This is Yaga-Shura's camp while he lays siege to Saradush. When you arrive after having made Yaga-Shura vulnerable, you will receive a message that Saradush has fallen.
This is where you arrive.
Here you will see soldiers killing civilians attempting to flee. About here you will also receive a message that you have been identified, and that Yaga-Shura's army is rushing towards you! So hurry on...
Here you will find Yaga-Shura, along with several Soldiers, Mages, and Fire Giants.
Inflict a bit of damage on Yaga-Shura, and he flees ... for now. In the meantime, you can "entertain" yourself with his army.
When Yaga-Shura returns about 30 seconds later, go all-out for him. When he dies, his army scatters, and you are briefly summoned to the Hellish Pocket Plane for a session with the Solar. For killing Yaga-Shura, each party member receives 40,000 XP. For speaking to the Solar, each party member receives another 10,000 XP.
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"I've had this little problem ever since I was a wee gnome. When it gets dark, everybody glows red. Frightens a child something fierce..." -Jan Jansen, Baldur's Gate II