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Broken Roads - New Patch

Discussion in 'Game/SP News & Comments' started by RPGWatch, Feb 1, 2025 at 6:02 AM.

  1. RPGWatch

    RPGWatch Watching... ★ SPS Account Holder

    Jul 28, 2010
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    [​IMG]Broken Roads got a new patch and a new roadmap:

    Major Broken Roads Patch and Early 2025 Roadmap

    Hello everyone and welcome to 2025! We hope you've all had a good break over the new year and like us you're likely back in the swing of work, study, or whatever you usually do with your time.

    A few community members have asked for a roadmap for what to expect this year. We're hesitant to commit to more than just a few months from now, so below is a rundown of what is on the way in early 2025.

    The biggest change is that from today's patch, we now have a means to switch branches to the English-only updates, which is where we'll be posting all of the new content fixes, narrative changes, journal improvements and so on, and once done we will work on localising for all languages.

    Roadmap for Fixes and Patches

    We've seen some players asking about a roadmap of what they can expect in Broken Roads this year, so here is the basic list outlining the key areas the team is tackling first:
    • We have high confidence it is now sorted, but if any Steam Achievements still aren't unlocking for some players after today's patch, we'll keep digging into the matter until it is solved.
    • Southern Cross is a high-priority area receiving improvements to player interactions, expanded choices, and enhanced roleplaying opportunities in key moments.
    • Merredin Election issues will be addressed with clearer details and options for the player to engage (or not) as they choose.
    • Refugees will see significant changes and improvements, with more interactions and resolution options. This update may take a few months to fully implement and test.
    • Eliminating 'teleportation'/instant fast traveling for story beats or other locations wherever possible. This will require time to test properly.
    • Companions and smaller NPCs will be significantly fleshed out, with some receiving complete overhauls, particularly companion interactions at the convoy in Merredin.
    • Continuing to address and squash bugs along the way.
    Last edited by a moderator: Feb 1, 2025 at 5:57 PM
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