

    "I can't take HIS money! I can't print my OWN money! I have to WORK for money...Why don't I just lay down and DIE!"
  8. Mathetais Gems: 28/31
    Latest gem: Star Sapphire

    Apr 5, 2001
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    I'm playing Aramis *the plucky one* ;)

    Just reached second level after hunting some orcs and raiding a kobald lair. Great fun.

    (not nearly as flowery as Bel, but I had to log on and celebrate NOT dying and hitting second level ...things should be a bit scary now that I can get some animal help and heal myself (or friends :good: )
  9. Gothmog

    Gothmog Man, a curious beast indeed! ★ SPS Account Holder Veteran

    Jun 30, 2002
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    [​IMG] I cant even play on ALFA anymore. I think its the 1.30 patch. It installed also what seems to be SoU patch... I have the prestige classes listed and new skills... Too bad i cant choose them :p

    Seems i'll have to downgrade.(sounds strange :) downgrade)
  10. Erran Gems: 19/31
    Latest gem: Aquamarine

    Aug 7, 2000
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    [​IMG] Yes, ALFA has clearly said many times don't upgrade to 1.3 and/or SoU until they say OK. Players and DMs have to all change together and it may require changes to the hakpak or even some modules.
  11. Sir Belisarius

    Sir Belisarius Viconia's Boy Toy Distinguished Member ★ SPS Account Holder

    Jul 7, 2000
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    [​IMG] Gothmog...I have a copy of SoU sitting on my desk taunting me to install it!!! But alas, I am waiting for the big ALFA OK!

    I wish I was playing an evil character....Assassin looks SO cool!!!!

    BTW, Math...You know I said "plucky" just to mess with you! ;)
  12. Mathetais Gems: 28/31
    Latest gem: Star Sapphire

    Apr 5, 2001
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    Bel ... of course! ;)

    And you know that I picked to level up as a cleric with heal domain just to save your sorry arse! ;) :good:

    If I find you laying face down in a sewer again ... oh wait, that was MY sorry/holy arse ;) :holy:
  13. Sir Belisarius

    Sir Belisarius Viconia's Boy Toy Distinguished Member ★ SPS Account Holder

    Jul 7, 2000
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    [​IMG] I thought you took ranger to get an animal companion?
  14. Blackthorne TA

    Blackthorne TA Master in his Own Mind Staff Member ★ SPS Account Holder Adored Veteran Pillars of Eternity SP Immortalizer (for helping immortalize Sorcerer's Place in the game!) New Server Contributor [2012] (for helping Sorcerer's Place lease a new, more powerful server!) Torment: Tides of Numenera SP Immortalizer (for helping immortalize Sorcerer's Place in the game!)

    Oct 19, 2000
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    Well, if he picked Druid, he gets an animal companion right away instead of waiting until 6th level of Ranger (I think that's right).

    I just reached 3rd, and I LOVE Rapid Shot. I went with Aramis (and a few others) to get that pesky mountain man that keeps coming back, and I hit him with a critical with my second shot of the round and he exploded into chunky bits! :) Great fun! It is SO much better to have that second shot every round even though I get a -2 penalty.

    Oh, and Aramis - I told you before, it's your HOLE-Y arse! :lol:
  15. Mathetais Gems: 28/31
    Latest gem: Star Sapphire

    Apr 5, 2001
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    BTA with rapid fire feat ... yep ... HOLE-Y arse is the right word.

    One odd thing ... happened to me a few times last night. I'd go through an AT, and then get "swept" to another part of the map. We went downstairs in the goblin HQ, and I was swept down the hall...right behind to goblins alone (pre-level up). Took them down with two arrows, but because I wasn't downstairs I didn't get credit for the quest.
  16. Blackthorne TA

    Blackthorne TA Master in his Own Mind Staff Member ★ SPS Account Holder Adored Veteran Pillars of Eternity SP Immortalizer (for helping immortalize Sorcerer's Place in the game!) New Server Contributor [2012] (for helping Sorcerer's Place lease a new, more powerful server!) Torment: Tides of Numenera SP Immortalizer (for helping immortalize Sorcerer's Place in the game!)

    Oct 19, 2000
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    I've seen that happen to Errik too. I have no idea what causes it.
  17. Gothmog

    Gothmog Man, a curious beast indeed! ★ SPS Account Holder Veteran

    Jun 30, 2002
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    I downgraded to 1.29 and i still cant play on ALFA severs. Whats the problem?

    Damn will i be glad once i get back to ALFA... I've been trying some other servers and they dont get even close to ALFA. period!
  18. Sir Belisarius

    Sir Belisarius Viconia's Boy Toy Distinguished Member ★ SPS Account Holder

    Jul 7, 2000
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    [​IMG] I don't know what to tell you Goth...They had a hug notice on the ALFA boards about not updating your system until they implement 1.30 on the ALFA servers.
  19. Gothmog

    Gothmog Man, a curious beast indeed! ★ SPS Account Holder Veteran

    Jun 30, 2002
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    Too bad... i wont be able to play for some time it seems :( Downgrading didnt work.

    I found Daggerdale beta2 server up there... non-password-protected. Gotta check it up a bit.
  20. Mathetais Gems: 28/31
    Latest gem: Star Sapphire

    Apr 5, 2001
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    The second seige of White Chalk Hollow ....

    ... didn't happen.

    Last night Hallen (BTA) and a few others encountered a group of powerful orcs during broad daylight. Hallen lead his friends to victory, and eliminated the band.

    Somehow, the others grew convinced that this was the vanguard of an extremely powerful orc army, so they banded together in the Hollow, sent runners to the city to get more support. Soon over 20 warriors crowded near the south gate of white chalk, waited, and waited .... but the orcs never arrived. Either they saw our numbers and fled, or were diverted by easier prey.

    After hours of useless waiting, we broke into parties of five to scout the area. This "plucky" ranger encountered many orcs, a few giant ants, and two worgs!

    I thank the Leaflord that White Chalk is safe ... but was looking forward to emptying a quiver or two.

    ((ooc ... nearly every person on the DD server was in white chalk. The DM who set up the initial encounter logged off, so all this was a huge waste of time. Remind me next time "When in doubt, listen to Hallen!)
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