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HOF sorcerer spell grades (Updated! Includes all spells now.)

Discussion in 'Icewind Dale 2' started by JT, Aug 20, 2005.

  1. SlickRCBD Gems: 29/31
    Latest gem: Glittering Beljuril

    Resourceful Adored Veteran

    May 7, 2005
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  2. Laclongquan Gems: 5/31
    Latest gem: Andar


    Apr 30, 2005
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    THe problem is that we dont have a concrete enemy/place that use Magic Missile reliably to test this in Icewind Dale 2.

    Okay, let me try self-cast to see if it work or not...
    Bard use Shield ring on herself. Wizard cast magic missile on her. 5 line of "charname not affected by magic missile" on screen. So it works.
  3. SlickRCBD Gems: 29/31
    Latest gem: Glittering Beljuril

    Resourceful Adored Veteran

    May 7, 2005
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    Sorry, I worded it badly. I was saying the shield amulet did not protect against magic missile in BG2, but it was NOT the case in IWD2. I was responding to the person who said he always forgot about that detail of the spell, and I said that if they used the shield amulet in BG2 a lot, they might be forgetting about it because due to a bug it did not work.
    I thought I uploaded a fix, but I can't find it.
    The bug only happens in BG2, I'm not sure about BG1 and I'm 90% certain it doesn't happen in IWD1.
  4. Laclongquan Gems: 5/31
    Latest gem: Andar


    Apr 30, 2005
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    Right, based on my HoF run I will grade as below. Same old standard.

    A: You will cast this spell often. Every sorcerer should learn it.
    B: Won't be cast as often as an A spell, but good enough that every sorcerer should have it.
    C: Occasionally useful; you only need one sorcerer to learn it.
    D: Bad. Don't get it.
    F: Exceptionally bad.
    -: I don't know enough about this spell to rank it -- please help!
    HOF20: average party level 20 on Heart of Fury mode.

    Sorceress have access to +2DC Eagle Splendor, unlike Wizard's inteligence. So Sorc might have better DC than Wiz, in which case they should concentrate more on direct damage spells, and rely more on others for buffs. A glass cannon philosophy as it were.

