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SP Diablo 2 players

Discussion in 'Diablo 1 & 2' started by Xei Win Toh, Sep 2, 2004.

  1. Xei Win Toh Gems: 17/31
    Latest gem: Star Diopside

    Oct 14, 2003
    Likes Received:
    Since at least a few people have expressed that they play or is still somewhat interested in D2, I thought of making this topic, where SPers can tell their accounts, realms, playing times and so on, and if possible, with regards to location and such, make an SP party, just to play and whatnot.

    So, if you play D2, write down a list similar to mine, and we'll see!

    Account: *Xei_Win_Toh
    Realm: Europe
    Playing times: around 16:30 to 21:00 on weekdays, anytime on weekends, with exceptions: 17:00 to 18:30 on Mondays and Wednesdays, and 18:00 to 20:00 on Sundays.
    Preferences of playing: Softcore, underpowered builds, twinked, any class but Assassin and Druid.

    EDIT: Times is in CET.

    [ September 03, 2004, 14:43: Message edited by: Xei Win Toh ]
  2. Evil Dad Gems: 15/31
    Latest gem: Waterstar

    Jul 15, 2003
    Likes Received:
    Love DiabloII, if only for the faster pace and multi-player.

    Account: expired - will have to create a new one
    Realm: Europe
    Playing times: fairly flexible - evenings best.
    Preferences of playing: Softcore.
    Favourite builds: Pole-Bard, Tri-Sorc, Bowazon, Spearazon, Werewolf.

    Have been playing 1.10 quite a bit, which is why my account expired. Will have to revert back to 1.09.
  3. Wordplay Gems: 29/31
    Latest gem: Glittering Beljuril

    Oct 14, 2002
    Likes Received:
    Account: Xpired. Played last time sometime around gone winter.
    Realm: Europe
    Playing times: Usually after 15.00 o'clock, but in reality: "whenever feeling like it." ;)
    Preferences of playing: Softcore.
    Favourite builds: Summoner necromancer with a bit in 'Curses.' There really isn't any other way to play him (he is, after all, there just to create fodder while barbarians and others level the baddies).

    If you intend to play on Battle.net, isn't that impossible?

    ...So, I'm feeling like D2 again; should we create the "Fellowship of SP", lock it with a password, and get all the way to Diablo in Hell/Hell? :D

    [ September 02, 2004, 22:42: Message edited by: Wirhe ]
  4. Tassadar Gems: 23/31
    Latest gem: Black Opal


    Aug 2, 2001
    Likes Received:
    Account: Had my Diablo 1 account, but will probably make a new one.

    Realm: Asia. Europe should be no problem though.

    Playing times: Whenever work finishes!

    Preferences of playing: PvM, legit, no ridiculous uber-powergaming (I leave that for single player).

    Favourite build: Assassin, but then I've only played the assassin.
  5. Evil Dad Gems: 15/31
    Latest gem: Waterstar

    Jul 15, 2003
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    I thought bnet was 1.09 still?

    I agree with password locking it, much better way of playing it. Especially with the prevelance of PKing.

    Just checked and it is 1.10 now. Cool, coz I like 1.10 a lot more.
  6. Xei Win Toh Gems: 17/31
    Latest gem: Star Diopside

    Oct 14, 2003
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    Oh yes, we password lock it. Should we set up sessions at times everyone should be able to be there, or just play normally? Also, since all the three of you repliers have new accounts, should we go untwinked, or should I spend a couple of hours to get some low-level twink gear?
  7. Wordplay Gems: 29/31
    Latest gem: Glittering Beljuril

    Oct 14, 2002
    Likes Received:
    Well, if we are really going to do this, let's get things straight. Here's what I think we should do:

    -- Time-zone +0 so everyone knows when to join.
    -- Diablo II v.1.10 with expansion.
    -- Start only with lv.1 character. No importing ûber weapons and stuff.
    -- Game name: "Sorcerers 1"
    --> If reserved, 2, 3, 4, etc...
    --> Password "Taluntain" (Easy to remember, isn't it? :p )
    -- Max players 6, of course :D

    So, that is my idea. I'll be starting a new game anyway, but it would be interesting to know how much fun D2 could be with real teamplay, especially in the later difficulties.

    Now, only the time-table. I think 2 hours should be enough, starting from 19.00, week-ends and Fridays. How 'bout it?

    [ September 04, 2004, 13:22: Message edited by: Wirhe ]
  8. Xei Win Toh Gems: 17/31
    Latest gem: Star Diopside

    Oct 14, 2003
    Likes Received:
    19:00 GMT? I'll have to reschedule my homework then, but that shouldn't be too difficult.
    We play Ladder Chars, right?
    Should we plan out a party or just play our favorite chars? 'Cause if one decides to play a high-powered char such as a Hammerdin and i play, say, a Melee Sorceress, I'll be put to shame and feel slightly useless.

    EDIT: Oh, by the way, game name is probably a bit too long.

    EDIT2: What's with 6 players? If we find 8 SPers, why not?
  9. Wordplay Gems: 29/31
    Latest gem: Glittering Beljuril

    Oct 14, 2002
    Likes Received:
    With 8 players it begins to feel a bit too crowded, but yeah; why not? Let's just see how many shows up and then see how it works out.

    -- Ladder Characters.
    -- Gateway Europe.
    -- Preferably the same name as on this board.
    -- You can choose whichever class you feel the most comfortable with; in the long run we can adapt to it.
    -- 'LoD Necromancer Crypt' could be our chat-channel. If feeling like it, show up there ~10 mins before the game. ;)

    Since today is Friday, let's have our first session tomorrow so those who might be interested can post here and say if the time should be changed. Remember: GMT+0.

