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Bait and Switch (BG2)

Discussion in 'Creativity Surge' started by kuemper, Feb 15, 2006.

  1. kuemper Gems: 31/31
    Latest gem: Rogue Stone

    Jun 19, 2005
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    This is based on my all clerical party, see here. I wanted a C/T for the protagonist and a halforc fit the bill. Since halforcs are only in BG2, it brought up an interesting point of how to explain the PC's new race. I feel I did a good job of doing so, even taking a few liberties.
    Bait and Switch

    Kuemper (c) 2006

    The guild was in an uproar. More of our members were being stolen from us, either by force or their own will. Arkanis, the leader of the assassins, got appointed strike leader for this operation. He leaned onto the table top as he spoke in his growly tone, "There's more than Shadow Thieves down there with Irenicus. Our last team reported seeing 3 people locked in cages in the main room. A fourth, separated in a more private cell, seemed to be an unwilling accomplice to Irenicus' slaughter. We want to know more about these 4: who are they, why are they held captive, how can helping them help us." Stepping back, the older man issued his orders and split us into 3 teams. "Team 1, you will be the distraction to get the others inside. Team 2, scout. Team 3, get to those captives and find out who they are." Without another word, Arkanis nodded once and left.

    Team 3 consisted of Mard, our language expert; Kern, the forger; Peko, myself and clerical power. None of us expected to return. Such is the life of a Shadow Thief.

    The night was black. Heavy clouds obscured the moonlight and our stealthy approach to the previously hidden lair of the elven mage taking our comrades. I don't know why evil finds sewers so attractive. The three teams entered the sewers from different points, each meeting the other under the boarded section of the Promenade. Team 1 entered first. I sent a futile prayer to the Morning Lord for their safety. They knew they would die, but it made me feel useful. We waited in silence, listening for the signal. An explosion vibrated through the tunnels and the remaining teams went ahead. Team 2 stuck to the shadows, marking places traveled by Irenicus' minions - mephits, golems, duergar - to show my team the safest way to the captives.

    The main holding room looked horrible. Magical residue marked everything. The floors and walls were dusted black with soot from firey spells. Three people were lying on the floor of three different cells. The first we approached held a large human male who watched us cautiously. Mard kept her distance, but asked simple questions. The human answered politely after much conferencing with a rodent. "Rashemen," Mard grunted to me in Orcish. "Minsc. Animal companion Boo. Ranger. Purple tattoo on head." I noted down all she told me. Kern drew quickly with his characol stick and vellum. Quietly to the next cage. This held a female resting fitfully. She moaned a name, Khalid, in Elven. Mard gave me a brief description of her for the records.

    As we moved to the third cell, a door opened. We froze. A young woman entered, her strawberry red hair a beacon in the darkness. She moved with the slink of a thief, but in the open like someone who had permission. Kern drew her likeness, his scratching catching the stranger's attention. "Wh-who's there?" she asked in a querilous tone. We said nothing. "Boo? Is that you?" The way she spoke suggested she expected the ranger's rodent to reply. Mard signaled me with a light tap on the thigh. I tried to stay her, but she crawled toward the other woman. The redhead groaned and clutched at her head, begging to the darkness in whimpers.

    "Ah Imoen," said a rich voice from the shadows. "There you are. I had thought you asleep, or I would not have left you so soon." His countenance was regal. He held a hand to the frightened woman and she accepted his aid. As he drew her closer, he kissed her hand and she giggled coyly. "Yes Imoen, laugh as you like. You remind me of Her when you do." He brushed a hand across her cheek before leading her out of the room.

    "I was just checking on Teiryl, to make sure she was okay," Imoen explained hesitantly.

    "Teiryl is fine, Imoen," he answered smoothly. "She has a strong soul, much like yourself."

    "But Jon, Teiryl is a Bhaalspawn. We aren't anything alike."

    Jon chuckled at his partner's pouting mouth. "Imoen, poor deluded Imoen. We have much to discuss." He quit the room, softly shutting the door behind him. The three of us let out a collective sigh of relief. Irenicus had been less than ten feet from us and we remained alive. I prayed silently to the Morning Lord, thanking him for our lives and asking for another blessing on our escape.