    ---Level One Spells---
    Burning Hands......... [D] For HOF it's pitiful fire damage. Too close range = near enemies.
    Charm Person.......... [B] Will save-or-die against humanoids. In HoF it still might work, if they are Malison first.
    Chill Touch........... [F] Either melee touch attack not connect, or saving through
    Chromatic Orb......... [B-] Reflex save-or-stun. In HoF it's emergency last spell where you bet on the chance it work, because they mostly save through.
    Color Spray........... [D] You might Malison first, and bet on the chance one or two in the pack might get it. or not.
    Grease................ [A] Slow step effect always work even if they save through on HoF. A major use of 1st tier.
    Ice Dagger............ [F] In HoF you dont have the leisure to experiment with it.
    Identify.............. [F] Your Wizard in HoF should have enough knowledge arcana to identify all things.
    Larloch's Minor Drain. [F] In HoF you dont have the leisure to experiment with it.
    Mage Armor............ [E] Possible, but again, in HoF your sorcerer and wizard might get access to Ghost/Spirit Armor which is better than this.
    Magic Missile......... [A]  it's emergency last spell where you bet on the chance it disrupted their mage's casting, or you want to burn through cleric's ironskin charge. If you see boss, test it on them (2 casting).
    Minor Mirror Image.... [C] Obviously a lot worse than Mirror Image, but you can use it to get out of tough spots.
    Protection From Evil.. [C] Magic circle should cover it, but sometimes you have a new summon and you need not wasting a 2nd tier.
    Protection from Petrif [-] in HOF, even if you get hit by it, your cleric should have enough raise dead to save the patient.
    Ray of Enfeeblement... [F] If the monster fails a Fort save, it gets -5 to hit and damage.  HOF enemies will save against it.
    Shield................ [B] It highly effective againts the always-hit missile attacks of HoF, and also help your stoneskin charge. Pity: ranged attackers are not that frequent.
    Shocking Grasp........ [F] HoF enemies are high saves, high AC, high HP.
    Sleep................. [F] HoF enemies are high saves, high AC, high HP. You might want to bet that 1 in a pack will fall to sleep but I wouldnt.
    Summon Monster I...... [C] Sometimes a good fodder to block enemies is useful, but level 1 tier is too weak to last. HoF20 = Beetle or Goblin (80~ HP)
    ---Level Two Spells---
    Aganazzar's Scorcher.. [F] Your caster is immobile during its effect which is just shit. Even if your caster can use Minute Meteor, or Morden Sword, the moving target will make the line of fire moving back and forth, thus damage the friendlies. Tiny fire damage.
    Blindness............. [C] Level 2 is being used too much to let this one in. BUT I point this out as an emergency last spell where a melee get to you.
    Blur.................. [B] Too useful, and you have enough duration to have this active all the time.
    Bull's Strength....... [-] Your cleric or wizard might use this, but not Sor or Bard.
    Cat's Grace........... [B] Sorcerer is agile so this work better on your ranged touch attack (mel's meteor, ball lightning...)
    Deafness.............. [F]
    Death Armor........... [-] Please don't.
    Decastave............. [F] Again, no. If your sorcer engage in melee with a level2 magic weapon, you are dead.
    Eagle's Splendor...... [A+] Higher spell DCs. This is the most used, and 1st choice, 2nd-tier sorcerer spell.
    Gedlee's Electric Loop [D] As emergency last spell it's too weak to do any good.
    Ghoul Touch........... [F] If your sorcer engage in melee with a level2 magic weapon, using melee touch attack, you are dead.
    Horror................ [C] Horror can be used to good effect BUT your wizard or cleric might already have it.
    Invisibility.......... [B] Great with summons and for scouting. But for actual use, Improved invisibility is better. emergency escape button.
    Knock................. [F] For a sorcerer's slot, it's not worth it.
    Luck.................. [B] wizards can cast it on your melee fighters and ranged attackers but does sorc need it? maaaaaaaybe~
    Melf's Acid Arrow..... [B-] You can bet on the chance that it disrupt casters during one of its roundly acid damage. Aqua feat.
    Minor Elemental Barrier [F] If you really want it, you can always drink one of the many potions of this type.
    Mirror Image.......... [A] Nough said
