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Diablo 2 classes

Discussion in 'Diablo 1 & 2' started by Melkhior, Jun 8, 2001.

  1. Pyro Gems: 5/31
    Latest gem: Andar

    Mar 8, 2002
    Likes Received:
    Just make sorc, save points untill level 18 exept for putting points into the skills you need for firewall itself. Put points in firewall every level. When you reach level 24(or is it 18?), put a point in Teleport. When you reach level 30, put points into both firemastery and firewall. When you have both at level 20, start putting points into frozen orb and put 3 points into cold-mastery. Voila, you have an Uber-char.
  2. Ex-Paladine Banned

    Feb 13, 2003
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    Pyro you are wrong. :happy: You have to give points to Warmth. Don't forget it.
  3. Pyro Gems: 5/31
    Latest gem: Andar

    Mar 8, 2002
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    Maybe, but only one point though since you will get bonuses from all your +skills equipment.
  4. Gothmog

    Gothmog Man, a curious beast indeed! ★ SPS Account Holder Veteran

    Jun 30, 2002
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    I'm not all that experienced with sorceres but i would really think every each one of them have high Warmth skill.

    Its the basic thing for a spellcaster.

    All the sorcs i've seen had developed warmth and frozen orb.
  5. Gamer Gems: 2/31
    Latest gem: Fire Agate

    Nov 18, 2001
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    I have been a Diablo II addict for a long time now. I argued a lot with my friends which character is best to play with. First of all, you'll have to make a difference between single player and party playing. In Battlenet there is almost no difference between the chars by now, because of the all unique equipment which I believe a player is just not meant to have before finishing the game. But that's a different question.
    Paladin rules and Necro is nice. But combine the Paladin with the Babarian or the Amazon...

    You can do it with every char, but it is most easy with the babarian. The sorc is also quite nice for people who prefer magic. The amazon can be really powerfull with a decent bow, guided arrow, piercing and critical hit. The Paladin on it's own is much weaker than in a party but it would be the next for me on the ladder. My friends and I never agreed on the last 3. Asassin is strong at the beginning but many skills are not worth going for
    The druid would be arful storng if it wasn't for the 'either shapeshift or elemental magic' restriction. And in most people's opinion the necro simply sucks. But I finished the game on hell in single player with my necro. Revives, golem, and iron maiden will get you through, but it can take a lot of time. Bone spirit speeds everyting a bit up.

    Amazon, but again only with a good bow. The sorc is pretty powerfull, and again, in party duelling you need a paladin

    Never heard of it? It's fun! Sacrifice-Paladin or Babarian are nice, but they never beat the assasin. If any class can be announced best anywhere it's the assasin in level 9. Try and see...

    It's the necro... Not every Necro is a Man In Lag, but he has the skills to do it best. The sorc can to a lot with her 'impressive' grafic skills and especially with her como lightning, but if you ever met a necro doing a large area level 40+ curse you know who is the winner
  6. Foradasthar Gems: 21/31
    Latest gem: Pearl

    May 17, 2002
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    I only played my sorceress to level 31 before I got bored with the game. But I have to say, my innovative (at the time, at least) idea of putting as much to mana regen and Stasis Field as possible worked out real nice. She could cast a stasis field so wide that it covered the corners of the screen. In singleplay she wasn't too good, but the point was to play in party mode. Also, people didn't seem to realise what spell I was using. Some even asked me why I wasn't casting any spells, as there is no noticeable effect from the stasis field.

    Anyway, with large groups of enemies closing in on us, it soon started to become apparent what I did when even with several players the enemies were so weak that a hit or two from our warriors would kill them by the time they reached us. Diablo himself was reduced to around 5% of his normal full health in less than 10 seconds from when I arrived to cast my spells. That was with a party of 6, who all soon after praised the wonderful idea of such a stasis field. :)

    I would've taken the idea further by adding some high-level damaging spells as well. But the game got too boring. Besides it seemed that in the next difficulty level the enemies were much more resistant to the lightning effect of the stasis field.
  7. Wordplay Gems: 29/31
    Latest gem: Glittering Beljuril

    Oct 14, 2002
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    Necromancer is my favorite class in Diablo II and played as far as the hell at the hardest difficulty. Playing as one can be really easy if one just remembers that he is, :doh: , just an summoner; let the minions do the job, helping them a bit with an occasional curse of a bone spell.