    Mard and Kern slowly approached the remaining cage, both eyeing the still body inside. I followed and saw the carnage. The body was too beaten and bloody to be alive. Kern wiggled his fingers at me, silently asking for me to heal the wounds for a better picture. Muttering under my breath, I called on the healing power granted to me and sent it to the battered corpse. My hands glowed with the curing of Lathander. I gingerly reached between the bars and laid both hands palms down on an arm.

    The eyes shot open and glowed a sinister red. Hands grabbed me and a throaty voice issued from the previously thought dead body, "You will continue our father's work!"

    "Like hell I will," I grunted back and fought to get away. The body struggled with me. I felt her strength match my own. The woman, Teiryl, gave a warrior cry and jerked me toward her. My face slammed into the bars, my nose crunching and blood spouting from the broken bone. "Let me go! We're trying to help you!" I kept my voice a low roar, not wanting a return visit from Irenicus. "Go, go!" I yelled at Mard and Kern. It was more important for them to escape with the information than to help me. The pair left us fighting.

    "You will learn!" Teiryl shouted, her voice so loud it echoed through my bones. I felt horrible for striking a woman so wounded, but she left me no choice. Chanting lightly, I heard the words for a spell I knew. She called on her god to give her strength and endurance. Her hands tore apart the metal bars, creating a gap large enough for her to exit. Crawling through, she threw herself at me and kept hitting me, saying those three words over and over. "You will learn!"

    "You-" I growled deeply and wrapped my hands around her neck. As much as I regretted it, it was time to end this once and for all. I snapped her spine with a deft twist. The redness seeped from her eyes and her body went limp.

    Teiryl whispered with her dying breath, "I give to you what Mulahey gave to me." I choked as a sharp pain penetrated my chest as the woman's body turned to dust in my palms. Reflexively, I clutched the area near my heart and felt a tiny dagger protruding from it. When I reached up to remove it, it disappeared, sinking into my chest. I loss consciousness.


    "It is time for more...experiments," said a familiar voice as I came to. A jolt of fire hit me squarely and I cried out.

    "Master, intruders," informed a stale tone. I caught a glimpse of a stone golem speaking with Irenicus. The man gave orders to his lackey, then magiked himself away. I rested on my back, listening to the sounds of fighting. I was alive. I suppose that's something and sent thanks to my god.

    "Wake up you, wake up!" I glanced over and saw Imoen unlocking my cage door. "We hafta get outta here. I can't take anymore and from your face, neither can you."

    Follow her, came a voice in my head.

    "Minsc and Jaheira are here, too. There's some equipment in the west room. Not ours, but he probably sold that." Too much was happening for my liking. I went with the redheaded woman, got some armor and weapons and freed the other two captives. The one called Jaheira wanted to get her husband, Khalid, first. Imoen cringed, then told her, "Khalid's dead, Jaheira. I watched as he cut him. He made me watch."

    Taking time that I felt we didn't have, Imoen showed Jaheira the body of her husband. Jaheira grew silent, then vowed to Silvanus to right the wrong of her husband's desecration. With the markings of the scouting team, I was able to lead them outside safely. During our flight, the voice in my head spoke. You carry my soul and spirit with you, Peko. My friends act as though you were me because they cannot come to terms with my death. With my death comes the death of hope for the Realms. You should find all you can about Bhaal and his 'children'. In essence, you are now one yourself. I gave you the divine spark Bhaal gave to me at my birth; a spark I gathered unknowingly with the deaths of Mulahey and Sarevok, my 'brothers'. Peko, you must carry on in my stead. The prophecy Alaundo spoke is close to hand.

    A massive explosion caved in the passage we walked. Running with me in the lead, I showed the others to the light. We came out in a gigantic pile of rubble in the Promenade of Athaktla. Irenicus stood in the center, taunting the remnents of Team 1 and killing them with powerful magics. From the corner of an eye, I spotted Gaelyn Bayle lurking in the shadows and his subsequent escape.

    Imoen's cry, "We don't want anything from you!" brought me back to the challenge at hand. She cast a spell at Irenicus before I could caution her not to. Moments later, the Cowled Wizards entered the scene and demanded both Imoen and Irenicus surrender. With a distainful snort, Irenicus killed the Cowlies. More showed up, this time enmasse. Realizing greater numbers would win over his limited repetoire, the elven mage ceased his magic and gave himself over...on the condition that Imoen also be arrested. "What? No, I haven't done anything wrong!" Imoen pleaded at he Cowlies. I shook my head.