    Example. In my case, since I live in GMT+2, the time is really 19.00+2 = 21.00

    [ September 03, 2004, 17:16: Message edited by: Wirhe ]
  10. Xei Win Toh Gems: 17/31
    Latest gem: Star Diopside

    Oct 14, 2003
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    Starting tomorrow seems fine, unless all/many interested are ready with builds and stuff by tonight already.
    Notwink is OK for me, though if we have a vote, I'd vote for twinking :D
    We could meet up in a channel, on SP chat, MSN, or anything tonight already to talk easier than on a forum.
    I'm quite sure I'll play some sort of Melee Amazon.
  11. Evil Dad Gems: 15/31
    Latest gem: Waterstar

    Jul 15, 2003
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    I'll be in. Might not be able to make every single one, but will make nearly all of them.

    Some idea about what each other is playing might be good, as we don't want to all play sorcs or necros. Some tanks would be good as well.

    Might play my old 1.09 fav, a Pole-Barb again, but I don't know how effective they are in 1.10. Alternatively, I do love Shockadins as well.

    @Xei Win Toh: Melee Sorcs are awesome in 1.10, as they have a whole new lease of life with all those wonderful synergies. Do Paladin Fire auras help out Melee Sorcs?
  12. Wordplay Gems: 29/31
    Latest gem: Glittering Beljuril

    Oct 14, 2002
    Likes Received:
    Guess so; we'd better meet at the chat then. That crypt is almost always empty, so I doubt anyone else bothers to come there but us. :p

    Even though just coming to play won't distrupt anything at all -I doubt anyone can get to the game without reading these messages, at least. ;)

    As to not making to each one of them, I'm certain a few times won't matter, as it will show only in levelling. But if you don't manage to do the required quests with the rest, we cannot do much when the game automatically prevents you from proceeding, leaving you behind.
  13. Jhonka

    Jhonka This is the face of Justice Veteran

    Jan 18, 2004
    Likes Received:
    I'm all for this, and it gives me an excuse to re-install D2. :p

    Since we'll be on the Europe gateway, I'll have to make a new account; I'll make it some variation on the name Jhonka so I'll be recognizible. GMT 19:00 would be 10:00 my time, so I couldn't make it on Fridays, what with school starting soon. If I'm up early enough on Saturdays and Sundays, I'll try and join you guys. Best of luck to everyone's new D2 endeavors :)
  14. Tassadar Gems: 23/31
    Latest gem: Black Opal


    Aug 2, 2001
    Likes Received:
    Since I'm on the other side of the world, the times are going to be funny. I'll see what I can do.

    Just checked the times - 19.00 GMT + 12 Hours = 7am

    Sweet, the time is not too bad. Provided I don't drink too much on saturday nights I'll be ok. :)

    But no guarantees!

    I'll play an assassin since it's the only character I've tried so far.
  15. Apeman Gems: 25/31
    Latest gem: Moonbar


    Sep 25, 2002
    Likes Received:
    Count me in if I have some time and I haven't passed out (throat infection of some kind)

    Which chat do we meet, friendly arm?
  16. Xei Win Toh Gems: 17/31
    Latest gem: Star Diopside

    Oct 14, 2003
    Likes Received:
    @ Apeman: Wirhe says 'Necromancer Crypt' channel in D2, I say an private channel called 'Sorcerers' or 'op Sorcerers'.

    So, lets see who we have...
    Me: Melee Amazon
    Wirhe: Necromancer?
    Bard: Polebarb or Paladin (personal recommendation :p :Barbarian)
    Tassadar: Assassin
    Jhonka: Unknown
    Apeman: Unknown

    6 people... should be enough, can you all be there tonight (in ~8 hours)?
  17. Evil Dad Gems: 15/31
    Latest gem: Waterstar

    Jul 15, 2003
    Likes Received:
    Hooray. Installed D2 + LOD + 1.09D + 1.10. Have created new account on Europe Realm SP_BARD and will be at the chatroom for 18:50 tonight.
  18. Mollusken Gems: 24/31
    Latest gem: Water Opal

    Aug 12, 2000
    Likes Received:
    I would have liked to join, but unfortunately not today. Norway begins their football world championship qualifying today, and we play Italy at 20:45 CET. I have to watch that match.
  19. Jhonka

    Jhonka This is the face of Justice Veteran

    Jan 18, 2004
    Likes Received:
    I think I can wake myself up for the session tomorrow morning (or tonight, for all you Europeans :p )

    I'll be on the account SP_Jhonka, unless of course it's somehow taken. I think I'll have a Druid as my character. I've wanted to try a summoner/elemental hybrid for a while now.

    If everything goes well, I'll be in the Necromancer Crypt by 9:45 Alaska time, so 18:45 GMT. See you all there! :)
  20. Wordplay Gems: 29/31
    Latest gem: Glittering Beljuril

    Oct 14, 2002
    Likes Received:
    @ Mollusken

    That is a tough choise between football and gaming -the first session is pretty important since we will be, with all likelihood, clearing the first act in a buzz. ;)

    @ Xei Win Toh

    Private channels aren't that good choise since we must remember that not everyone has IRC, Java, or some other prequisite. By taking 'LoD Necromancer Crypt' -channel we can ensure that the only thing you need is just your copy of D2+LoD.

    And yes, I will be a necromancer (SP_Wirhe). I will be saving your assess in later difficulties. :p Last notes after checking Battle.net:

    -- SP_Name if possible.
    -- We can agree in the game if the time should be moved.
    -- Game name "Sorcerers 1" (The old one was too long.)
    -- Password "Taluntain" (Same)

    That's it; see you in the Crypt or at least in the game. ;)

    [ September 04, 2004, 13:23: Message edited by: Wirhe ]
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