    It´s kinda strange that in Battle.net, where players are supposed to play together, most forget the team-play (=single player game over internet. :doh: ). Sooo... anyone interested of a long-term game? ;)

    [ April 29, 2003, 19:05: Message edited by: Virne ]
  8. Sniper Gems: 28/31
    Latest gem: Star Sapphire

    Oct 25, 2000
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    I'd be willing to play, but not for a whileas i have my exams etc. coming but but after that i'd gladly join. Currently, my favourite character, too, is the Necromancer. :borg:
  9. Pyro Gems: 5/31
    Latest gem: Andar

    Mar 8, 2002
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    Then you'r doing something wrong :) You should never have more than 3 or 4 points in warmth, because a good sorc will have at least +5 skills from items anyway, and any more points would be wasted.
  10. Ex-Paladine Banned

    Feb 13, 2003
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    It's funny. Did it today and defeat a barb with a Paladin it was very very funny so my favourite chars are Sorc & Barb got a lvl 71 in 1 day.

    lvl 30 Paladin

    Clvl 2 Might 5 Strenght
    " 3 Prayer 5 Dexterity
    " 4 Smite 5 Energy
    " 5 Sacrifice 5 Vitality
    " 6 Thorns 5 Strenght
    " 7 Holy Bolt 5 Dexterity
    " 8 Holy Fire 5 Vitality
    " 9 Defiance 5 Dexterity
    " 10 --- 5 Strenght
    " 11 --- 5 Vitality
    " 12 Blessed Aim 5 Energy
    " 13 Zeal 5 Energy
    " 14 Zeal 5 Dexterity
    " 15 Zeal 5 Strenght
    " 16 Charge 5 Strenght
    " 17 --- 5 Dexterity
    " 18 Concentration 5 Vitality
    Holy Freeze
    " 19 Vengeance 5 Dexterity
    " 20 Blessed Hammer 5 Vitality
    " 21 Vigor 5 Vitality
    " 22 --- 5 Strenght
    " 23 --- 5 Strenght
    " 24 Meditation 5 Dexterity
    Holy Shock
    Holy Shield
    " 25 Conversion 5 Vitality
    " 26 Sanctuary 5 Dexterity
    " 27 Holy Freeze 5 Strenght
    " 28 Holy Freeze 5 Strenght
    " 29 --- 5 Vitality
    " 30 Fanaticism 5 Energy

    Den of Evil: Thorns
    Radament'S Lair: Vengeance
    Fallen Angel: Fist of the Heavens

    Lvl 30 Sorceress

    Clvl 2 Fire Bolt
    " 3 Ice Bolt
    " 4 Charged Bolt
    " 5 Warmth
    " 6 Ice Blast
    " 7 Frost Nova
    " 8 Inferno
    " 9 Static Field
    " 10 Telekinesis
    " 11 ---
    " 12 Blaze
    " 13 Fire Ball
    " 14 Nova
    " 15 Lightning
    " 16 Warmth
    " 17 Warmth
    " 18 Fire Wall
    " 19 Chain Lightning
    " 20 Teleport
    " 21 Glacial Spike
    " 22 Chain Lightning
    " 23 Fire Wall
    " 24 Energy Shield
    " 25 Blizzard
    " 26 Thunder Storm
    " 27 Meteor
    " 28 ---
    " 29 ---
    " 30 Frozen Orb
    Fire Mastery
    Fire Wall

    Den of Evil: Warmth
    Radament's Lair: Fire Wall
    Fallen Angel: Frozen Orb
    Fire Wall

    See they are good :happy: my chars to lvl 30 try them..