    "You have been involved in illegal use of magic," intoned the lead Cowlie. "You will come with us." Imoen begged for release, but both she and Irenicus were spelled away. Minsc shouted that we needed to rescue Imoen right now. Jaheira proved calmer, stating we needed to get information first before striking. I agreed, mentioning better equipment and finding info at the Copper Coronet. We went to the nearest merchant and made a peaceful exchange of goods. On the way to the Slums district, we passed by the circus tent and an Amnish guard. He warned us to stay away, strange things were afoot.

    "Then we will chop it off at the ankles!" Minsc bellowed, waving his huge two handed sword in the sunlight. "It has taken this boy's mother and parentnapping is not done!" The ranger rushed inside the tent, leaving Jaheira and me to do nothing else but follow. Minsc was arguing with a djinn when we found him. "Why would the princess need such hard thinking to marry? Boo wants to know." He showed the djinn the squeaking rodent cupped in his left hand. The djinn just waved us to go by, muttering something about space hamsters.

    Through the next tent flap, we discovered an ogre with the voice of an angel. I asked how this happened and the ogre, or Aerie, as she asked to be called, explained that Khalah changed everyone in the circus into horrid creatures. "He has shadows and werewolves, but it's magic that can't hurt you if you don't fight back! Free me from this illusion and I can help!" I asked how to free her. She told us about a couple of 'peasants' across the room who held a key disguised as a sword. We went to find these 'peasants', coming across a large spider. Upon quesitoning, the spider told us about the strange magic performed by a gnome and how she worried about her son. Before I could reassure her, the so-called peasants attacked us. We beat them soundly, watching as they changed into the forms of orcs upon their deaths. One had a scroll and the other a sword. We returned to Aerie and she sobbed, "Please, please give me the sword and I can be rid of this illusionary form at last!" I did and she changed form to that of an elven woman. "My hands! My skin! Oh, thank you Baevar! We must find Quayle and stop Khalah before he does anymore harm!"

    Gladly, we welcomed her into group. She said she knew both arcane and divine magic, thanks to her Uncle Quayle. I gave her the scroll I found and said she could have any others we found as we journeyed. She cautioned us again not to strike at the shadows. To help, she cast protective spells on the group. We entered the next flap and discovered a room full of shadows and werewolves! Minsc grabbed Aerie and kept himself between her and everything else. Jaheira and I hurried up a flight of steps and through yet another open flap. There we found Khalah and his minions. The gnome had taken the guise of an ogre mage and happily taunted poor Aerie, showing her his power by morphing her Uncle Quayle into a jelly. Minsc charged Khalah with a berserker yell. Aerie tapped into her arcane skills, slowing down all the shadowy minions first and tossing a magical missile at Khalah. The fight was over before we knew it.

    We were back to the main circus area, Khalah's magics dissipating with his death. Aerie ran over and hugged a gnome that was strangely familiar, but not one I knew myself. "Uncle Quayle, you're okay," she whimpered with tears in her eyes. After a tearful reunion, Quayle told his niece that she needed to see something of the world outside the circus. Aerie nodded and joined us again. Jaheira went to the spider woman and told her her son was just outside. We followed her out and spoke to them and the guard, telling him the troubles were gone.

    "Where to now, fearless leader?" asked Jaheira.

    I rubbed my chin. "We need info and that can be found in the Slums. The Copper Coronet is the best place to start."

    She cocked her head, her thick braids falling over. "For someone as isolated as you were growing up, I wonder how you know so much about Athkatla."

    "Wouldn't call the temple of the Morning Lord isolated myself," I answered. "I know so much because I grew up here."

    Shaking her head, she brushed my truth aside. "Bah, you've taken one too many hits to the head, Teiryl. You were raised in Candlekeep, not Amn."

    "Whatever," I quipped, rolling my eyes. "Let's head for the Slums." I motioned in the direction to go, letting Jaheira and Minsc go ahead. Aerie trailed beside me, her big eyes full of curiosity. Forestalling any questions, I briefly explained my unusual background. "My mother was a halfelf who found herself pregnant with me after getting captured by orcish barbarians. When her family found out she would have a halforc baby, I was abandoned on the steps of the Lathander temple when I was hours old. The priests there raised and taught me the word of the Morning Lord until I was twelve. Then they turned me out. I showed some orcish traits by then and orcs aren't that well tolerated even in Amn. I had nothing left but my wits, so I took to stealing food and breaking into homes for shelter. The Shadow Thieves caught me stealing from one of their merchants and, instead of turning me over, accepted me into the fold. I learned my thieving skills from some of the best."

