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Padeen's Adventures

Discussion in 'Creativity Surge' started by Padine the Paladin, Jul 1, 2002.

  1. Shura Gems: 25/31
    Latest gem: Moonbar

    Aug 9, 2000
    Likes Received:
    Use the spell check, padeen.
    type it out in microsoft word first and then use the grammar and spell check. it helps a lot. I use it all the time.
  2. Errol Gems: 23/31
    Latest gem: Black Opal

    Oct 23, 2001
    Likes Received:
    Ah come on, leave the guy alone!
    I for one think it's a great story! Really original and creative.
    Keep it up Padine!
  3. Eze&Sharkie Guest

    I help him, cause he needs that help. And IMO the storyline is kickass, so dont come saying, that i have something against Padine and his story.
  4. Chapter Seven:The discovery.

    Padeen and his party had been traveling for days and every now and then fighting orc's.They had made stop's in many cities and bought newequipment.While they were crossing the valley of lost soul's Padeen noticed that in the horizon therwe was a party of giant's coming their way.Padeen noded to the other's and the party hid behind some rock's.The giant's passed and Padeen heard them talking of some ancient ruin's from the dragon's age to the west.Padeen's heart pounded with exitment.After the giant's had left Padeen told the other's about the ruin's and the party set out.At nightfall the party arrived to the ruin's.The ruin's were large and dusty.
    "Welcome mighty Hybrid dragon.We await you at the altar."Said a voice wich faded into the darkness.
    "Who was that?Why did he tell us to go to the altar?"Said Aeris in a scared voice.
    "I don't know who that was but I am going to the altar."Replied Padeen in an anxious voice.
    The party ventured into the ruin's and eventually found the altar.At the altar there was a single shadow at the far end.
    "Who are you?What do you want me for?"Inquired Padeen in a very exited voice.
    "I am to explain youre power's to you young dragon.You are a thief/mage with the ablitie to fight like a monk.You have been infected by both the aura of a dragon and a god.That is what makes you a Hybrid.You have the abilitie to use the other typs of magic.Light,darkness,white,black,chaos,order and the two most powerful,foriden and forgoten.You will gain magic from them as you progress.Finally I must give you a clue to wich god you are from:"When the blade fall's then so shall justice.....".I wish you luck Hybrid.If you're mind is still cureous then feel free to ask me anything that ails you."The man or creature finished.
    "First of all who are you?Second of all what are you?Finally can you tell me more about the extra magic that I get."Replied Padeen.
    "I am Aeeros, the air avatar,the avatar of knoweledge.I am a creature made of air,you cannot see my true form.The magic that you can get is very powerfull.The six of them light, darkness, chaos,order,white and black are magic involved with healing,deacay and summoning.The othr two forbiden and forgoten are both magic that has been forgoten.The one,fogoten, is a magic so powerful that it eventually becameforbiden to mere mortal's.It is completely unpredictable.The only sure thing is tha it will cause someone harm.Th other,forgoten, has been forgoten by many mages.It revolves around enchantment's and summon's.Be carefull.It can be very harmfull if not used right.Are you satisfied?"Said Aeeros.
    "One more thing ails me Aeeros.Where must I go?"Asked Padeen in a happy and satisfied voice.
    "Go east of here.That is all I can tell you."Replied Aeeros as he vanished into thin air.
    The party left the ruin's and set up camp for it was dark.Padeen was eager to learn more and use these new type's of magic.Morning came and the party set of to the east eager for adventure and knowledge.

    Eze:What does IMO mean?
  5. Errol Gems: 23/31
    Latest gem: Black Opal

    Oct 23, 2001
    Likes Received:
    IMO= In My Opinion. :)
  6. Chapter Eight:The inn of blades.

