Here is your initial entry point. Kelemvor, the God of the Dead, has been waiting for you. The tone of the conversation is affected by whether you sided with or against the Crusade. Regardless, he makes it clear that he will neither assist you nor interfere with you reclaiming your soul from the Wall of the Faithless.
Here is where you’ll find your soul. Click on it, and some Faithless Golems will attack your party. The Wall itself will shoot out rays that can damage party members. If you sided with the Crusade and recovered one tome for Rammaq, a Lich will arrive to assist you. If you recovered both tomes for Rammaq, he will send a katana wielding Vampire named Blademistress Sorona to help you.
Attack your soul and score enough damage on the portion of the wall surrounding it and it will come loose. Once that happens, your soul will be lying on the ground and you’ll get 2,500xp. Click on it again and …
Its not as simple as that. Akachi is going to try to devour your soul from within, and this means confronting his avatar in a series of dreamscapes starting with a dreamscape of Crossroad Keep.
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"Pfeh! A dank pool of base corruption, if ever there was one. If not for the Order, the gods would surely smite Man for such sins." -Anomen, Baldur's Gate II