This little cave is the center of a smuggler's operation. It is also where you can meet Saemon Havarian at the end of Chapter 9 if you want his help in getting into Balthazar's Monastery.
Here is the entrance from Amkethran. The first time you enter, you will immediately witness some Monks bullying the smugglers. If you side with the smugglers, you can then buy some of their wares.
After the battle, speak to Carras, and he will offer you a discount. Please note that if you want to buy anything from him, this is the only time his shop will be available. Please click here for shop inventory.
At the end of the chapter, this is where you can meet Saemon Havarian if you want his help getting into Balthazar's Monastery.
Up here is a trapped chest which contains only minor treasure.
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"*JUSTICE sees through my eyes. The EYES of a MERCYKILLER can see the CRACKS of WEAKNESS, the FRAILTIES, the wounds of MERCY upon the HEART. In SEEING, I KNOW the guilty. I KNOW their FEAR.*" -Vhailor, Planescape: Torment