    Power Word: Sleep..... [E] Single target, short duration, weak effect. Emergency last spell if a cannon fodder break through to your caster.
    Protection from Arrows [C+] This was good through Chapter One, but later missile damage are not that frequent. Can choose, or not. Mind you, 20level caster can have protection against +5 arrows which is nothing to sneeze about.  If shooters are more frequent  it would be B.
    See Invisibility...... [C-] Leave it to your wizard or cleric. Even though the Beholder fortress have plenty of them... The range is slightly good, but not worth a slot.
    Snilloc's Snowball Swa [F] Early enemies can resist cold damage of its level.
    Summon Monster II..... [C] Sometimes a good fodder to block enemies is useful, but level 2 tier is too weak to last. Still, emergency.
    Vocalize.............. [F] HoF average party level of 20+ can have enemies casting silence. But, well, do you really want to waste a sorc slot for it? Wizard/Bard
    Web................... [B] HoF enemies can save through it, though some (with Malison help) wont, so you can use it to deny area.
    Blink................. [F] 20% spell fail rate? No thanks.
    ---Level Three Spells---
    Dire Charm............ [B] Like Charm person, but Hold Person seems better because it can hit more than one person. BUT sometimes you need to stop that leaker.
    Dispel Magic.......... [B] might work against that caster in back rank, but shouldnot use on targets mix in with your melee.
    Fireball.............. [A] Nothing like throwing this onto a pile of enemies being greased and entangled. Even with save, half damage is nothing to sneeze at. Flame feat.
    Flame Arrow........... [B+] Boss or that-one-must-be-stopped. You dont normally use it with other AoE spells need casting, but if you do you need it bad. Flame feat.
    Ghost Armor........... [F] Careful check your target AC. Sometimes my wizard's AC lower with this on. Weird.
    Haste................. [A-]
    Hold Person........... [C] Will save-or-die against humanoids, but only hits d4 guys. Emergy last spell on a pack that break through.
    Icelance.............. [F]
    Invisibility Sphere... [A-] Invisibility for the whole party! Very good if you want to enter a stage without getting alarm, like Orc Fortress Courtyard
    Lance of Disruption... [F] A line of damage? Not good enough.
    Lightning Bolt........ [F] Not enough damage for HoF, plus poor AOE.
    Magic Circle Against E [C] Protects your whole party, including summons. Problem is your cleric and wizard can cast it. Does it worth a sorcerer's slot?
    Melf's Minute Meteors. [A-] Potentially 30d4+180 damage, if your sorcerer spends 3 rounds throwing missiles and always hits (which in HOF is a no). Still. Your basic armament until Mordenkainen's Sword.
    Nondetection.......... [-] Nah. Let your wizard cast it.
    Protection from Fire.. [C] You are going to cast it on your melee fighter to defend friendly fires from many AoE spells you throw in the mix. But cleric or wizard?
    Skull Trap............ [C]No damage cap. But no bonus damage either. Your preference. Small radius.
    Slow.................. [B+] AoE hastedebuff enemyonly spell. Nice.
    Stinking Cloud........ [F] No longer work on HoF (+10 level on enemies, with extra saves)
    Summon Monster III.... [F] Sometimes a good fodder to block enemies is useful, but level 3... Still, if you must.
    Vampiric Touch........ [F] If your sorc must engage in melee with a level3 magic weapon, you are screwed.
    ---Level Four Spells---
    Beltyn's Burning Blood [F] Single target, weak effect. Most likely save through due to HoF.
    Blood Rage............ [F] Suicidal. nough said~ If you want its effect, a pre-battle buff will get you similar state without bad.
    Confusion.............[B] Big AOE, unlimited targets, long-lasting.  Nice. But your Dreadmistress of Bane can cast it better.
    Contagion............. [F] Single target, weak effect. Might use on Boss. BUT your wizard or cleric can cast it better.
    Emotion: Despair...... [C] Much much worse than Malison, but useful because it stacks with Malison. Can friendly fire.
    Emotion: Fear......... [C] Confusion is mostly better.
    Emotion: Hope......... [C] Nice spell, but because it lasts so long you only need one character to learn it.
    Emotion: Rage......... [F] Does not do enough. Only lasts 5 rounds.
    Fire Shield (Blue).... [B] A bit situational. Pretty good effect on your melee fighter. Question: does it worth a slot in your sorcerer?
