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Urban Strife - Major Update

Discussion in 'Game/SP News & Comments' started by RPGWatch, Feb 5, 2025 at 8:12 PM.

  1. RPGWatch

    RPGWatch Watching... ★ SPS Account Holder

    Jul 28, 2010
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    [​IMG]Urban Strife will get a major update this month:

    Coming next in February...

    We've been planning a major update for the start of the year, originally intended to roll out in multiple patches. This update includes a significant rebalancing of the economy, which wouldn't work well without a series of tweaks and adjustments. However, since it's already February, we've decided to release everything in one go to ensure it's fully functional and ready to play.

    The focal points of this update are industry mechanics and a new class of weapons. Most of the work on the industry crafting (code and HUD) is complete, and submachine guns are performing well in our tests. Over the next two weeks, we'll focus on adding the following:

    Loot distribution and trader restocking will be balanced for a longer, more open-ended campaign, allowing you to take your time and experiment with different approaches.

    Diverse weapon classes of of .22LR, 9mm, and .45 calibers will appear more often in the starting zones for better weapon variety.

    Damage values will be adjusted to make these weapons more viable in low-tier or bad armor setups.

    Headshot mechanics will be reworked to be less of a one-shot kill. Since heads are naturally exposed in combat, they currently cause too many instant fatalities.

    Another major change we've been planning for some time is streamlining the RPG elements in the first act. Instead of quests primarily pushing factions into conflict, they will now focus more on helping you understand each faction's unique traits. This means that, for a while at least, it will be possible to maintain friendly relations with three faction groups simultaneously if that's how you want to play.

    We're also working on reducing linearity, giving you more freedom to explore and start the game on your own terms. The first maps to receive improvements will be those set in the suburbs, and we'll gradually extend these changes to the rest of the first act. Additionally, we hope to release a pair of new maps this month -more details on that soon! Stay tuned!
    Last edited by a moderator: Feb 6, 2025 at 3:57 AM
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