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Glorious Companions - New Update

Discussion in 'Game/SP News & Comments' started by RPGWatch, Feb 4, 2025 at 7:34 PM.

  1. RPGWatch

    RPGWatch Watching... ★ SPS Account Holder

    Jul 28, 2010
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    [​IMG]A new update for Glorious Companions:

    Refined & Reinforced - The Latest Improvements Await!

    Greetings, Companions!

    We've been hard at work refining your experience in Glorious Companions. This update brings important fixes, balance changes, and exciting new content!

    - Map icons are now properly localized.
    - Fixed abilities that could break the game.
    - Recruits can now be renamed correctly.
    - Save playtime now displays accurately.

    Improvements & Changes:
    - Rebalanced NPC encounters-expect a more appropriate challenge beyond the early game!
    - Adjusted pickups & POI placements for smoother progression.
    - Enhanced worldmap visuals with new animated elements.

    New Content:

    - New Offhand Items: Players can now obtain unique offhand items as rewards for clearing vaults. These items provide you with the chance to fight with style!

    - More Character Customization Options: Customize your mercenaries even further with new appearance options. With new skin tones, eyes and other tweaks, you'll have more ways to make your companions stand out.

    - New Loading Screen: A fresh loading screen has been added to enhance immersion while transitioning between different parts of the game.

    - Ambient Sounds in Cutscenes: To make the story moments more engaging, ambient sounds have been added to cutscenes, adding depth to the atmosphere.

    - New Battle Maps with Obstacle Variants: Additional battle maps have been introduced, featuring new obstacle types that change tactical positioning and movement strategies. Expect more variety and strategic depth in combat!

    - Seethrough Shader for Tall Obstacles: A new shader effect has been added to battlemaps, allowing tall obstacles to become semi-transparent when they obstruct your view. This improves battlefield visibility and clarity during combat.

    See you on the battlefield!
    Last edited by a moderator: Feb 5, 2025 at 4:59 AM
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