Here is the shadow portal leading back to the Lakeshore.
Here is where you’ll meet Fentomy again, in his proper incarnation as a Dao Genie. He has a task for you, kill a very powerful Primal Earth Elemental that is trapped below the Coven so that it returns to the Elemental Plane of Earth. The intention being that he can bind it into his service. Taking a verbal stand against slavery will earn you influence points with both Kaelyn and Okku. In any event, if you agree to the task, he’ll give you the Key to the Skein.
Here is where you’ll find an Ogre Mage merchant named Omaga. He sells:
Here is the entry to the Coven. However, it is locked against you. Two Hagspawn guards named Turlok and Mulv will not let you in no matter what you have to say or how much you offer. There are other beings who also seek entry and are in line ahead of you. The most they’ll concede is if you succeed in making half of the petitioners go away, they’ll let you in.
If you’re so inclined, you can use the Key to the Skein at this door to go directly to the Skein. You’re heading there in any event, and it provides a sure way to progress the game if you’re having trouble making enough petitioners leave.
Here is one of the petitioners, an Illithid named Gud-Bugh-Ka. He’s here seeking advice from the Coven on how to tip the war against the Githyanki in favor of the Illithid. You can convince him that a powerful Githyanki hunting party is nearby and on the prowl, but you’ll need to make a high combined Bluff and Lore check to pull it off. If you succeed he’ll give you The Likely Amulet.
Here is a Uthraki named Gruuf. Uthraki are a race of apelike creatures with a ravenous appetite for meat, humanoid or otherwise. You can pickpocket it for the Mysterious Meat.
If you have acquired the Bestow Life ability, he will be irrevocably hostile towards you and invites you to combat more to the west. This leads to clearing out one of the petitioners.
If you are able to broach conversation with it, you can point out that his meat for his fellow tribesmen has gone missing and thereby trick him into leaving of his own accord.
Here is a Genasi Prince, who is vexed over having lost his place in line. A mild Diplomacy check is all that is needed to convince him to leave.
Here are some Telthor spirits. You can use Provoke Spirits to get them to fight you. If Okku is in your party he’ll be disgusted with the fact that they’ve become carrion eaters and drive them away.
Here is a coffin holding a vampire lord named Count Crowroost. His smug little familiar is convinced that you can’t open the coffin. You can throw his coffin through the Shadow Portal with a high enough Strength check and get 400xp. Okku can do it as well. Another way is to open the coffin with a very high Open Lock skill check. The Count and his servant will then fight you. He leaves behind the Shadowmaster Kukri.
Once you’ve dealt with at least 3 of the petitioners, speak to the guards again and they’ll open a shadow portal leading to the Coveya Kurgannis.
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"*KNOW THIS: There is nothing on ALL the PLANES that can STAY the hand of JUSTICE when it is brought against them. It may unmake ARMIES. It may sunder the thrones of GODS. Know that for all who BETRAY justice, I am their FATE. And fate carries an EXECUTIONER'S AXE.*" -Vhailor, Planescape: Torment