    Fire Shield (Red)..... [B] Same thing. Do sorc need to stand at melee range? NOTE
    Ice Storm............. [F] Meh damage. Cold damage can be saved. Big MEH for 4th tier.
    Improved Invisibility. [B+] Very good, as enemies cant attack your melee fighters or your casters. B because can not heal, or it is A.
    Malison............... [A+] Nice.  Shine at HoF due to enemies' high saves and so very much needed.
    Minor Globe of Invulne [D] The enemy just doesn't seem to attack with dangerous level 1-3 spells.
    Mordenkainen's Force M [F] HOF Enemies will save through and the remain damage just doesnt worth a 4th tier slot.
    Otiluke's Resilient Sp [X] Expelled for cheating. But HOF enemies will make the reflex save so ... nut~
    Protection from Lightn [F] Other than the Dam, not that many enemies deal lightning damage type.
    Remove Curse.......... [F] Curses are delibitating but your party should have a paladin with his free remove curse. Or Cleric.
    Shadow Conjuration.... [A] Excellent at high levels.  Very useful in HoF.
    Shout................. [F] For a 4th tier slot in HOF sorcerer's arsenal, it's pitiful.
    Spider Spawn.......... [F] Even the best spider is a lot worse than Shadow Conjuration. Mind you, in nonHOF 12- level they rocks along Web, as SS still compete against SC.
    Spirit Armor.......... [A] You have enough duration for this to be your armor type spell.
    Stoneskin............. [A+] You only have 8 hit charge. Which mean gone in 2 rounds. Still, every little bit help with HoF high hit ratio. And ironskin can be cast on others. Which help your nonCleric melee frontline.
    Summon Monster IV..... [F] Shadow Conjuration are enough.
    Vitriolic Sphere...... [B] 4th tier AoE spells doesnt grow on tree, so even if the opponent fails several reflex saves (Held), and pitiful damage, still worth a slot. Why? Acid AoE damage. Aqua feat.
    Wall of Fire.......... [C+] Little damage, only lasts 5 rounds.  Use it on a pile of enemies being greased.
    ---Level Five Spells---
    Animate Dead.......... [C] Highest class is zombie lord and Greater boneguard. But does it worth a HoF sorcerer's 5th tier slot  when cleric can cast it at 3rd tier?
    Ball Lightning........ [F] 8 balls of lightning to throw at enemies. Really pitiful damage for a 5th tier spell. And why 8 only and not 19 like Melf minute meteor?
    Chaos................. [A] -5 harder to save against than Confusion.
    Cloudkill............. [B] Use on a pile of enemies being greased and Malisoned. Low damage per round, but last many rounds. Very useful on HoF tough enemies. Aqua feat.
    Cone of Cold.......... [D] Cone area is hard to manage without friendly fire. Cold damage also meh.
    Dismissal............. [B-] Good against enemies' summons, like Duegar fortress's cleric's two giant beetle etc... General Bard has it, otherwise sorc should get it.
    Dominate Person....... [B] -6 harder to save against than Charm Person. ALmost certain will work on that single target leak through but a 5th tier slot?
    Feeblemind............ [F] Compare to Dominate Person. Turn enemy into idiot.
    Greater Shadow Conjura [A] Shadow Conjuration with ever so slightly more HP.
    Hold Monster.......... [B] Another save-or-die against a single target.  Easier to save against than Dominate Person, but can hit non-humanoids.
    Lesser Planar Binding. [F] The elementals requite Prot Evil. ONLY better than Greater Shadow Conj in certain situation like fire/ice-damage-dealing battlefield. No control.
    Lower Resistance...... [C] Never could remember to cast it, even with boss.
    Phantom Blade......... [F] Get a real weapon like Mordenkainen's Sword. Again, if your sorc engage in melee with magic weapon, you are dead.
    Protection from Acid.. [F] Acid almost never hit in big amount. And what cant kill us immediatly can be healed.
    Protection from Electr [F] Never could remember to use it, even if we use wands of lighning like free stuffs.
    Shroud of Flame....... [B] If target get it, it got damage every round, can disrupt casting, can infect others. Useful on backrank casters with too many fighters between which is most of Heart of Fury.
    Summon Monster V...... [F] A lot worse than Greater Shadow Conjuration.
    Summon Shadow......... [F] A heck of a lot worse than Greater Shadow Conjuration.
    Sunfire............... [D] Why? If your sorcerer get surrounded and need to cast it, you are dead anyway.
