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VtM: Bloodlines 2 - Developer Diary #27

Discussion in 'Game/SP News & Comments' started by RPGWatch, Feb 27, 2025 at 10:53 PM.

  1. RPGWatch

    RPGWatch Watching... ★ SPS Account Holder

    Jul 28, 2010
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    [​IMG]The Chinese Room posted a new developer diary for VtM: Bloodlines 2:

    The Cast of Mortals

    Developer Diary #27

    What makes a vampire distinct? What transforms them from "alluring nocturnal wizards" to memorable creatures of horror, monsters in all but looks? Tonight, we take a look at this element: the mortals.

    The characters you are about to see are all caught up in Seattle's vampire underworld in one way or another. Most are unaware, thinking their misfortune the result of bad luck rather than the interference of vampires. Such is the way of the Masquerade.

    If Everyone is a Vampire
    To achieve the stark contrasts essential to gothic horror fiction, the vampire must be viewed through the attraction, addiction, and terror they inspire. Every mortal is a lens through which the audience - and player - sees a sliver of the vampire as they appear to the living world.

    They are the canvas on which the Kindred wield their bloody brush, for to be a vampire is to possess terrible powers, allowing one to use and abuse people as tools, food, and pleasure. (Of course, the ratio of these three also says something about a vampire's moral nature.) Most of all, mortals elevate the vampire experience, providing the backdrop against which the undead stand in bloody relief.

    After all, if everyone is a vampire, then no one is.
    - World of Darkness Head of Creative Management, Karim Muammar

    Description: In-game video compilation showing various places where you will meet mortals.

    Pandora Graves
    "I know that you are powerful. That you are artful. That you are dangerous. That you conceal a well of such pain, deep inside you. I share that pain too. I am so glad to be in your presence."

    A girl calling herself Pandora stumbles into a bar in Seattle in velvet and eyeshadow knowing too much about the Kindred and yet knowing very little about life. Who is she really, who's been feeding her information, and does she realise how close she is to death? It's unlikely - she seems to have a bad case of main character syndrome.

    Last edited by a moderator: Feb 28, 2025 at 4:35 AM
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