    "What does Lathander say about your stealing?" the elf asked with a slight frown.

    "He must not mind too much," I said with a chuckle. "He still grants me my spells when I pray for them."

    Aerie, Jaheira, Minsc and I trudged across town to the center of the Slums, only be be waylaid by good old Gaelyn Bayle. "Yer name be Peko if I not be mistaken," Gaelyn cooed.

    Rolling my eyes, I answered, "You know who the hell I am, Gaelyn. We belong to the same club." I gave him a quick hand signal to show my alligence with the Shadow Thieves. "Is this about the Cowlies taking Imoen?"

    "Aye, Imoen, that be her name," Gaelyn said, completely ignoring me. "I know a group who can be helpin' ye."

    "Lathander, give me strength," I muttered and bodily picked up the other thief and lead the party to his house close by. Not that privacy solved Gaelyn's cryptic language. He was a moron on the best of days, his bloodties with our guildmaster being the only thing keeping him in the guild. Personally, I wanted to bash his head in, but Aran was touchy about family. He started in with his cooing and I jumped. "Look, I know who you work for. Just tell me how much it will cost to break Imoen out of jail."

    "Twenty thousand gold, up front and in cash."

    "Are you crazy?" I threw my hands up. "I don't have that kind of money!"

    "Me nephew Brus knows of some jobs to be had 'round the city. Woman like you should find good pickins in the Docks." I had had enough of this joker. I went outside and met Brus. We talked some until the others joined us. Together, Brus lead us to the Copper Coronet.

    Inside, we were accosted by an Kara-Turan named Yoshimo. He claimed to have also been a prisoner of Irenicus and offered his services as a bounty hunter. I scowled and gave him a firm no. I was enough of a thief to take care of any traps. Bounty hunters were greedy slobs only bent on finding their mark and to hell with anyone in their way. Minsc fell into Yoshimo's thrall and left our group to follow him. What a pair!

    "Will anyone help me? Anyone?" called a voice from the back of the Coronet.

    "Aw man, it's that De'Arnisse girl again," I grumbled, showing Jaheira and Aerie a safe way around Nalia's soapbox. That girl was trouble and I didn't need any more on my plate.

    While skirting the shadows of the bar, I heard a familiar voice ask Aerie, "Fair lady, what brings you to this cesspool of corruption?" Aerie giggled and answered shyly. "I am Anomen Delryn, warrior priest of Helm." Anomen, oh okay. I sighed with relief. He was a pompous braggart, but he could hold his own in a fight. I knew of him when I was living in the temple district. He wanted desperately to be a knight of the Radiant Heart and has been struggling with it for some years. Aerie tugged me over, silently pleading with her big eyes to let Anomen join our group. I agreed and Anomen partnered with Jaheira for one of the leading spots. I talked to Anomen about the Cowlies jailing Imoen and he suggested going to the Council building.

    Sounded like a great place to start. The government area was next on the list. On the way, we found a bunch of Beshaba worshippers spouting off about the 'evil drow' they had tied to a stake. "I've done nothing to any of you! I only seek to make my way without molestation!" the woman screamed, shaking her head and revealing her dark skin and flowing white hair. "Why have you done this to me? WHY?"

    "Done nothing?" a man demanded, shaking his fist. "You are a drow elf are you not? Her dark and fiendish kin rose up from the ground and killed my father and brother!"

    The drow woman saw us, begging, "Wait, I recognize you! It is I, Viconia De Vir!"

    "I never knew a drow could be so...striking," Anomen murmured, stroking his bearded chin thoughtfully.

    "She's evil, Peko! Don't let her join us!" Aerie shrieked.

    I knew how it felt to be an outsider, persecuted for your race. I ran over and untied the ropes holding the dark elf to the stake. "My thanks for your timely intervention."

    "What are you doing? Beshaba's will must be shown to the people!" hollered a priest.

    "Beshaba can torture someone else, you nutbar," I informed him. Viconia chanted and a flaming sword sprang to life in her hands. I pulled out my mace and got ready for some serious bashing. Anomen and Jaheira got their weapons out and ran passed me. I felt arrows striking my shoulders. I yelled and ran, putting the priest between me and the archer. Aerie went around, healing the injured. Once the Beshaba followers were dead, Viconia offered her services. Aerie argued fervently against her. I silence the pair and said Viconia was welcome. "We're all tired. Let's find a place to rest up for the night." I got mumbled agreements and showed them to the Crooked Crane Inn on the edge of town.