    ---Level Six Spells---
    Acid Fog.............. [-] For a HoF sorcerer's 6th tier slot, it does not worth it. The slow effect, teh damage...
    Acid Storm............ [B] B if you get Aqua feat, as 15d6 acid AoE is nice, but C+ otherwise.
    Antimagic Field....... [F-] HoF warrior hit hard with pure physical damage so your casters are still hit hard AND you are stripped of auto-counter defense like Fireshield.
    Carrion Summons....... [F] Nowhere near as good as advertised.
    Chain Lightning....... [C+] Would be a D if not bugged. Most of the times 2 hits, rarely 3. The only time more than 3 is a pack of giant monster like driders.
    Circle of Death....... [F] "Creatures over 9 Hit Dice are not affected by the spell."
    Darts of Bone......... [F] Pitiful.
    Disintegrate.......... [F] Another single-target save-or-die, but HoF enemies have very good Fortitude saves.
    Flesh to Stone........ [-] Same as Disintegrate, by the description.
    Globe of Invulnerabili [D] Haven't had much trouble with enemy spellcasters; perhaps if I did this would rate a B.
    Lich Touch............ [F] Ugh no.
    Mass Haste............ [A] Most use.
    Otiluke's Freezing Sph [C] Cold damage. I use it frequently but cold damage. Better to use Chain Lightning. Solo hitter which is good for boss, BUT hof save meaning they make it~ So it's a wash.
    Planar Binding:        [D] Require Prot Evil or suck. Very good meatshield.
    Power Word: Silence... [C] "Duration: 2 rounds" Useful for stopping-that-one-right-now but 2 rounds?
    Shades................ [D] Another slight improvement on Shadow Conjuration.
    Soul Eater............ [F] AoE damage to kill will create 3 hit dice skelleton per dead... For HoF it has too little use. A big NO.
    Stone to Flesh........ [F] I've never been petrified.  Isn't there a cleric spell that can cure it?
    Summon Invisible Stalk [-] Invisible, nice duration.  I need to test it.
    Summon Monster VI..... [F] Not better than Greater Shadow conj.
    Tenser's Transformatio [F]  Only of use if you plan to send your sorcerer into the melee. But Why?
    Trollish Fortitude.... [F] Rare healing spell, but if you need a 6th tier healing spell, you are probabbly dead soon.
    Wyvern Call........... [D] Useful if you plan to send it into the cloudkill area to stall enemies there.
    ---Level Seven Spells---
    Banishment............ [C+] Generally the summoned creatures in the area are mine. And if you think you need it to dispel summon, you are metaing too much. Cleric could memorize it because they can convert to cures, but Sorceress? Still, ambushes are plentiful enough.
    Cacofiend............. [F] Not as good as the shadows you will be getting from 4th-6th level spells.  Not controllable.  Only lasts 15 rounds which is less than summons from caster level 16
    Control Undead........ [-] Looks like an F. Undead are not that frequent. and HOF undeads has terrifying saves. Not likely to work when you need it working
    Delayed Blast Fireball [A] Excellent use. Though you really need to cast fire protection on melee fighters because they are going to get friendly fire.
    Elemental Barrier..... [C] Your cleric should have spare slot for this.
    Finger of Death....... [D] Single target Fortitude save-or-die isn't good enough for a 7th level slot. The boss most likely save.
    Malavon's Rage........ [F] Never tried it but it looks a lot worse than DBF. Kinda like Sunfire but with piercing damage.
    Mass Invisibility..... [D] Bigger radius than Invisibility Sphere, but you don't need a bigger radius. Situationally, sometimes you meet a desperate ambush.
    Mordenkainen's Sword.. [A+] Your sorceress main method to attack from when they can cast it. If you dont know what to cast, cast it and range attack enemies. Be countered by Fireshield.
    Power Word: Stun...... [F] "Creatures with more than 151 hit points are unaffected." Though if you soften the pack with lots of AoE, this could work.
    Prismatic Spray....... [B-] Cone type of spell is situational, though the damage is pretty nice~
    Seven Eyes............ [B] 7 small balls to defend against 7 attacks of various kind.
    Suffocate............. [B] magic damage, Area effect. Good on a pile of greased and entangled enemies.
    Summon Djinni......... [C+] Actually, better than cacofiend or the like because you can control it somewhat, the which is easy to break if enemies start MCEP. Better leave it to Bard though, not Sorc.
