Icewind Dale

Icewind Dale Solution by Sylvus Moonbow

Prologue | Chapter 1 | Chapter 2 | Chapter 3
Chapter 4 | Chapter 5 | Chapter 6
Items List | About
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KuldaharYou'll be arriving here from Kuldahar Pass and if it's your first visit as it was mine, the atmosphere Interplay has created with this village is something else. Having a very large, looming tree rising from the ground while all the buildings jut out from large roots gives the village a very relaxed feel. Green grass surrounded by a boundary of white snow, birds calling from high above in the tree tops really sets the mood. The lighting, shadows and everything about Kuldahar made it my favorite, even over the well done city of Baldur's Gate in their previous release. Kuldahar will be your home for sometime as there are many quests to go on and those that will advance you in the story, while others will be mini-quests branching from the main plot, yet still keep you very well involved.

The story will unfold as you venture through each building and talk to those within and who make Kuldahar their home and you will learn that the very Great Oak that lays in Kuldahar and that warmth springs, is beginning to fade which will unsettle the balance Arundel will speak to you about.

Your best bet while visiting Kuldahar is to talk to everyone and visit every building within the small village and cover as much ground and information as possible before heading to Arundel for your main quest into The Vale of Shadows. Once you've done that, head to Arundel and listen to everything he has to say, regardless of the fact some of it does not pertain to the adventure, it is very well scripted and worth the read.

The People of Kuldahar

Kuldahar consists of the following people:

Quests in Kuldahar

While searching through Kuldahar, you will come across those asking you to help them in their time of need and there are a small handful of quests to keep you busy but mainly you will be concentrating on the story advancement quest given to you by Arundel. First though, let's look at the mini-quests.

AMELIA [Aldwin's Inn Entitlement]

Speak with Amelia who works inside of The Root Cellar Tavern and she'll mention just how suspicious it is that Aldwin took over after the previous owner just vanished. If you go upstairs in the Inn and pick the lock on one of the boxes up in the room, you will find a legacy key that proves Aldwin is not entitled to the Inn. Confront Aldwin about this and get him to confess for some experience! After this, the room rates lower as well.

Thanks Neil for this entry!

ALDWIN [mini-quest]

While speaking to the waitress of The Root Cellar, she will tell you a little about Aldwin if you ask, saying that how Aldwin obtained the Evening Shade Inn are a bit murky, to say the least. If you speak with Aldwin, he will of course deny everything but that's when you get into a little investigation on your part. Go upstairs in the Evening Shade Inn and search the chests, namely the right-downmost one for a ring and present this to Aldwin.

You'll get experience for this as you learn the true story behind the Evening Shade Inn.

Thanks to Ola for pointing this missing quest out for us!

CONVERSION [mini-quest]

Not entirely a quest, but worth mentioning because it gives you a fair amount of experience and that is using a Cleric or Paladin while inside The Root Cellar on the patrons, one of them you will be able to convert to the paths of Ilmater.

Thanks goes out to Andrea for this one.

ORRICK THE GRAY [mini-quest]

You will receive this when you talk to Orrick The Gray about what he studies and the books he has been reading for many years on end. He will make a note of when he was in Myth Drannor and stumbled across old teachings that spoke of a hidden Elven Outpost within The Spine of the World. He is looking for anything relating to this and if you come across any, keep Orrick The Gray in mind. You will find the book he requires when you reach The Severed Hand in Chapter 3 called "The Mythal Theory" also noted as the "Theory of the Mythals".

Thanks Mythgard and Carter for the book name!

MIREK [mini-quest]

This quest, if you have not visited Arundel's House yet, will introduce you to the Vale of Shadows via this pleading man who has just someone very close to him and asks for you to retrieve his family heirloom back. He believe it is lost within the Vale of Shadows and if you help him, a reward is waiting.

SISTER CALLIANA [mini-quest]

Sister Calliana speaks of the Revered Mother Egenia and Revered Brother Poquelin who have both gone missing over the days while you were in Easthaven. Finding these two will no doubt help your standings with Sister Calliana as well as explain why those people from Kuldahar have gone missing.

Although, the game has a bug and the Revered Mother Egenia when you find her, will vanish if you leave the level you found her on and even though you have spoken to her, returning to Kuldahar to speak with Sister Calliana won't do you any good. This quest is a dead end as Sister Calliana still thinks you have not spoken to the Revered Mother Egenia. It's a shame too, I would have liked to know what happened.

Thanks to Chaos for pointing this quest out and making the correction on it.

ARUNDEL'S QUEST 1 [story advancement]

This is your first major quest that will take you some time to complete and return with a full detailed description for Arundel as to what is happening in the Vale of Shadows. This will not only advance you as a party and place you around 5th to 6th level after its completion, but also advance the story to the next stage. This quest must be completed to continue forward to the other adventures ahead. Take your time in the Vale of Shadows, enjoy the artwork, search its ancient tombs and crypts for magical items, fortune and fame, but most of all, solve what Arundel has asked of you.

ARUNDEL'S QUEST 2 [story advancement]

Your second quest will be given to you after you have gone to the Vale of Shadows and learned what you could about the evil that calls the Vale its home. Upon returning, you will be off to The Temple of the Forgotten God to find the Heartstone Gem which once rested within the Great Oak in Kuldahar. This quest is short and the temple itself is very small so finishing it off shouldn't take you very long.
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