    The Crane was a simple place, off the beaten path. I liked coming here for a drink because the barkeep didn't hold my orcish lineage against me as long as I paid him. We arranged ourselves in the common room. I made sure Aerie and Viconia were well apart. I don't think it was Viconia's evilness that Aerie only objected to. The drow was putting the moves on Anomen, rubbing his shoulders and whispering in his ear. His face grew red beneath his beard. Aerie showed her claws by marching over and peeling Viconia off our only male cleric. "Get your-your slimy hands off him!"

    "Oh, and would the stalwart male prefer a damaged bird such as yourself?" Viccy shot back. "I cannot fly. My wings, my poor wings. Bah, you know nothing." She spat at Aerie's feet and growled out something impolite in Drow. I did my best to keep them from each other and we all went to sleep.

    My dreams were strange. I awoke in a courtyard with the redheaded thief from Irenicus' dungeon hovering over me. "A dream of many things...of friends and family. These things always mean something...don't they? Yes, this was my home for so long. They wouldn't have you now, wouldn't have me, had no use. But someone else does. He wants something. I-I don't know why." She showed me a gray brick castle and how the double doors were barred to us. "Do you remember Sarevok or any other? I-I don't-They saught your death and mine...Too late. You will come too late." she said, then dissipated into a mist.

    "I don't know this place or you or Sarevok! This isn't about me! You want Teiryl, but she's dead," I told the ghostly girl as she faded away.

    "Thanks to you," another voice whispered, eventually taking the shape of the halfelf I'd slain. "I am at peace now. I don't need to worry over protecting Imoen and myself any longer. I sit at the side of my father's throne of blood.

    "Goody for you then," I replied angrily. "Care to enlighten me about a few things? Like, why you're in my head and why your former friends think I'm you and a general what the hell's going on?"

    Chuckling, the ghostly Teiryl gave me answers. "I am or was a daughter of Bhaal, the god of murder. Bhaal's progeny are prophecised to spread chaos and destruction through the Realms. One of the major Bhaalspawn was a human called Sarevok Anchev. Sarevok determined that massive bloodshed via a war between Baldur's Gate and Amn would ensure he became the new Lord of Murder. I killed him, thus ending the war. My companions and I were ambushed during a night's travel and taken to Irenicus' chambers. Khalid and Dynaheir were tortured to death. You saved the others and I thank you.

    "Fine, fine, but why are you in my head? I have weird sensations and dreams now. I recognize people and places that I've never seen or known!"

    "I wanted a life of peace, of not killing. When you found me, I was insane from what Irenicus was doing to me. I did something akin to what Bhaal did when he learned of his impending demise. I sent a part of myself into you through my father's weapon of choice. You are still Peko, but you are also a daughter of Bhaal now because I am in you. My memories are meshing with yours. Jaheira, the only person we share, has lost her husband and someone she became a mother figure for. It's too much for her to handle, so she's pretending I'm still alive by calling you me. Imoen, should you meet her, is just nuts. She's not the same anymore, now that she knows she's a Bhaalspawn, too.

    "Denial is part of grief. I understand. Viconia?"

    "I only met her briefly. A law officer was trying to kill her because she's a drow. I don't know why she thinks you're me.

    "Should I keep chasing after Imoen?"

    "Imoen will lead you to Irenicus. He's trying to be something he cannot be and thinks he's found a way to use Imoen and myself as a means to achieve it.

    I woke up with a start, sweating lightly. The common room was mostly quiet except for Anomen, who was readying himself for morning prayers. I found my prayerbook and joined him. Together, we walked outside and praised the coming of the dawn. Lathander's power poured through me, healing old wounds and soothing my battered spirit. After an hour, Anomen mentioned how Jaheira wanted to leave the city. "She's bound and determined to find out why druids are attacking the city of Trademeet."

    "Sounds like a plan," I replied with a smile. "Are the others ready?"

    "Aerie is in the loft. We watched the sun rise together." He coughed to hide his soft tone. "She's very quiet."

    I slapped his arm. "You're better off with the quiet one, Anomen. She won't carp so much." We laughed and went back inside to regroup with the other ladies. After discussing with Jaheira, we planned to leave the city for Trademeet after breaking our fast.