    :grin: :p :grin: :p :grin:

    @pyro: Don't be stupid. It won't be easy for you with lvl 3 Warmth in nm. Get it 20 (no offence meant)
  11. Sephiroth Gems: 14/31
    Latest gem: Chrysoberyl

    Mar 7, 2003
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    @Paladine:It's completly useless to put 20 points into warmth!I've go 5 in warmth and it's still to much (I'm playing currently hell).My items give me 60% faster manaregeneration and I've got 1452 Mana.I've got always enough mana,so it would be completly useless to put any points in warmth(also your manaregeneration increases with your level,or was it with the difficulty you are currently playing :confused: .Well,I'm not sure why,but it increases for sure :D .
  12. Erebus Gems: 16/31
    Latest gem: Shandon

    Oct 22, 2002
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    NEcros are difficult characters to use, but when you get the hang of it, they are incredibly formidable. I once played a game on battlenet, which was me as a necro and another necro, and getting past the first three acts was a breeze, having a large army of skeletons and golems help to. :)
  13. Pyro Gems: 5/31
    Latest gem: Andar

    Mar 8, 2002
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    Hey, I've completed both NM and Hell with sorcs and leveled one to 99, I know what I'm doing :p Warmth at 20 will be a HUGE waste of points, because at level 50+ you will be regenerating more than 10 mana per second without more than 3-5 points anyway. A good char has + to skills equipment, so putting more points into warmth is a waste.

    I noted that you'r chars have widely spread points, far to spread to be effective chars. We're talking about chars that you can complete hell with here, and to do that you basicly need to max skills, not put 1 or 2 points in each.
  14. Sephiroth Gems: 14/31
    Latest gem: Chrysoberyl

    Mar 7, 2003
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    I'm not sure about Necros...
    I think the monsters you can summon are a totaly crap...Yeah,it's cool to run with 60 monsters,but they don't do enough damage!
    The skeletons you can summon are way too weak.If you also max the ability wich increases the lives and damage of your revived monsters your skeletts get 140lives- and 40Damagepoints more,good eh ;)
    The skelett mages you can revive are good,untill nightmare because the damage of them in nightmare is again not enough.Then again with the increasing ability the live increases as much as the warriors one,but the damage only increases for 20 points(for the fire-mages for 40):So the mages arn't the real killing machines :D
    Now the revival of monsters.The skill isn't so bad,you can revive all monsters you kill(with some expections).The revived monster will get his normal lives it would have in a 1-player game(even if you are playing with 8 players) and the lives will be increased for 200%.Also the monster gets 20% increased speed,but your monster will die after 180 seconds.Till now the revived monsters arn't so bad,but now the reall downside of them comes:The attack of them won't be increased!(only through this one cool skill,on Lvl.20 for about 40%.That doesn't sound so bad,but it is bad,because the monsters have a way too weak normal attack,so the % don't help that much).So your monster are slashing very long on a few monsters,even if they are the same type, because of the low damage.And you can forget your revivals on bosses,because the damage of bosses on revivals is increased,while the damage of revivals on bosses is decreased.Fair,don't you think :D .
    Now let's come to the golems:
    Fire golem:The fire golem is a completly crap.Although it have 88% fire absorbation on Lvl 20,you can't use him as a fighter,you can use him only as a bloker(again too weak,very low defense(188 defense in hell !!)).And he isn't a good blocker,of course he have many lifes(for about 4000 on Lvl 20,the first think I'm not sure about...)but you can't use him really as a blocker because of you must wait always for him to stand in front of the monsters and cover you,and you can't recast him in front of the monsters(well you could if you have enough mana(he only needs 240 mana points on Lvl.20,so if you can afford to recast him a few times,than you must have a few mana points :D )).So he isn't such a great choice.
    Iron golem:They arn't that bad,if you have enough good weapons to loose :D .You will need a iron weapon to cast a iron golem,and the iron golem will get all attributes of the weapon(so for example life leech or 2 two all skills and so on...),but who have always a good weapon to loose ?Another good aspect of the iron golem is his wonderfull ability to reflect the damage he got(on Lvl 20 435%)abd that's not bad !So the iron golem isn't that bad.
    Blood golem:Normally he would be way too weak,but if you now a trick,he can be the strongest golem of all!The golem has a ability to leech life.And than if you cast the one curse that reflects the damage you get,your golem will absorb the damage wich will be reflected.And your golem is connected with your lifes,so when the golems get hit,your lifes decreases either,but if your golem absorbs life than you will get lifes,too.So you will get in unbeatably,because you will always get lifes of you golem.
    the first golem(don't know how he's called in English):The golem is a good blocker,because you can recast him very easy(72 mana on Lvl. 20),he has also enough lifes(2103 on Lvl.20 in hell).