    Summon Efreeti........ [C-] Ditto. But in a few maps where fire-dealing summons are advantagous like Fields of Slaughter or undead, they are beneficial. Otherwise their Fireshield cause too much friendly fire. Better leave it to Bard though, not Sorc.
    Summon Monster VII.... [D] Not as good as greater shadow conj. 7th tier has too much use to waste on a summon spell.
    Vipergout............. [F] no thank you. If you plan to use a bunch of them to block the area. Emergency button. Still, no thank you.
    ---Level Eight Spells---
    Fiery Cloud........... [A]  fire damage, area effect. in combined with grease, entangle.
    Flaying............... [B] 30d4 slashing damage to a single target.
    Great Shout........... [-] Cone, sonic damage. Not good enough for a 8th tier.
    Horrid Wilting........ [A-] magic damage. No elemental feat, but not easy to stop either. BIG area effect.
    Iron Body............. [F] Caster becomes nearly useless.
    Mind Blank............ [C] Nice long duration.
    Power Word Blind...... [C] Cast on a pile of melee on frontline. Still, a 8th tier? Useful, but too expensive.
    Summon Fiend.......... [F] Bad for the same reasons as Cacofiend. "Not controllable".
    Summon Monster VIII...[D] 8th tier has too much use to waste on a summon spell.
    Symbol of Death....... [F] Allows a save, only works on monsters with less than 150HP. Not working that often on HoF
    Symbol of Fear........ [D] Symbol of Hopelessness is flat-out better.
    Symbol of Hopelessness [C] good but really, an 8th tier?
    Symbol of Pain........ [F]
    Symbol of Stunning.... [C] Good but 8th tier?.
    ---Level Nine Spells---
    Aegis................. [F] no more healing/buffing while it's active. A big fat no.
    Black Blade of Disaste [F] A sorcerer wielding a magic weapon in melee = dead.
    Executioner's Eyes.... [A] Good to buff on an entire party and summons.
    Gate.................. [C] Most powerful summon (Gelugon), even though it is not controllable.  You're better off using cleric slots.
    Mass Dominate......... [B] Mass save-or-die. Malison a bunch of brutes, change to your side, have them attack the hostiles. It's a great tactical tool, but require a little too much preparation.
    Meteor Swarm.......... [A+] Fire damage. good area effect. Flame feat
    Power Word: Kill...... [F]
    Summon Monster IX..... [D] If you want it, get the cleric to cast it.
    Wail of the Banshee... [C] Mass save-or-die on fortitude save. Which for HoF they most likely make it. The few that die wont justify its 9th slot. Let the bard do it (C+ or B-)
    Summoned demons or elementals are not controllable, so you can only use them as area denials so that's one minus. Any friendly without Prot Evil get attacked, that's two. So those types of spells are at best B-, if not C or worse.
    Cone area of effect is pretty hard to manage. Ideally you got enemies pack into a corridor with one or two melee blocking. The idea is two friendly fires with 4-6 enemies in exchange.
    NOTE: regarding Fireshield spells, they are godly on your melee warriors ESPECIALLY your low AC meatshield which mean a Fighter4Wiz or Fighter4Sorc is possible. The more you get hit, the more they get hurt. As illustrated by Isair in the last battle. Mind you, such build is too fiddly to play but if your taste run that way it's possible.
    Last edited: Mar 28, 2019
  5. Jamesworkshop Gems: 3/31
    Latest gem: Lynx Eye

    May 21, 2018
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    Shield doesn't prevent regular arrows, Divine shell does but that's cleric/paladin only.
  6. SlickRCBD Gems: 29/31
    Latest gem: Glittering Beljuril

    Resourceful Adored Veteran

    May 7, 2005
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    I thought it gave a +4 bonus to AC vs missile attacks.
    Significant at level 1, but in HoF mode it isn't that much anymore. Still useful in achieving that 72AC goal.
  7. Jamesworkshop Gems: 3/31
    Latest gem: Lynx Eye

    May 21, 2018
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    Shield is +7 AC and blocks magic missile spell (thus keeps M.images protected) against regular archers a hit still strips away images or the total hits on iron skins so they (archers) can't be ignored.

    Divine shell makes you immune to missile attacks (including throwing weapons) which includes spells like magic missile or chromatic orb, even force missile which shield can't handle.
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