    Trademeet lay nearly a day away from Athkatla. At midday, we were ambushed and struggled to fight them off. One kept harrassing Aerie, which distracted Anomen from his fight. Aerie scampered up a tree to safetly and began casting her spells to help. She brought down the wrath of Baevar, hurting Viccy in the process. "Proof that she's evil!" the arcane caster cried from her perch. I let my orc blood shine through and scared a couple off. It was a hard fight, but we won. I found several magic items on the corpses, though most we couldn't use but would be sold in town.

    As we entered the city gates late that night, we discovered the local guards we under attack by animals. I could see the hurt in Jaheira's eyes as we killed the pair of wolves. The head guard approached and demanded to know our business. Jaheira mentioned being hired to help with the druid attacks. We were directed to talk to High Merchant Logan Corprith. At his home, he spoke of a druid sent from the north to settle the fighting. Logan said he'd arrested the druid for his own safety and asked us to speak to him about the druids.

    In the basement, a lone man sat holding a staff. "Hello. I am Cernd and I cannot believe the fuss I have caused."

    "Greetings, Cernd. I am Jaheira. What can you tell us about these attacks?" Cernd explained that the local grove had cut itself off from the Archdruid in the north. I wasn't much for the woods myself, but Cernd and Jaheira grew strong in their beliefs. We were to escort Cernd to the grove nearby and find out why the druids were not responding to contacts from the north. It had been a long journey and sleeping was the tonic we needed. Unfortunately, the local inn refused to serve us because Cernd was in our group. Taking a chance, we stepped outside the gates and set up camp. The night went quietly and we slept well.

    [ February 16, 2006, 21:45: Message edited by: kuemper ]
  2. Nakia

    Nakia The night is mine Distinguished Member ★ SPS Account Holder Adored Veteran Pillars of Eternity SP Immortalizer (for helping immortalize Sorcerer's Place in the game!) Torment: Tides of Numenera SP Immortalizer (for helping immortalize Sorcerer's Place in the game!) BoM XenForo Migration Contributor [2015] (for helping support the migration to new forum software!)

    Jun 26, 2003
    Likes Received:
    Nice twist on the story. Keep up the good work.
  3. kuemper Gems: 31/31
    Latest gem: Rogue Stone

    Jun 19, 2005
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    The morning dawned and no one fought each other. Praise be for small miracles. Following Cernd's direction, we hiked a few hours to the druidic grove. Even those of us not attuned to nature felt the wrongness of the place. Plants withered and drooped and the air grew heavy. "It would do well to watch your actions while in these woods," a throaty voice stated and a slim man detached himself from the foliage.

    "Cernd sent us to find out what's happening," Jaheira spoke. "What caused this taint?"

    The man's eyed widened at the words and he noticed the druid in question. "Cernd, oh thank the Oakfather that we are not forsaken! Faldorn and the Shadow druids have taken leadership over this Grove. She sucks the life from Mother Earth to strengthen her own person." Having delivered his message, the druid melted back into the forest.

    Jaheira's mouth tightened and she assumed the lead. Cernd kept to the rear, watching for ambushes and other dangers. We killed a few nests of spiders. We spotted a large, domed hut shading a cave entrance. As we approached, trolls attacked us. We fought them off, though all of us were severely injured as the trolls healed. As one troll fell, I saw Jaheira conjure a blade of fire and strike at her fallen foe while Anomen and I protected her. The troll screamed and shriveled into a ball. "Yes, fire and acid will keep them dead," Cernd cried, bringing forth a firey blade of his own. Anomen could do nothing but pound the creatures with his mace. His frustration grew and bled into his repeated blows. Aerie healed until her spells were exhausted, throwing acidic bolts at any trolls Anomen knocked down.

    One troll clawed ferocious at Anomen, ripping through the Helmite's shoulder and crippling him. Aerie screamed as he fell. I threw myself between the troll and Anomen, ordering Viccy to start healing him. Viconia had been noticeably absent from the battle and it was time for her to pull her weight in the group. Grumbling in Drow, she healed Anomen. The last troll was burned. We withdrew to a safer place for resting and planning. "Viconia, don't be so stingey with your spells," I said with a growl. "A couple of us were too close to dying." She muttered in Drow, the tone of her voice indicating the snobbish putdown. "I mean it, Viccy. Either do what I say or I'll tie you back to that stake."