    So in my opinion the summons aren't so good.

    (whew,didn't thought this whole thing would get so big :D )
  15. Harkle Gems: 16/31
    Latest gem: Shandon

    Aug 11, 2002
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    [​IMG] I got Diablo 2 and its expansion yesterday. My character is an Amazon, currently at level 6. But I don't know what skills I should take and what avoid. Could you help me also with attributes?
  16. Sephiroth Gems: 14/31
    Latest gem: Chrysoberyl

    Mar 7, 2003
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    First you have to choose wich amazon you will be playing.You have there some options:

    There are some undergroups later
    -Lightning amazone
    -Fend amazone


    -unelemantal attaks amazone

    Some eplanations:
    Lanceamazone:She only fights with lances,the lances must do high damage,and must be FAST .
    Lightning-ama:I Don't like her really much,she doesn't do enough damage,but if you have some skill+ items she's playable.
    Fend-ama:In my opinion the beast lance-ama,does a high damage with fend,but she isn't good to play in single player,because you will need very good items,and you won't find so many good ones.
    Javazone:The javazone is fighting with throwing
    spears,it's said she should be excellent in the cowlevel ,I never tried her...
    Bow-ama:I think you know how she fights :D
    Magezone:A magezone fights with a bow and fire and ice arrows.She's good in single player,because
    she doesn't need such good items.
    unelemantal attaks amazone:She also fights with a bow,but uses attack without elemantal damage.She needs a very strong bow,or a fast crossbow.
  17. Foradasthar Gems: 21/31
    Latest gem: Pearl

    May 17, 2002
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    Just re-installed the game today and played a sorc to level 12. I'm going to do the static-field thing again, but I'm just wondering.. is a completely lightning-elemental sorceress good for anything at all? I'm set in putting points in absolutely nothing but lightning. So what's your catch?

    Is it just me, or is this game really boring btw? I played it for around one hour with a few different folks and it got incredibly repetitive and boring.
  18. Alex Gems: 12/31
    Latest gem: Moonstone


    Jun 27, 2001
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    You could also try what I call the offensizon (I'm sure it has an 'official' name in some guide somewhere). Max Lightning Fury (whichever was the thrown one, it's been too long since I last played...), Guided, Multi, Lvl 30 Freezing skill, and Crit with 1 point of valkyrie and all the evasion skills. No more is necessary as at high level +skills will more than compensate.

    The versitility this setup allows will make you a veritable death machine. Lightning for crowds, multi for spread out targets, guided for bosses, and freezing for slowing and physical immunes. Of course this makes you weak at close ranges, but nothing will ever get there.

    Yes, it is. I spent about 8 months of heavy gaming playing d2 only to realize that after about the first 2 weeks I had learned about everything, leaving the remaining 7 and a half months for nothing but repetitive boss runs for elusive items. All of which were of course worthless as nearly every single player was using hacked items and bragging about how 'l33t' that made them. Uninstalling that game was of the best decisions I ever made. I want my 50$ back. :)

    [ May 02, 2003, 08:29: Message edited by: Alex ]
  19. Harkle Gems: 16/31
    Latest gem: Shandon

    Aug 11, 2002
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    My amazon has now Str 31, Dex 30, Vit 28 and Energy 21. Skills I've chosen are Jab 2, Critical strike 2, Dodge 2 and Magic arrow 1. I think that she is some kind of spear-amazon.
  20. Pyro Gems: 5/31
    Latest gem: Andar

    Mar 8, 2002
    Likes Received:
    If you'r putting points into Lightning Fury Pierce is mandatory, the same goes if you put points into Guided arrow.
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