    Padeen and the other's had been walking for several days now.They had taken Aeeros's directions and had been traveling east.They had encountered many ogres,yeti,orc's,goblin's and even an otyghyou.They had set up camp three tims already and were longong for a bed of a inn.They had been setting up camp for the third time when:
    "Another otyghyou.Padeen can you take it?"Inquired Aeris for she was the most tired of them all.
    "Yes I can kill it"Replied Padeen in a tired and unpleasent voice.
    Padeen drawed his golden long sword yet again and rushed at the beast.It tosed it's arm's around madly and it hit Padeen sending him five meter's back giving it the chance to charge.
    "No you will feel my blade.Arghhhhhhh."Padeen screamed as a black circal appeared around him and his blae flashed of black energy.Inquisitor said that the abilitie was famous in the east were samurais lived.He called it the raganassa,a black move.The creature was now runing at Padeen as he readyed his blade.The creature ran into Padeen as he stabed it in the heart.It screamed as the green blood it had ran down it.Padeen spined around it and stabbed it in the back sending the beast to it's grave.Padeen put his sword back in it's sheet.The party went to sleep and in the morning they woke up to find that some rouges were headind their way.Padeen took his sword and with Inquisitor, they choped their way throught the rogues.The party then continued to head to the east.Eventually they saw a big building in the distance.It had mane pikes swords and other sharp object's stiking out of the wall's.Padeen thought that it was a fortress but as they got to the entrance Padeen read a sing"inn of blades.Adventurer's only.".
    At this Padeen got very happy.He had not seen a inn for one month now.They entered the inn and saw many forgeries insude the wall's.They also saw that the inn was very well guerded by many soldiers.In the far corner they saw a big building wich wrote inn on it.The party entered it and saw many adventurer's from many races.Padeen sat down as the other's took a seperet table.Padeen ordered some beef and beer and it was quikly gone.Padeen asked many question about the foundries and the man replied:"this city was originaly built as an outpost to help any adventurer's that need it.It eventually became the inn of blade's":padeen asked for a room because it was dark and the other's had already gone to bed.
    When adeen woke up he heard noises outside so he got dressed and went outside.The adventurer's were all outside struggling against weird dark beasts.Padeen ran into the battle sliting throat's and backstabbing many of the beast's.After a while Padeen and the other's had cleared out the beast's with the help of the other adventurer's.
    "What were those creaure's?Why did they attack us?"Padeen asked as a tall adventurer replied:
    "They are the minion's of the black wizard who live west of here.He hate's anybody with a good cause so he continuesly send's creatures and other nasties to attack us."Replied the tall adventurer.
    "West eh!Well I think that it's time some one tought him a lesson"Said Padeen as he paid the inn keeper and left.He traveled to the west and when the castle was in the horison Padeen set up camp because he could sence tha the mage and his fortress were very strong and well guarded.Padeen woke up the next morning and prepered for a very hard battle against the evil black wizard.

    [This message has been edited by Padine the Paladin (edited July 09, 2002).]
  7. Errol Gems: 23/31
    Latest gem: Black Opal

    Oct 23, 2001
    Likes Received:
    Hmm... maybe describing the detail of surroundings more?
    Instead you could put for example:
    Just a thought!
    :) Keep it going, post more!
    (This wizard fight could be interesting)
  8. Chapter Nine:The Castle of Demon's.

    As the party neared the castle Padeen heard many demon's crying from inside.He new this cry to be the cry of the "Suicide Demon".It was called this because it took bad event's from people's memory and used them to turn the person to suicide.Padeen was only Six-teen and did not have any major bad memorie's.He was afraid of it using his worsed fear against him.Padeen had removed the fear along time ago but he was afraid that it would come back to life if the Demon's could get to him.He turnd to Inquisitor who oviously new about the demon's and by the way he was staring at the castle Padeen could tell that he was very worried about what was going to happen.Padeen walked up to the tall and gloomy gate's of the castle and with great effort he pulled them open.As the party entered the dark and selly interior of the castle a sell of death came to them.All they could see until the end of the hall were bodies.Limp's littered the floor as many corpeses were stuck on speare's while other's had been chewed at for alot of time.
    "Yuk.What a horrible place"Said Aeris covering her nose so that she couldent smell the horible stensch.
    "I don't know what did this but I want to get out of here before it come's again."Said Padeen as a great scream from some weird creature was heard.
    "RUN LIKE HELL"Shouted Padeen as a gigantic manticor jumped out of the darkeness.
    "What the?Manticor's don't grow that big"Said Padeen as the manticor let out another scream revealing it's huge teeth.
    "The do if you use a little forbiden magic"Replied a voice .
    "You're the black mage aren't you"Asked Padeen as the manticor prepered to pounce.
    "I have dominated the manticor and I am going to kill you right now!"Replied the the mage as the manticor sent the party flying to the exit and locking them all out.Exept Padeen.
    "You're adventure end's here"Roared the manticor.
    "You make it sound so easy"Replied Padeen as he kicked the manticor in the face.He continued to use monk techinueqes until the creature started to bleed seriously.But as Padeen drew his sword the manticor's mighty scorpion tail sweped out of the air and on to Padeen sending him ten feet back.Padeen took his sword and jumped over the manticor stabing it in the neck.The crature let out a roar of pain as it fell.Two demon's sweped out of the air and opened the next door.
    "Let's see what will happen in the next room then"Said Padeen as he already knew that in the next room were the "Suicide Demon's"He put away his sword and enered the next room.He started to hear voices and as he had predicted,the demon's, used his worsed fear against him.The butcher of Elve's.A great half-orc who only cared about killing elves.Padeen drew his sword and attacked the orc.His sword wen't right throught the orc causing it no damage.The orc though hit Padeen with his sword hurting Padeen alot.Padeen then felt it.The same sourge of pain and anger that he had felt the first time.He sprouted wing's and a tail.His muscles grew and his hand's got covered in white energy.Padeen lost all contiousness as the dragnic side of him tok over letting out a blast of pure white energy blasting rubble here and there and kiling all the "Suicide Demons" therefor making the butcher disapear.Padeen then became aware.He was controling him-self.This was the first time that he saw and felt the dracomorth efect's.He has naturaly floating and he had wing's a tail and dragon feet.Two demon's swepted down and said"Continue throught this door to reach the Black mage."Padeen flew throught the door knowing that with control over the draco-morth he did not have to fear anithing.