    With a few hours of resting, we adapted our spells to combat trolls. More trolls attacked us and we were forced to kill them and take more time to rest. I was feeling horrible about this. We obviously weren't ready to take on such tough monsters, but no one gave up. Even Aerie got in a lick or two with her staff. "Nobody hurts my friends!" she yelled at the troll who'd sliced open Cernd with his thick nails. She rapped him on the skull, then got thrown into a stand of trees. Cernd gave an animalistic cry of rage and...changed. His body became wolfish and his chest wounds closed. He leapt at the troll and killed it, then threw himself at the other trolls. I found myself conjuring up a flaming blade and used it to burn the downed creatures.

    The fight finished quickly. We warily watched Cernd in his wolf form. He said patiently, "I am a shapeshifter, deliberately infected with lycanthropy. I change into the form of a werewolf, but I am in control of myself. I won't turn on you or attack you." The rest of us gave him breathing space. He transformed back into a human and we all sighed. He merely smiled and nodded.

    As we neared the center of the Grove, more Shadow druids attacked us and we killed them. I wondered how our two druids were reacting to the deaths of their own people, but neither looked bothered by it. I found a nice club for myself and another blade no one could use. I found a small, overgrown trail and whispered to the others that I wanted to check it out. Safety being important, I prayed to the Morning Lord for protection and his power enveloped me. I snuck through the woods and discovered a group of five trolls guarding a mysterious tower. I went inside the building, Lathander's power rendering me invisible to the trolls. Once inside, I found a cow and some well-chewed hay with a handle sticking out of one crumpled bale. I pulled on the handle, withdrawing a curved sword. I held onto it as I left, walking passed the trolls quietly. When I joined with the party, I showed them my find. Jaheira commented on the scimitar and asked to weild it.

    There was a stone circle in front of a cave. Cernd nodded gravely. "This is where she is, draining the earth to fuel her power. Faldorn, though misguided, should still obey the basic strictures of the druidic circle. One of us must challenge her, either Jaheira or myself, and defeat her."

    "I will," Jaheira snarled. "Faldorn has been a thorn in the side of nature's cause for too long." Together we entered the cave. Faldorn greeted us coldly and received the challenge with a chuckle. Before we could do anything, Faldorn had Cernd captured, stripped of his belonging and thrown into a gladitorial pit.

    "I am stronger than ever with the aid of this Grove," Faldorn informed Cernd in a mocking tone. She called upon nature to protect her. Cernd was ready for the deceit. He sent a swarm of insects at his opponent and they surrounded her, nipping and biting. He also protected himself, then morphed into his werewolf body. Her spells were gone, thanks to the insects and each swipe of Cernd's claws caused her to cry out in pain. When she should have fallen, she changed into a giant panther and charged the wolf with new energy. We cheered for Cernd as he tore Faldorn to pieces.

    As she died, Cernd said, "The scourge has been purged. The deed is done and even now the land sighs in relief." He gave orders for the remaining druids to stop attacking Trademeet and left a senior and trusted druid in charge until the Archdruid could be notified. The druids cowered, but did as asked. We left here and returned to Trademeet to tell Logan of our success.

    Once in town, Logan said he was grateful and rewarded us well. I asked about resupplying and he cringed. "Dao genies have taken over all trade here. They are looking for a rakshasa and believe it is hiding closeby. If we can't get goods in or out of the city, Trademeet will wither and die." I agreed to help, on the condition that we could sleep at the inn. Logan was appalled at how poorly the innkeep treated us. He said he would talk to the man. We followed him to the inn and got a couple rooms, thanks to Logan's vouching.

    The morning dawned brightly. I lead the group to the south of the city and found the tents of the Dao. As we approached one of the Dao, he grinned and offered us a place to sit. "We've come to talk to you about the trade embargo," I said.

    He introduced himself and stated his reasons. "I am on the trail of a rakshasa called Ihtafer. The rakshasa are notorious shapeshifters and her trail has lead us to this wonderfully small community."

    "What would it take to get you to leave?"

    "Ahhh, if you were to return with the head of my little Ihtafer, the Dao would gladly leave." He opened his stores of weapons and potions, telling us details about the rakshasa in general. They were immune magic and highly magical creatures themselves. Looked like our best bet was to pound the rakshasa into submission. As a group, we agreed to find Ihtafer for the Dao and stocked up on supplies at exorbinant prices.

    As we headed for the edge of town, a familiar face greeted me. "I have information which may be of use to you, Peko."

    I smiled. "Yes. Know anything about a rakshasa around here?"

    "Not directly, no," my fellow thief whispered. "Though there is a potion seller acting strangely. I have spoken with her in the past and she made no mention of relatives, yet anyone who hears her now learns she has two grandsons. Also, some of her longtime customers have disappeared."

    With that clue, we headed to the potions seller's abode, intent on asking questions. As soon as we entered the structure, the woman snarled at us, "I smell the stink of those Dao upon you!" Her skin fell away, showing her true likeness of a felinoid garbed in rich clothing. Jaheira, Cernd and I charged while Anomen and Viconia prayed for divine hammers. Aerie called out a warning of two more rakshasa appearing. I grabbed Anomen and we hurried to the other enemies, hoping to distract them from helping Ihtafer. Unfortunately, one of them cast a strong cloud spell which caused us to cough and feel horrible. Viccy crumpled to the ground, sickness overcoming her rapidly. Cernd managed to clear the air and get Viccy back to her feet, the pair of them killing our main goal. Jaheira, seeing I needed some help, ran over and slashed with her scimitar. The battle was tough. I felt sorry for Aerie. Her spells were pretty useless offensively, but she concentrated on keeping us healthy.

    The three rakshasa were slain. I gathered the proof needed, Ihtafer's head, and a black necklace that I knew protected the wearer from being poisoned. Anomen checked the others, finding a thick, bluish staff. He gave it to Aerie, confident she would tell him about it. Her brow wrinkled as she studied the staff, her hands glowing with magic. A smile brightened her features and she happily said that it was magically enhanced. "Then it should be mine," Viccy stated in her throaty voice. "As I am the most magical person here." She grabbed the staff, only to find Aerie refusing to let go. They struggled for a minute, then Viccy released her grip and forced our arcane cleric to fall on her behind. "Keep it. A drow can find better, more exciting staves to play with." Her purring was accompanied by a palm stroking across Anomen's armored chest.

    "One of these days, she'll wake up with a knife in her back," Jaheira grumbled under her breath. I nodded slightly. Viconia was trouble and I reminded myself to talk to her about toning it down. The journey back to Trademeet grew familiar and safe. The local druids were busy clearing paths and taming the flora.

    Logan rewarded us as did the merchants with several gems and a magical shield. I let Viconia wear the shield since her strength was so poor compared to the rest of us. The town threw a party in our name, even conjuring statues in the town square and proclaiming us the Heros of Trademeet. :cool:

    Afterwards, we were approached by two townpeople, Lady Lurraxol and Mister Alibakkar, each asking if we could give them some help. It became clear that we could only work for one as they both hated each other. Lady Lurraxol seemed the better of the pair, so we agreed to work for her. She gave us a key to a local crypt and petitioned us to find the mantle of Waukeen. We walked to the graveyard. Once there, Logan talked to us and asked if we would give him the mantle instead. He explained how the Lorraxols and Alibakkars have been feuding for generations and this mantle was the bone of contention between them. Cernd, Jaheira and I agreed with Logan's idea. Anomen and Aerie both mentioned that we had agreed to give the mantle to Lady Lilith. Viconia said that we should keep the mantle for ourselves, pointing out Lilith asked us to *find* it only. Taking charge, I said we would give it to Logan.

    Inside the crypt, we found skeletons which we quickly dispatched. Flashing three holy symbols crushed the undead to dust. I checked the coffins and found the mantle in one of them. We left and gave it to Logan, who remained outside waiting for our return. Now that all of our missions for Trademeet were complete, I ordered everyone to the inn to get well-earned sleep and hot baths.
  4. Fly2tHeSkY

    Fly2tHeSkY Southern Comfort Veteran

    Oct 18, 2005
    Likes Received:
    I'm liking this so far Kuem! I can't wait till you get to Ust Natha, if you do indeed intend to go that far :D
  5. Silverstar Gems: 31/31
    Latest gem: Rogue Stone


    Mar 30, 2005
    Likes Received:
    This is excellent, really cool, full with nice little details, great eplanations, and unique twist in the story! Why have you stopped posting? Please update this, I am sooo curious to hear the rest!

    You know, I could have written something similar for my mod-heavy game as well, if only I had the courage, creativity and the time to begin with. :p
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