    [This message has been edited by Padine the Paladin (edited July 13, 2002).]

    [This message has been edited by Padine the Paladin (edited July 13, 2002).]
  9. zaknafein Guest

    OK Pandine, lets see. My first comment on the matter is that This is not a spelling competition! My second comment is Some spelling and grammer would be appreciated. I also know from other experiences with Pandine's posts that he doesn't know how to use a spacebar at the end of a sentence.
    More parragraphs would also be appreciated.
    It is a good story but I'm with Gopher for the add more detail bit. The half orc guy could have and should have been described.

    Now I understand that you are new to writing so don't take what I just said as me been a complete bastard, I would just like to see the story improve to its full potential.
    Last edited by a moderator: Dec 27, 2017
  10. Padeen Dragonblade Gems: 13/31
    Latest gem: Ziose

    May 19, 2002
    Likes Received:
    Sorry for not replying for sooooooooooooooooo long but i was trying to re-write the story but i figured that I have a god story that i should continue.
  11. Eze Gems: 24/31
    Latest gem: Water Opal

    Dec 20, 2001
    Likes Received:
    Padine, dear, you are one of these unfortunate souls, who have unique ideas, the story marvelously in their heads and then you write it...
    Just get a beta. And love him/her.

    I have the same problem.


    Good luck.
  12. Teensabre Gems: 9/31
    Latest gem: Iol

    Jun 10, 2002
    Likes Received:
    I thought it was a really good start! Please Padeen, keep writing and post more!
    :) :cool:
  13. Shadowhunter Gems: 6/31
    Latest gem: Jasper

    Aug 15, 2002
    Likes Received:
    [​IMG] KEEP IT UP!
  14. Padeen Dragonblade Gems: 13/31
    Latest gem: Ziose

    May 19, 2002
    Likes Received:
    [​IMG] I know. I'm now writing the huge battle with Azorius the mighty black mage! Gonna take some time so hang on tim cause Paddy aint said his Last word!
  15. Z-Layrex Gems: 21/31
    Latest gem: Pearl

    Jan 22, 2002
    Likes Received:
    Uh, Padden. going waaaaaaaayyyyyy back to the beginning of your story. Where you say Waterdeep isn't very famous. It's actually one of the biggest citys in the realms, matched only by the likes of Sigil. It even has a whole mountain in just one ward (the castle ward) try doing a bit more research on waterdeep.

    [ September 07, 2002, 22:17: Message edited by: Z-Layrex ]
  16. Padeen Dragonblade Gems: 13/31
    Latest gem: Ziose

    May 19, 2002
    Likes Received:
    Subchapter10:The Dark wizard Azgroth

    Padeen Arose to his feet as a mighty dark figure soared over him with the shape of a dragon."So you have finally come Padeen"
    Said a misty voice as the tall and shady Dark wizard creped out from the darkness. "My name is Azgroth and I am going to let you live for a while longer" Said the Padeen, "Because I want to know if you would be interested in studying under me and not Ellesime" Replied the massive Mage as he walked closer. "Never you evil coward" Answered Padeen as his sword swept from his sheath to the wizards face. "Huh! Is that the best you have? This will be fun" Said the wizard as he arose into the air and into the shadowy and massive roof. "lets see how white magic does against black" Laughed the wizard as a million shadows started appearing around him. "I will prevail for the might of Justice never fails." answered Padeen as the mages laughter echoed through the room. "It never fails but always dies!!!" said the wizard as the shadows cornered Padeen. "If I could only trigger some of the magic of light" thought Padeen as the shadows started their attack jumping one by one onto Padeen. Padeen punched, slised, choped and kicked the horrid creatures as they fell to the ground dying. Padeen though was seriously outnumbered and as he knoked one shadow away another would hit him until Padeen could not bare it and fell to the ground. "Hahahahaha!!! As I said Padeen justice never fails but it always dies" said the wizard as he summoned another legion of shadows! "Father help me please. Wherever you a mortal, dragon or god I beg of you, help me!" said Padeen as a flash of mighty light soared into the room sending the shadows flying back. "I am Tyr god of Justice. I, Padeen, am in a way your father since you are the child of justice. Therefor I shall help you" belowed the mighty god as Padeens head started to ache as information and knowledge went flying through his head. "Thank you Tyr" replied Padeen as Tyr dissapeared. "Nowto put to use what Tyr showed me." said Padeen as his hand started glowing as his sword did too. "MESSANGER OF LIGHT" roered Padeen as he put his sword as high in above his head as he could unleashing a surge of light making thwe shadows cry as they blew up into millions of pieces! "huh! My servents were weak but I am not!" Said the wizard as he soared out of the shadowy cealing and on to the ground. Padeen charged at him but before he managed to get a shot at the wizard the wizard had been covered by protective magic. "Haha. You'll have to be faster than that." laught the wizard as he shot a acid arrow at Padeen caching him of guard and hitting his shoulder! Padeen pulled out the arrow and as he got it out a second one came but Padeen was ready. He grabed the arrow and threw it at the mage. However as it flew at the wizard it dissapeared. "Protection from missiles is very useful nowdays" said the wizard as a lighning bolt shot out of his hands and straight at Padeen. Padeen though was quick and slick this time and he managed to avoid the lighning as many times as it returned. Padeen jumped at the wizard put as he did the wizard sent used a sunfire spell knoking Padeen of his feet and twenty feet backwards. "Damn you" mumbled Padeen. "MESSANGER OF LIGHT" re-peated Padeen as the light send the mage a good twenty feet back and hurting him as badly as the sunfire did. "Impesive" said the wizard as he replied with a cloudkill spell. However Padeen had vanished. "Were are you coward???" asked the wizard as his protections slowly faded. But as he prepared to re-cast them Padeen leaped out of the darkness and gave a mighty blow to the wizard leaving him with one hand! "This does not end here" said the wizard as he used his other hand to make Padeen bang against the walls continouesly with tele/phycho kinesis.
    Padeen fell to the ground as the wizard stopped. The wizard walked towards Padeen who was so badly hurt he could barely move. Or so it seemed for as the wizard got close enough Padeen turned around and stabbed the wizard sending him to his grave. Padeen slowly got up and said "It always appeares that justice has died until it deals a lethal blow....." Said Padeen as Aeris, Cocilius and Inquisitor rushed through the door just intime to cach Padeen who was so badly hurt the he was falling down. Suddenly Padeen closed his eyes and all senses went blank.

    Sorry for all this waiting time and its mot that big but...
    @Z:I'm waiting for the forgoten realms campaing settings book which will giv me many nice fact and stuff on the FR's!
    There might be many mistakes cause I havent been writting for some time so dont be toooooo harsh with me!

    Paddy!!! :D ;) :) :) :) :cool: :D ;)http://www.geocities.com/Tokyo/Temple/9780/ff3midi.html
    Go there and download these supperb midis.(It's not the main page there is more too the sote!)

    [ September 07, 2002, 17:59: Message edited by: Padeen Dragonblade ]
  17. Eze Gems: 24/31
    Latest gem: Water Opal

    Dec 20, 2001
    Likes Received:
    Maybe you could search internet for stuff on Waterdeep, dear. That fact, that you are waiting for the book, is not an excuse. Please post later, but post it right.
    Also, more detail, better grammar are asked from you. And please explain the Padeen mystery.(For I am not enlightened and want to know)
    BTW, I could be your beta. I'm kinda good at grammar.
    *shameless nagging and self-promotion*
    And here concludes this post as I say my words of farewell. Believe, that I am here to guide you, not to crush you.

  18. Padeen Dragonblade Gems: 13/31
    Latest gem: Ziose

    May 19, 2002
    Likes Received:
    The problem is that my brother has locked all the sites accept this one and his also locked the internet so I can only get on when his not here(I know the code). Anyway what the Hel is a beta and Will you be my beta Eze???Oh, what is the Padeen mystery your talking about? The light magic/dragonmorph???

    (Me is wondering something very important!)

    [ September 07, 2002, 18:35: Message edited by: Padeen Dragonblade ]
  19. Eze Gems: 24/31
    Latest gem: Water Opal

    Dec 20, 2001
    Likes Received:
    Check your inbox.
  20. Z-Layrex Gems: 21/31
    Latest gem: Pearl

    Jan 22, 2002
    Likes Received:
    Padeen, i'm going to e-mail you a ton of Waterdeep info i have gathered. It's not very fair on the city of splendours if she dosn't get the look she deserves.

    Arn't i just the nicest the guy in the world? ;) :lol:

    [ September 07, 2002, 22:23: Message edited by: Z-Layrex ]
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